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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. One of my buddies just had a baby, and I've got first dibs on his ticket for game 6 tonight if he decides not to go. Fingers super crossed.
  2. I'd agree with the lack of roleplaying though. I didn't like the character and had very little options to be a different person in FO4.
  3. Heh, well you know I side with you on having a more fiscally conservative government.
  4. I am paying more than that by a good deal. But it isn't about the 'rich' not paying their fair share, it's about the fact you cannot grow any wealth below a certain income level, while those at the top are able to grow their wealth extremely fast.
  5. That's the exact opposite of what should be done. In 2008 and 2012 voting for Gary Johnson would be a great idea. Neither John McCain or Romney are better than Obama (I'd argue that McCain is actually worse). Can't imagine why you thought these clowns were lesser evils. This time is different however, Hillary is worse than Obama and Trump while VERY flawed is far better than McCain or Romney. Not to mention that supreme court justices will be getting picked this time around. The kind of judges Hillary would appoint are MUCH worse than the kind we would get with Trump. All your libertarian party shilling will get us is president Hillary, and you're delusional if you don't think that's a hell of a lot worse than president Trump. You can reverse all the names in this and you have the exact same argument. This is also the sad logic that gets us stuck in a two party rut.
  6. Gary Johnson is more than likely my candidate, and I even have my wife looking at him, since she cannot stomach Trump as a Republican. I think after the conventions we need to really push his name out there so people stop the stupid "I hate one candidate but I hate the other more, so I will vote for the lesser of two evils." Sure he may have no real chance, but he can shift the paradigm a bit.
  7. Pretty exciting they managed to bring the series back to San Jose. Now I just hope they can force a game 7.
  8. The official tweeter of the NFL?
  9. I just love the character progression and story of BG. You start as little more than a child, there is a tangible sense of fear as you set out in the world, and the climb to the top is perfectly paced. Dang it, now I want to play.
  10. I got Dump: But World. So basically Mass Effect 2.
  11. I agree, this should have been the Republican's year if they went for anyone close to being reasonable. Mitt Romney could probably pull this off. Rand Paul probably was the best of the lot.
  12. And how awesome we all are. My usual "ooh, I should install and play it again" is FEAR, though. Used to be the original XCOM and JA2 for me. The new XCOM has scratched the itch pretty well, and I'm buried in turn based tactical games (although still no JA2.)
  13. I think it is a bigger deal now because Clinton already lost to a somewhat unknown young senator when she was the bigger name in 2008. The fact that she was challenged again by a relatively unknown (albeit with a much longer history) makes for some heavy drama. It also makes her general election bid seem much more shaky.
  14. I'd argue PG&E is much more dangerous to my home and health than my local government. I have much more of a say in the local government.
  15. I guess it is a bit on topic, since my wife can pretty much whoop my butt when it comes to the majority of yoga poses. The only ones I have an advantage on are the upper body strength poses, which are few and far between. I rotate through a few different youtube instructors to mix up routines, and the majority of them are women, and they all kick my butt.
  16. They are almost making it sound like Bernie will go 3rd party. That would be crazy. Clinton clearly has the edge over Trump, but that would shake it up tremendously. It would definitely add to the circus element we've got going.
  17. I attended a free karate lesson once when I was about 9 years old, and I do some yoga. I also used to be able to shoot my kids nerf bow and arrow really far, but the dog ate all the arrows so I am out of practice.
  18. Wonder if they'll eventually form a guild or some other worker's association. Well I know EA had to undergo some pretty massive changes to overhaul their image after getting lambasted for similar stuff. You would think that attracting good talent would become more difficult, and the industry would correct itself. Of course, Rockstar doesn't seem too concerned about the flak they've received, so who knows? Lionhead would seem to be a prime example of how to kill a studio.
  19. http://www.polygon.com/2016/6/1/11820966/fable-crunch-microsoft Good breakdown of how crazy it can be to develop a video game.
  20. I typically am not, but Blizzard has a well deserved reputation for delivering a fun experience that is easy to take in casually.
  21. It was nice to see Draymond Green get it going. He looked like he might be getting a bit worn down in the last 5 games or so, which would make sense given the long season and his style of play. But he turned it on offensively last night.
  22. What level are you guys at on Overwatch? I'm only level 6, and I find the level of competition pretty easy. I imagine it will get crazy the higher I go. In fact I'm pretty nervous about it, I am a sore loser.
  23. Ok, that's some good reflection. Now what about the Amazons?
  24. Risen 1 was one of my favorite game ever, so I certainly hope they can pull it off. Kind of seems like they couldn't make up their mind what genre to make a game in though.
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