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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Pomegranates are pretty funky looking.
  2. It's really more like "Stay the heck away from Louisiana and Florida!" Yikes.
  3. For me, BF shines when I'm riding with other people in a boat, chopper, or jeep. I haven't seen enough of the vehicles to say if they are going to capture that in Battlefront.
  4. I don't believe so, I think there are some exercises you can do single player but there is no campaign. Honestly it looks exactly like what I would expect Dice to do. It is Battlefield with Star Wars. I have no idea what you guys are down about. Those aren't bad games by any stretch. The Battlefront games were actually pretty lackluster.
  5. I'm not quite sure why you guys are so down on it, looks pretty decent. Although yeah, it does seem like Dice has lost the magic from BF2 and 2142.
  6. Wait... you work for the government now??? --- *mumbles something about if you can't beat them...* GD has basically become Ron Swanson. I think he even told them in the interview that he wasn't qualified for the job and didn't really want it.
  7. I think David Fales will get a chance to start this season. That kid is a winner.
  8. I didn't realize you got married, Malc.
  9. Picked up Renowned Explorers at the recommendation of Keyrock, it is a nice break from all the serious games I have on my docket.
  10. Ok, so Ros wins. Yikes. Glad you've recovered big guy.
  11. What amazes me is how that isn't a top consideration for most voters. In fact it seems like a large percentage of the population wants a candidate that will do everything they can to not work with others well.
  12. The one thing I like about Joe is he actually seems capable of working with his opponents. Unlike Clinton and pretty much the entire Republican field. Actually Chris Christie might be the exception in red, but his campaign has just not moved.
  13. If SJW means Super Jacked Wisdomteeth, then I'm totally there.
  14. This thread? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81260-road-to-the-white-house-2016/page-3 Still, the new title is catchy.
  15. So the whole thing is a publicity stunt huh? That's actually not so far fetched... I actually questioned if he ever really planned on hiring her in the first place. He is making a dance movie, does she have some sort of credentials to help out on that? Maybe she does. Honestly I don't really care, it's a pretty silly story all around. But teh nazis!
  16. It is great publicity and he doesnt have to work with an asshat?
  17. And no obligation not to, which is more weighty. But then again, it was a - ahem - "body positive" movie, heh. Well I'm sure the director is enjoying the opportunity to build a little publicity. She might have a case if she had a contract signed. But really, most jobs requires you to present a certain amount of decorum. It should not be a surprise that she has closed some doors with this bit. As I said, she will probably get a few offers out of it as well. Such is life.
  18. Wow, just wow. So she's getting fired from an unrelated job because she made a vid that made fun of an issue that is increasingly becoming a modern day taboo. This is total bull****. We don't solve problems by stymying discussion about them, and comedians are going to step on people's toes as a matter of course. Poor taste is a tool of the trade. I stand by what I said before, she's not funny. But she certainly doesn't deserve sacking over this. Thoughtcrime is death. Uh, what? People don't have an obligation to employ asshats. That's insane.
  19. That made me laugh in how melodramatic it was. Wonder if these people really shake with outrage, they should probably see a doctor about that if so. It sounds like pretty standard drama geek stuff.
  20. I once read a Star Wars novel set after the original trilogy. They killed Chewbacca, and I threw it in the trash after that. They should kill off major characters though, gets boring when they are in peril and you know they'll survive somehow. I have no problem with book characters getting offed in books, but taking a huge character from the movies and offing him in a pretty average book seems pretty weak.
  21. At first I was like, "that makes sense, consequences for being a douchebag and all." But then I realized we live in an age where Trump is still a legitimate candidate despite his trolling, so she will probably get picked up for some 'comedy' tour and make a bunch of money.
  22. China did a fair amount of exploitation and impoverishing, it was just all within their own borders. Oh, and Tibet. Although Bart is simply referring to the failures of The Great Wall.
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