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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You can avoid dry chicken by brining it. Put it in some salty water for an hour or two, add rosemary to really keep it moist and flavorful. It will not take away from the bbq flavor either.
  2. We are in the rv for the weekend, just outside of Yosemite. Yesterday was a pretty crazy drive into the park. We spent about an hour covering the last 5 miles to the ranger station. A friend was driving, and at one point my son and I even got out, went pee, and jumped back in as the car slowly moved forward. The valley was packed but beautiful as always. We had lunch under El Capitan and explored a bit. I need to bring the family back again when it is less busy, but all the falls are flowing and the Merced is filled.
  3. I have said it before, Iguodala is behind Curry and Green as the most important part of this Warriors team. Usually it is because he leads that bench, but last night it was because nobody can defend the best players in the league like he does.
  4. And yet it is has the best foundation.
  5. I hope you don't mean here in this forum. No one that has responded to you seems to be all that close to fans, they've just been pointing out the flaws in your argument. Also in regards to the OT. This really is only newsworthy if the movie turned out to be good.
  6. That's what I mean. You've got people getting paid very little to do mindless tasks. Let the mindless tasks be handled by robots and hopefully you'll see the people engaging in actual customer service.
  7. I don't think I've ever seen one outside of New Jersey They have them in Oregon too. And the few times I've been up that way, I've always been surprised at how good they are at the customer service aspect. Again, that is something that robots can't really replicate.
  8. It just seems weird to me that the rationale behind keeping the minimum wage lower is that these jobs are really obsolete. Why are we stifling progress?
  9. Yeah, but that robot is still going to require regular maintenance and upgrades. It also probably isn't really equipped to handle the customer service aspects. You can probably argue that the average McDonalds isn't equipped for that either, but if their job is no longer about flipping fries, then you would expect them to be able to focus more on the human element.
  10. I read that earlier, it made me laugh. If McDonalds can save money by automating their restaurants, by all means they should do it. It will create a massive boom in robotics jobs. None of this excuses a business from paying a livable wage, particularly one as profitable as McDonalds.
  11. I'm in a bit of shock. I need to figure out a way to get tickets.
  12. Yeah, that's the part that makes my radar flicker. Its very convenient in todays day and age to squeal like a pig with cries of discrimination every time you don't get what you want. It cant just be that she sucks, it MUST be because shes transgender. Well that's why we have a legal system where lawyers present evidence and a judge makes a decision on the merits of the person's claim.
  13. I've played a fair amount of TF2 and I can't tell you anything about the characters or the world. I don't think comparing the writing of TF2 and Overwatch is a worthwhile endeavor.
  14. I'm not sure I've ever seen Blizzard lauded for their great writing. They tend to nail the gameplay down, polish the heck out of it, and appeal to a wide audience. That's their formula, it may be simple, but it has made them arguably the most successful studio around. They also seem unwilling to release anything that doesn't meet a certain criteria of fun, even after years of development, and that is a good way to endear themselves to their fans. I wish we had more studios that follow the Blizzard model. (despite me not really enjoying Starcraft or Diablo.)
  15. I am really hoping this becomes widespread within the next decade. I do not think I can handle 20 more years of my commute.
  16. Heh, the Angry Birds anti-immigration breakdown was pretty well done. This one is more far-fetched.
  17. I'd say Cosby had a much better reputation than Clinton before the accusations. Bill Cosby was America's Dad. Any President is going to be a somewhat divisive figure, particularly in the current climate. Also I'm not sure how you argue Hillary is in the shadows.
  18. Also, I've always viewed the Clintons as a political marriage. They stay together because it is best for their careers. That isn't a new concept. The Cosby's don't have that going for them. You can argue that Cosby's wife stayed through this because of his reputation, but it is still a very different scenario.
  19. Let's be fair, if the only person accusing Cosby was Janice Dickinson, this would be tabloid fodder and everyone would ignore it. The reason Cosby has fallen so quickly is because there is a long list of women coming forward and accusing him, and they all tell the same disturbing MO. The case still needs to be tried with evidence weighed, but it looks very bad. Clinton has a long list of affairs, but only one has accused him of rape. If you want to compare him to Cosby, I think you need more than that. He may be a scumbag, but there does not seem to be a history of assault on women. My first instinct to to believe Juanita Broadrick and throw the book at Clinton, but I do find it troubling that such a serial philanderer does not have more accusations. As Ganrich pointed out, it is a different case with the wives. Both seem to be willing to endure some pretty tough circumstances. However there seems to be evidence that Cosby's wife was not only aware of assault, but may have helped cover it up (and enabled it to continue.) That's a huge distinction as well.
  20. There is a pretty big line between adultery and assault.
  21. There are 5 reviews so far, so I wouldn't exactly call it a slaughter...yet. But honestly I don't think you need (or expect) a bunch of rave reviews to make this worth watching. If it is an entertaining adventure that pays tribute to a pretty geeky property, it will make audiences happy. Angry Birds is the bigger surprise. Might be the most successful video game movie ever. Edit: I read the Variety review. The writer makes a big deal about the fact that WoW has declined from 10 million subs to 5 million subs, as if that is a knock on the property. It's a 10 year old game with 5 million subs, that is basically the most successful game lifespan ever. It was hard to take them seriously after that. I can see the movie sucking, or being too niche, but lets not lead with a dumb argument about the game's success.
  22. I wonder how this affects the legacy of the Warriors? They established a new win record in the regular season, but now they may not even make the finals. I think it is mitigated a bit by the fact they won last year and Curry is clearly not healthy, but it still is going to add an asterisk to that regular season.
  23. I used to post as God on occasion, but I am too lazy nowadays.
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