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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I sing this pretty much every day.
  2. I enjoyed the Citadel too, but it is still just an extension of the story. I don't remember it changing the gameplay in any way.
  3. From what I've gathered, you will actually live in space with Chris Roberts. Although it has permadeath.
  4. Dang it, I want to do the poetry contest but I have no need
  5. If you didn't like DA:I, I fail to see why the DLC would even be worth discussing. Heck, I liked the game, but it is super long and I have no urge to revisit it anytime soon.
  6. I didn't choose any font. I needed to turn off my laptop before finishing that long post so I copied it into a text editor. When I finished typing it and pasted it back, that's how it looked like -- and it appears I can't edit the post. Sorry. That's ok, it was early in the morning and I was just being snarky.
  7. Why would DLC change the mechanics?
  8. No, you really don't. If the game is terrible and yet it is still getting talked up by certain 'journalists' then that just shows that those journalists are bad at their job. The only real important thing to know as a consumer is that they are an unreliable news source. All the gossip is just that, gossip. It's the same thing for a journalist that is bought off by a big company. If they are willing to sacrifice their reputation to back a bad product, I don't really need to know more. I mean it probably helps that I don't take anybody who write about video games very serious as a journalist, but still, the gossip stuff makes it hard to take anyone seriously on either side.
  9. It sounds like she should be on Wall Street. *rimshot* But seriously though, is this a Bravo reality show? It is one thing to say the game is terrible, which I'm sure it is, or criticize the amount of press it received. But all the personal stuff is gross and only lessens the one engaging in it.
  10. Here is my impression of Athernal's font choice: Bad En Espanol: Mal
  11. It would have been ok if you hadn't brought JT into it. He's a triple threat, he can do no wrong.
  12. Is Timberlake Canadian? I just looked it up, he's from Memphis. I don't get the connection.
  13. Woldan, the shard sound is coming from inside the house! Run!
  14. Man, I've got a pretty needy bunch of followers. I finished all the side quests except Vivienne, I think. edit: Also, after ignoring Sera and Cole in my first run, they are actually two of the better characters in the game. Sera is better comedic relief than Iron Bull, and Cole actually has a difficult choice to make during his development.
  15. That is going on my classroom wall. Awesome.
  16. 404 people out of 300 million! *Le gasp*
  17. If that is your only example of your differences, you don't have much of a leg to stand on. *tsk* My wife is a former professional dancer. When she manages to drag me out, I sit at the bar making friends while she gets on the dance floor. It isn't really a big deal. She goes home with me. We have a number of differences. In a lot of ways, that keeps the relationship interesting.
  18. I certainly didn't say I want a bigger government that can limit corporate power, GD. It looks to me that both businesses and government are currently getting fat off one another. Why can't we find some candidates that want to limit corporate lobbyists AND work towards fiscal responsibility AND support civil rights? I believe that is the entire premise of Ralph Nader's latest book. https://nader.org/books/unstoppable That list he gives has a number of libertarian principles. There are a number that a disagree with, but the alternative is just moving forward with a broken two-party system where the candidates are all the same. Also he blasts Hillary Clinton, so you should like that about him.
  19. Rand Paul does not seem to be his father. Although it could be he is just pandering to get votes. Which is also something his father wouldn't do.
  20. Might I suggest that then, perhaps, you are listening to the wrong people and news outlets? From an outsider's perspective, it looks like Americans are afraid of even listening to "underdog" candidates, and that's even before some "clever" pundit tags them as communists, radical leftists, or whatever. They couldn't possibly win, so what's the point, right? This is a sort of sad self-fulfilling prophecy. Do you expect the people who implemented and consolidated the attacks on your freedom to reverse the process of their own volition? I was actually a big fan of the Green Party when they had Ralph Nader at the helm. I haven't looked into them much lately. But I appreciate the sentiment of limiting corporate power in the country. I do want to see a third party arise in this country. I think it should be a hardcore moderate party built on compromise are rational solutions. I live in a dream world, obviously.
  21. Volo just wants to give Lebron the MVP award at the beginning of the season. He's the best player, who cares if someone has better stats?
  22. Golden State was a major loser before they got Curry. They don't make the playoffs the last two years without him being healthy and running the team. He made them a contender. Lebron doesn't even play in the best conference.
  23. The press release version has been distributed, so that is likely what it is. The idea is the reviews come out a few days before release to drive sales. This can be important, for example there was a bug that was not allowing a number of reviewers to play. If this happens at release, you get a flood of negative attention fron consumers. However with a smaller group under an nda they can work through it and keep their negative exposure limited.
  24. Do we have a definition of what the gamergate movement is all about yet?
  25. Maybe it is because I dont read a ton of reviews, but I remember bioshock infinite being rather lukewarm in reception. It had way less buzz than the original, for sure.
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