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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I thought Beck brought up a good point that conservatives are scaring off these tech companies by behavior that is traditionally more reserved for liberals. It wasn't liberal mouthpieces telling Apple to crack their phone for the FBI. You look online and a bunch of the so-called "conservative" sites are calling for police to shoot BLM people, the government to deport all Muslims, and put Target out of business for bathroom policies. It's a hostile environment and doesn't represent smaller government or freedom. Look at a site like this: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomDailyNews/ They have a million likes. The stories are usually misleading and the comments are filled with hate. I'm know there are liberal equivalents, but they don't tend to breed nearly as much vitriol.
  2. Nice work, our strawberries always got eaten by birds or animals before we could harvesy them.
  3. Interesting little blog by Glenn Beck after his meeting with Facebook: https://medium.com/@glennbeck/what-disturbed-me-about-the-facebook-meeting-3bbe0b96b87f#.dh3w1jamk
  4. It looks like a Park Ranger badge. Not that those are bad, but it is an odd choice for a sports team.
  5. It kind of boggled my mind that Ross Perot managed to get nearly 19% of the vote, and then I started checking out all the 3rd party candidates of the past. I always remember Teddy Roosevelt and his 3rd party run, but there are a lot of interesting stories out there.
  6. Considering how close all the recent elections have been, that would not be a very safe bet to make. The only way you are going to see either candidate get below 40% is if there is a legitimate 3rd party candidate, like when Ross Perot pulled 18% of the vote.
  7. Youtube channels are a young person's game. Most of us old farts are too busy rewinding our cassettes.
  8. Sharks are looking pretty good. I'm going to try not to get too excited, but they've controlled the pace in all 3 games.
  9. Hmm, reminds me of what the sequel to Prey was supposed to be.
  10. Perhaps he has more than one channel, but the name of this one is 'Cinemassacre'. If you look at his videos, many of them are titled "The Angry Video Game Nerd". Cinemassacre would be his account name. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B009153AC977F90 I guess you could call it the name of his video series.
  11. I believe Angry Video Game Nerd is the name of his channel.
  12. Oh it's not that I feel it is untrue, it is that you have conflicting polls all over the place. The folly is trying to lump all Native americans into one group in the first place, it is an incredibly diverse population. It also is telling how the questions are asked. If you ask "Is it an important issue?" it is pretty easy to assume most people will say "not really." But if you ask if they like the name, you may get very different results.
  13. Heh, always a good reminder of the Mark Twain quote:
  14. Oakland is the new hotbed. I keep meaning to get up to Jack London Square, I hear it is the hip place to be.
  15. Sounds like you might need to go a little Jimmy Hoffa on your employers.
  16. I'm surprised by New York. Is that the city or the state? I would think they would be higher.
  17. I've heard it isn't very funny, which would make me lose interest. It is so weird to me that youtube personalities are a thing, and when people get upset about them, they express that by driving up traffic to their videos, which in turn makes them more profitable.
  18. Whoa, you guys have forced body searches?
  19. But there is actually a pretty big shortage in teaching across the board, even in humanities. Half of new teachers quit in the first 5 years. It's not for everyone. Although I agree with you on the degree aspect. We should be focusing on specialized education at an earlier age, and there shouldn't be a stigma around jobs like plumbing and electrical work, given they can pay exceptionally well.
  20. When it comes to teaching, a letter from a former student after they've graduated is far more rewarding than any economic impact. Well, unless it is a death threat.
  21. Glad he is doing better. My dog chewed the small gate we had on our side yard and managed to escape, so now he is stuck in the dog run during the day. This weekend I need to devise a stronger gate to keep him in.
  22. It relies on people reporting salaries, so it probably just doesn't have enough data to deal with outliers. It does have the averages over $10 in Canada, so that's something.
  23. That is a good point, we do tend to focus on starting salaries. Here is what glass door shows: https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/McDonald-s-Salaries-E432.htm It also should be noted that McDonalds only runs 10% of their restaurants, and the rest are franchises, which can have different policies on salary.
  24. ...Why exactly? I mean, seriously, who benefits from having a minimum wage so low, most people on it have to apply for various welfare programs to cover basic necessities? Why is it fair that people indirectly have to pay for services and goods they never use nor want through taxes, because the reason said services and goods are available at such low prices is that the employer is paying minimum wage to its workers? Gfted already linked a good article on some of the issues, but I'd add that all employers are different. It is pretty easy for me to tune out the big chains when they complain about minimum wage. McDonalds is not going to go under because it pays the fry cook a few bucks more. They should trim the fat at the top, and given they are a consumer driven business, the consumers should be driving for that. But small businesses don't have the same profit margin. The difference of a few bucks and hour may drop them into the red. We need to make sure that doesn't happen.
  25. That is a statement of the obvious. The goal isn't to make everyone rich, it is make sure people who have jobs have a decent quality of life.
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