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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You guys sound like the spokespeople of the Black Lives Matter movement.
  2. Condolences, TN. Best wishes for your niece.
  3. Tolbert is my favorite radio guy. He's got a great show in the afternoons.
  4. Unless you are a crack shot, DPS is a better choice.
  5. Thanks guys, some of these sound like great reads.
  6. Please, tell us about Vonnegut and Steinbeck next.
  7. I'm going to Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota this summer, so I'm looking for some good books about the history of the area. I've watched Deadwood, of course, and we are staying a couple nights in that town. We are also staying in Custer, so I might be interested in a good book on him.
  8. Some bad language, although I'm guessing most have seen it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7FawbAJpoQ
  9. No, the game is about finding cell phones in the snow and piecing together the tapestry of these people's lives as the world crumbled around them. Leveling and loot is a waste of time.
  10. I can relate to this whole 'back in the day' stuff somewhat. I was experiencing that reminiscence a year or two ago, and I was attributing it to the influx of new people from PoE, the GG thread and how it seemed to bleed into everything else, etc. But the reality is everything changes, and if you can't hang with those changes then it is probably time to move on. Just because the forum doesn't meet your needs the way it once did (or the way a previous version did) does not mean it is all bad. Everything changes.
  11. I probably need to start studying up on 3rd party folks, but it is pretty early.
  12. If it makes you feel better Bart, Volo gets under my skin pretty regularly. We all have our kryptonite.
  13. You lost the point with what I was making with the goblin? Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about. I apologize for not getting your point, I guess? This has been a pretty weird conversation.
  14. It is an insanely tough job, it has never sat well with me when people try to paint it in a different light. You can be critical of a person's decisions and policies while still respecting the office and sacrifice it calls for. I consider it unpatriotic to do otherwise.
  15. I'm with Gromnir, I seem to have lost the point Hiro is trying to make about the goblin. Sure, but not for anything that has to do with racism. So disregarding racism, why is it out of place? I haven't even played the game, so I can't really speak with authority, but it sounded like it would be annoying to hear that joke every time I clicked on the goblin. But both you and Gromnir have given loads of examples that make it pretty clear that this is standard stuff in the BG games.
  16. So would you agree it's out of place? Sure, but not for anything that has to do with racism.
  17. Did you even read what I wrote? The other companions break the 4th wall because you're using the mouse. Another example is Minsc saying, "you point, I punch". How does racism and goblins looking the same equate to you using a computer mouse? You come across as arguing for arguments sake. I didn't say it was a great place to use the joke, I just said it is a pretty standard joke line. The original conversation about this goblin made it sound like he was pushing some political agenda. In reality he is just making a joke, even if it falls flat.
  18. I need to pick out a new keg. I am thinking something local, but I might order from bevmo if I can get something good.
  19. I can see where it would get old, but that is hardly a commentary on racism. It is a pretty standard joke.
  20. The greatest thing to happen to SNL is the fact we can watch clips on hulu now instead of watching the whole show. It is much easier watching a few minutes here and there and skipping the ones that look bad.
  21. Bring back Rob Schneider and I will watch.
  22. I'd wager when "freedom" means "free to lose your job at any time, become homeless, and die of an easily curable illness because you didn't have health insurance", dem chains start to look pretty appealing, if they're attached to free stuff. In 1994 I was in the US Marines. I got out and found another job. Later in 1994 I was a paid staffer for Don "Big Daddy" Garlits during his run for Congress. He lost, I was laid off (obviously). I borrowed money from my parents and started a business. In 1996 I ran for political office, that didn't work. I lost my whole life savings on that mistake and my business failed because of that. I found another job and went to school at night and finished my degree. In 2002 I got a job with AT&T as an RF Design Engineer. In 2009 I was "downsized". I found another job. In 2011 after carefully managing and investing my money I left that job and started a new business with five other partners. It was a success. In 2015 we sold that business and I became a contractor for the company, Last year my contract was not renewed and I was let go from the company I helped start. But you know what? I found another job. The point I'm trying to make is everyone is going to have setbacks in life. They will only destroy you if you allow them to. If you lose your job, find another one. If no one is hiring in what you do nearby then look elsewhere or do something else. My who career has been shaped by one disappointment after another. I didn't let any of that keep me down and I have little sympathy for anyone who does. And I have 0 respect for the people screaming to be handed free stuff, paid for by the folks who actually go out and work their asses off everyday. Every dollar someone receives without working for someone else worked for without receiving. I totally agree with you on the job front, but the health insurance stuff sticks in my craw, because since you got out of the Marines in '94 health care premiums have outpaced inflation and have lapped the increase of the average salary many times over. It's a terrible system that needs to change.
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