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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Have you not paid attention to movie budgets before? It was more of setup question that I used to poke fun of the bad acting and set design. The whole quote being:
  2. In a typical election, sure, but so far this has not been a typical election. Trump is not predictable. Clinton is plagued by questions. The status quo is already out the window, so why keep pushing people to vote along party lines?
  3. That's really not good news. We REALLY need to prevent Hillary from being president. She's actually worse than Obama. This is the last thing we need. Why do you assume Gary Johnson is only pulling votes away from Trump? I mean, Trump has massive unfavorable numbers, but Clinton isn't exactly appealing to all democrats either. Having a visible and viable 3rd party candidate is going to create waves for both candidates.
  4. ESO is the best Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall. Now that they've got thievery and the Dark Brotherhood, it's solid gold. They also have been on the consoles for less than a year, so they are still trying to build up that audience.
  5. The title of this thread totally had me thinking this was a Bioware title. But realizing that it is being developed by Sony, I see no reason to expect it on the PC.
  6. So looking at the numbers, Warcraft cost 160 million to make (wth) and is going to get nowhere near that domestically, but make a ton in China and turn a profit. How did they spend that much money? The actors clearly weren't getting much of that, the only big name was Glenn Close, and she had a small cameo. Some fo the sets looked like they were out of a ren faire. I assume it was all special effects, yikes. Would a sequel still cost that much to make?
  7. I like some of those ideas. My best experiences in the ballpark are often not in the seats. Sitting on the grass at the Memphis Redbirds game was fantastic, and having the kids run around the bases at the mini-field they set up behind the bleachers at the Giants games is great.
  8. Looks like something you would hide in your cleavage.
  9. I saw it and enjoyed it. I wouldn't say it was a good movie, but it had enough entertaining parts to make it worth the price of admission. Kind of a weird drop between the acting abilities of some of the people, namely Khadgar, the King, and Lothar's son were all extremely forgettable. The guy from Vikings really carried it, and the orcs as a whole were well done. It was also a pretty convoluted story. I played a lot of WoW and the original RTS games, and I still felt pretty lost at times. I think they needed to slow down the story quite a bit to make it close to good. LotR kind of nailed that part of the fantasy epic, whereas this jumped around a ton. Not that I think they needed to make it longer, or have less action. Quite the contrary, I thought they could have spent more time on the action scenes they had and not tried to tell such a long story. If they had just told the story of the orcs going through the gate and stopped there it could have been a solid 90 minutes.
  10. You are comparing the modern version of Christian salvation to the extremist version of the lesser Jihad in Islam.
  11. Xcom 2 does do a few things to: 1. Force you to move fast and abandon the overwatch crawl. 2. Give you some new abilities to make it interesting and give you a shot at survival.
  12. It was going to be pretty weird to win without Green on the floor, to be honest. I'm guessing Kyrie won't be able to sustain that type of shooting for the next two games, as well.
  13. Heh, I was oddly compelled to grind through Dead State, but Age of Decadence always loses me about an hour in.
  14. Wow, I just watched this. This was just a little over a week ago. The part where is says the FBI can identify people to put on the no fly list, but they can't stop them from going into a store and buying unlimited armaments.
  15. I picked up Dark Souls 1 for $5 yesterday. I've never tried it, so I'm a bit nervous. I also picked up Dirt 3, which was kinda cool for a bit, but I think I like Grid better.
  16. Kessel was a better choice for the Conn Smythe. I would have even understood Letang, or one of those guys who was blocking shots all series long. Crosby deserved consideration, but it seemed more about him being the face of the NHL than the actual stats.
  17. Are you trying to imply that the best way to address the inequality of wealth is to get more US citizens out in the fields picking vegetables? Because that would be ridiculous.
  18. Well I said nothing about a crusade, I called for teaching tolerance. People freaked out about my rather short statement, but I think I'll go all in anyways. Everyone is quick to jump on the ISIS bandwagon on this, but this guy didn't target Americans in general or make a political statement, he went after a gay nightclub. This is an attack on the LGBT community by a religious nutjob. Just because he is Muslim, instead of Christian, doesn't mean you just ignore the role religion played in this attack. Honestly I'm probably not doing a good job explaining myself, but I think this article does a better job expressing what I'm trying to get across: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/orlando.shooting.why.christians.must.not.stay.quiet/88192.htm
  19. Is this an MMO? It sounds like one.
  20. I think the number one issue here is teaching tolerance. We have a huge religious right the preaches against homosexuality, gay marriage, and morality. If anyone should be called out over this, it is them. They sow hatred.
  21. That sounds pretty realistic. Highway 1 is precarious and has frequent washouts.
  22. When I drive across the country in the RV this summer, I am going to think about Keyrock driving the same roads virtually.
  23. I got pretty addicted to it, but it took a couple attempts. What helped me was looking at the list of characters available to recruit (save) and then just focusing on finding as many as possible. That was obviously a bit spoilerish, but it kept me interested until the end. Also that biker gang was a bunch of jerks.
  24. I don't think congress will give up their paychecks.
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