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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I assume you meant the 1920's for women's suffrage? Hard to imagine we are less than a century removed from that.
  2. This has been playing out in the wings:
  3. I've always struggled to get into Crusader Kings due to the overwhelming options, and I haven't played a EU since the first one. That video makes it sound like Stellaris might have an advantage as far as learning curves and easing into it are concerned, so I'm thinking about getting it as well.
  4. I dont really like labels...what would you classify me as in American terms? I support Clinton and Obama legacy I would classify you as non-American. I certainly wouldn't classify myself as South African anything.
  5. I found this stat to be particularly telling: I've got a lot of different thoughts on this. I would definitely say my history teachers in college leaned heavily towards liberalism, although I never bought into the whole idea that we were being brainwashed. They certainly weren't as aggressive as some of the conservative mouth pieces like Rush LImbaugh with their agendas. As a teacher myself, all I really want is for students to see a wide range of opinions and have the critical thinking skills to process them all. But I'm not teaching at the same level, so it's a very different atmosphere.
  6. Why do you guys keep discussing stuff with Bruce like he's an actual representative of an American liberal?
  7. Ferelden Lives Matter, stop making excuses for the murderous City Guard.
  8. I judge everybody on their eyebrow density. It is foolproof.
  9. Every time I swear off the Battlefield games, they do something that ropes me back in.
  10. They were actually labelled Ferelden Deserters. Which, again, makes little sense. They deserted their homeland to make a suicidal attack on the city guard? Random thugs would have been dumb enough, but that makes even less sense.
  11. I find it was best to not look too closely at any of the plot stuff in DA2. I mean, your first act when you reach Kirkwall is to massacre a bunch of scared refugees. Like, there isn't a choice, they just decide to attack you and the entire city watch because they want inside. These are people that fled the Darkspawn, but they felt like their odds against the entire city watch were better.
  12. That can easily be done in secret though. It sounds like you can do it, but there are complications: https://dnatesting.com/how-to-do-a-paternity-test-without-the-mother-knowing/ PS - The comments and questions are hilarious. People have too much drama.
  13. Well I was told once that babies look more like their fathers when they are born to compensate for such issues, but I'm not sure how scientific that is: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/babies-paternal-resemblance/ Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Asking the person you are supposed to spend a couple decades raising a child with for a paternity test probably isn't a great trust building exercise.
  14. Old people don't like new technology, that's a fact! I would guess the vast majority of politicians are morons when it comes to technology. That really isn't saying much. The vast majority of people I work with are morons when it comes to technology as well. Were Blackberries even still popular back when this happened?
  15. Geez, can you move the goal posts any further? So If I list a whole list of SJW games released in 2016 not related to BG, that somehow proves my point? Not that I would do that because it's irrelevant to BG. Just like all the games you listed aren't relevant to BG. Yeah, that would be great. Please make a list. Try not to fill it with $2.99 budget titles made with RPGMaker. That would be silly. I was also not responding to you, but rather to Volourn, so I'm not sure what you are in a huff about.
  16. I'm not entirely convinced Hilary is an expert on email servers. I would hope she would have technical people for those types of things.
  17. Speaking of TV and movies, they have been using focus groups and advance screening to edit out stuff forever. Is that all part of an SJW agenda?
  18. Does anyone believe they got rid of the cards because of SJW pressure? That is stupid, the new games are even more graphic. They replaced the cards with actual scenes.
  19. Bioware and Beamdog would seem to be where your list ends. Try to find another developer. It is even harder to find one in Bioware's weight class. Then look at the games that Bioware makes. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and TOR. Only one of those franchises is clearly pushing this "SJW Nazi agenda" that has you worked up over.
  20. I guess I should clarify: What unreasonable demands of the "SJW community" have developers given into? Clearly developers are going to look at appealing to a diverse crowd, that is simply about broadening your appeal and market base. But the vast majority of games are still about some guy killing stuff. Top Games of 2016 according to google: Uncharted 4 The Division Doom Dark Souls III No Mans Sky Horizon Zero Dawn Final Fantasy XV Deus Ex Mirror's Edge Hitman Far Cry: Primal The list goes on and on. Which one of those games are trying to shove an SJW agenda down the player's throat? People make such a big deal about this stuff. I think we have better windmills to tilt at, like DLC and the lack of new IP's (which I think actually looks less of an issue this year.)
  21. We've done that already here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63035-family-issues/?hl=%2Bfamily+%2Bissues
  22. Well the KKK also claims to not be racist, so... What the heck are you talking about? Who claimed anything of this sort?
  23. You also live in a place where "ethnic" violent crime is unusual. Where you live most crime has an economic motive. It's a little bit of a different story when a insular ethnic group begins comitting violent crimes and the police are ordered to back off and let it happen. The order is not in those many words but the outcome is the same. The problem here is that when criminal behavior is not punished and steps are not taken to prevent it from law enforcement which is supposed to be dispassionate it will be done by the "people" who cannot be dispassionate. Then the ugly things like blaming all immigrants for the crimes of a few start to happen. I haven't looked into it much, but are these Sons of Odin types really even forming in communities that have a lot of immigrants or Muslims? I mean, neo-nazi groups tend to form in places that are predominantly white and poor.
  24. Yeah, but what are your examples of games that push an 'sjw agenda'? This Baldur's Gate game is a niche product, built on the bones of an archaic engine. It barely registers on the landscape of gaming. You might be able to argue that Bioware is all about the sjw agenda, but really it is just the Dragon Age franchise, and it has been like that since the beginning, and it is still filled with violence and sex (just not the kind you might want.) I just don't see evidence that game developers are caving into some sort of SJW agenda. Sure, there are annoying people vocalizing weird complaints on the twitterverse, but that is easy enough to ignore if you just play games and stay away from the silly media.
  25. So...we do realize that game developers aren't exactly buying into the whole political correctness movement, right? The Witcher 3 didn't exactly sacrifice all the boob action from the first game, and it sold extremely well. You still get to kill all sorts of different types of people in shooters, etc.
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