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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That does sound odd, bit I will give it a try the next time I have soda around. Artificial sweeteners make everything taste vile.
  2. Well then stay away from movies, those hollywood types have all sorts of stupid ideologies bouncing around in their heads.
  3. Well, female fighting characters (either ones you fight as, with, or against) are certainly treated the same as male fighting characters in D&D - at least, I think so. Fighting characters are not the only type of characters in D&D, though, and on a wider overview, I don't think you could really consider that principle to stand up to any great degree... Yup. You're character is created, not randomly sampled, so she doesn't need to represent a typical member of society. You can play a Nikki Fuller-type character if you want. Revan is stating that in the typical fantasy universe, females are weaker than males. I don't see any evidence of that in D&D, at least that I've seen.
  4. I'm curious if Disney does the same. I'd imagine they do.
  5. Ah, but then we would miss out on all the great authors who got their start as disillusioned soldiers.
  6. I hate that feminist and SJW have made me think that any exposure to black and female characters is far leftist propaganda. Even should it be a heartfelt and honest action....that said she is both female and black and later we will probably learn that she's also disable or some such. Someone should really come up with a SJW checklist for character traits. I am sorry that you are so impressionable. You could just play games for fun and not worry about SJW or anti-SJW BS.
  7. Again, do we know for sure that is the case in Tyranny's world? Is there even one game, movie or book where it is not such a case? Can you name some examples? Nothing about it in Middle Earth, D&D or even Hyboria. As I already said, the whole Amazonian myth dates back to Greek Mythology.
  8. You skipped the draft and the racial stuff. I'm the first to admit we need some economic overhaul moving forward. I'm part of the shrinking middle class. I can't buy a home. These things suck. Yet we still aren't close to the Great Depression. We aren't fighting World Wars, we aren't moments away from a Nuclear Holocaust, in fact we are much safer in a dozen different ways. Cheer the heck up, you are going to be fine.
  9. Yeah, and you don't have to worry about being drafted, you get to go to college regardless of your parents education, and you get to live tweet the entire thing to the world. Aren't you even in a biracial relationship? How easy do you think that was 50 years ago? edit: You can legally smoke pot in a growing amount of states! Alcohol was illegal less than a century ago.
  10. Idris Elba sounded like a great pick. Tom Hardy would have been interesting. Best thing I can say about this pick is he seems like a bit of a blank slate, so with good directing it might turn into something. Although I'm also worried it will be a cheap imitation of the kid who was the lead in The Kingsman.
  11. I feel like we had the 'back in the day things were better' conversation rather recently, so I don't think we need a retread yet. That's racist.
  12. Armies filled with woman have been a theme in fantasy going all the way back to Ancient Greece. This isn't a new concept. Your concerns with credibility and realism are woefully misplaced, and seem entirely based on subjective criteria.
  13. Oh, the first one was just to highlight that he had nothing to say. The second one however was divisive because he resorted to play oppression olympics as retort for reverse discrimination. Ah, ok. I would actually agree with your second assessment, the president does not need to get involved in tit for tat arguments. The goal should be to help everyone, regardless of race.
  14. So...assuming the stutter is real, what exactly is divisive about the words he is trying to say?
  15. The first clip is clearly edited. The second one is just a listing of facts. It's still a pretty great time to be born white. It's also a much better time to be born black than it used to be in the US. It's not really a competition though. edit: The comments on those videos are super depressing.
  16. How far do you want to take this "realistic" gender depiction? Do women get a plus to charisma and endurance? Maybe change dialogue options based on their menstrual cycle? The vast majority of fantasy worlds rely on a very simple means of differentiating abilities. Humans are jack of all trades, dwarves are hardy, elves are wise, and orcs are strong. There is no reason to muddy the waters with your gender concerns.
  17. Uh...it's a fantasy world with magic. You can believe that people shoot fire out of their fingers, but it is retarded for women to have the same stats as men?
  18. Only for the cycle to return the next election. At this point a strong(over 10% of the national vote) showing for a candidate would just lead to blaming said candidate for spoiling it for whichever Big 2 candidate lost. Johnson will be no different, Republicans will blame him for Trump losing and next election the Libertarian candidate won't break single digits in the hypothetical situation where he grabs more than %10 of the vote. It's enough show a pattern. We've had the Big2 parties dominate presidential and congressional politics for over a century. It's not going anywhere and the choice between one Goldman Sachs employee and another isn't much of a choice. This seems like such a pessimistic view of the future. We live in a different time. Most of these 3rd party candidates that challenged in the past didn't have the tools available to candidates today. Social media and the constant news cycle have changed a heck of a lot of things in the last decade, why can't they change the two party system? Just upping the voter turnout could cause a major shift in the political climate. Both Bernie and Trump are examples of this. They've defied polls and done unprecedented things all campaign long. Why can't something as surprising happen in the general election?
  19. You don't need to flood the ballot with parties, you need one strong candidate to disrupt the cycle. You saw it with Perot, Wallace, Thurmond, Teddy Roosevelt... Honestly it is also a small sample size. This is only the 58th election. The idea that we are permanently locked into red and blue states is short sighted. Also voting most definitely matters. This isn't Russia.
  20. As it stands, Gary Johnson has my vote as well. I think my wife is on board too, since she is a registered Republican but dislikes Trump tremendously. He's polling at 10%, and it seems like a decent bet that will go up. Yay for realistic immigration reform.
  21. You could vote for someone like Gary Johnson. It is immensely frustrating to me that people dislike both candidates but are willing to vote for one because they dislike the other more. That simply cripples the true power of the voting process.
  22. Overwatch is pretty fun at the low levels. I realize I will rank up and get slaughtered by good players, but right now I'm enjoying being decent. Reinhardt and his giant shield is a blast.
  23. Decided to bite on Overwatch. So far so good, they've got a big roster of characters. I played my first round with the turret Bastion, and managed to kill 25 people to only 5 deaths. I'm typically the guy that tries to get a 1 to 1 ratio, so that was a surprise. It might just be that I'm playing at a pretty low rank to start off, but it was a nice way to begin. Kind of makes me sad they didn't turn it into an MMO, it is a very good little universe they've put together.
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