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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I am not sure they are following Robert's Rules of Order there.
  2. A couple years ago the term SJW started to become a popular label, and I remember asking what makes an SJW. I tried to go back and find that thread, but there seems to be hundreds of threads that have talked about SJW's since then. I mean, there was this thread, but it didn't seem to really answer any questions, just show zany stuff on the interwebs. Plus, labels tend to change over time, so I am curious if the definition has changed in the current climate. So what is a Social Justice Warrior? What actions would you need to take to earn such a label? Have they affected this forum? Obsidian Entertainment? Do you see them as a problem? What is the solution?
  3. Some would settle for being allowed to take a bathroom break. Golden age, no doubt. But for whom? That's terrible! Thank you for sharing, I signed a petition on change.org over conditions in Arkansas for that.
  4. I tend to feel the impetus is on the poster to make sure they are understood. Also: This is morose. Whether it is true or not, that's pretty much a textbook definition for what you've written.
  5. Did you feel that answered my question? I mean, it was an interesting post from a slightly morose and somewhat haughty perspective, and it wrapped up nicely with some good music. But I don't believe it did anything to answer the question.
  6. Extremely thankful. Hence the chipper outlook and sunny disposition.
  7. We live in a time where we are all free to gather online and complain, and it is glorious.
  8. Can you point to a time in western civilization where things were better?
  9. Kind of like how posters here are always droning on about SJW's despite the fact no one here really seems to be one.
  10. If it makes you feel better, I left my son's iPad on the roof of the car yesterday, and it shattered into a million pieces. So my life isn't perfect. *shrug* In regards to Fort McMurray, how amazing is it that they were able to evacuate everyone? You can always rebuild homes, and they will, but what a job by everyone in this disaster. We nearly had to evacuate a number of years back for a wildfire that burned 50,000 acres in the hills behind us, and I remember how chaotic it was. We lost firefighters in that one. It's shocking that the only people that have lost their lives in Canada have been from an auto accident, hopefully that is the full count.
  11. I am checking my books, but I can't seem to find anything about feminism, language, and welfare causing the collapse of the Roman Empire. We live in a Golden Age, don't you ever take any time to enjoy it?
  12. Not according to Firaxis: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-06-firaxis-xcom-is-a-very-very-big-budget-game It might be slimmed down now though, with the sequel only being on the PC.
  13. The day that the members of this forum start sinking to the same levels as these politicians is the day this forum dies.
  14. That would actually make more sense for the whole animus storyline in the games, since you are at a parkour expert at certain times despite spending a ton of time sitting in a chair.
  15. I don't see how Hillary comes across as nice on TV. Quite the opposite.
  16. I'm still reeling over Volo posting a video. This is unprecedented!
  17. I imagine it is really not up to them. If a bigger publisher wants to hire them to do a big title, I am sure they will jump at it. As is, working with Paradox is still a pretty good gig. PoE probably needed to do a few million in sales to give Obsidian more control over their destiny. Still they seem to be in better shape than they were before PoE.
  18. You guys are way to too nice about the trailer music. It made want to go DEUS VULT on the guy who made that decision. As for the trailer without sound, meh, ok i guess. In this economy? Ok, I'll stop now.
  19. But at what cost? Is this why fate brought us together? So...it has come to this. As the prophecy foretold.
  20. Xcom would be a good example, both isometric and turn based, but still pretty firmly in the AAA category. As would Diablo III.
  21. But at what cost? Is this why fate brought us together?
  22. I first started to follow hockey about a season before the Sharks hit the ice. It had been announced that San Jose was getting a franchise, so all my friends and I started to pay attention to the league; we went and bought sticks to play in our driveways and we started playing Blades of Steel on our NES. The first team I got into was the Blues, with Brett Hull and eventually Brenden Shanahan. They were just the most exciting line to watch in hockey. My first jersey was a Blues one. So this is going to be an interesting series to watch for me. I'm a Sharks fan first, but I still look at the Blues with a fair amount of pride.
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