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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I predict he will land in a wheelbarrow of hay.
  2. I'm pretty bummed about the Spurs. I thought that was going to be a big series, two record setting teams facing off. But OKC does look like the bigger threat right now.
  3. Whoa, Sharks versus Blues. Which one will overcome the cycle of underwhelming playoff performances?
  4. Yeah, times are a lot worse now than when the nazis were in power. I mean, sure, concentration camps and gas chambers were bad, but we have twitter wars and triggering. It is the end of times!
  5. No, not in the least. AAA games are typically defined as games that have both a high development and advertising budget. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AAA_(video_game_industry)
  6. The differences between integration and inclusion are always a tricky one in my eyes. It is fairly natural for groups that share commonalities to want to group together. Under good economic circumstances, this can lead to unique districts within cities that each have their own cultural personalities. But when the economic circumstances are bad, you get ghettos and friction.
  7. That does look surprisingly good. I mean, I'm sure they will find a way to muck it up, but who knows?
  8. That is one of the most impressive parts though. The Tigers have a fantastic line up, it's not like he struck out 20 guys from the Padres.
  9. Motive is not and cannot be an element of a crime at trial. What your talking about is intent. Scenario 1: We get into an argument in a bar. I punch you, you fall back, hit the bar and break your neck. That is manslaughter because I caused your death but that was not my intent. You really can't say definitive what my motive was but you can judge my intent because I did not use a weapon so it was reasonable for me to believe my actions would not lead to your death. Scenario 2: Same situation only this time I pulled out a weapon. That is 2nd degree murder because I intended for you to die and that can be inferred because I used a weapon. Once again though, my intent was clear... what was my motive. Only I know that. Now if you were a different ethnicity or sexual orientation than me and either scenario plays out the same I'm on the hook for a hate crime. My motive is suddenly "obvious" even though only one detail of either crime has changed. You see the problem here? I don't think either of us are all that well versed in criminal law, but motive and intent seem to be 2 different things. Motive is what brought you to the bar to fight, or what made you take the punch. Intent is what you wanted to happen when you punched me. They can both be vague or clear as day. It isn't a guarantee that you get charged with a hate crime if I'm a different race. There has to be evidence that says you took the swing because of my race.
  10. Guilty until proven innocent, huh? It's also up to the prosecution to prove that it is, but I had already stated that earlier.
  11. Murder charges work exactly the same way. I'm also not sure what you mean by unknowable. If someone spends their time spouting racist stuff, and then goes off and beats up someone of said race, it isn't exactly a stretch to say that race was a factor. It's up to the defense to prove that it was not.
  12. But motive is looked at all the time when it comes to criminal acts. There are different degrees of everything. Plus, that is why we have a trial system. You don't get charged with a hate crime without having evidence against you, and a jury is hopefully not going to convict unless that evidence is solid. It's obviously not an infallible system, but it is the best we've come up with as a society.
  13. Well, Lego Dimensions is plenty buggy. But kids already have it too easy these days, so I just think of it as a character building exercise.
  14. Lego Dimensions is insanely good. Tt has always churned out entertaining games, but adding in the moments where they stop the game and ask you to build stuff is on another level. As for rooting for the downfall of stuff, there is a benefit to having the cream rise to the top and the chaff fall away. I was pretty worried that Skylanders would not be able to compete with Disney in this market. Realistically they shouldn't, they didn't have the resources. So there is also a sense of relief that they are not the ones closing up shop.
  15. Ouch Amentep, way to go for the jugular. My personal problems are all about my 5 year old, who walks past the displays (which are always larger than the Skylanders and Lego ones) and wants to buy the characters because he loves Star Wars, Avengers, etc. But then when I finally broke down and bought him a set and a few characters, it turned out to be nowhere near as user friendly for a young person. This is a kid that has finished the storyline for all the Skylanders and many of the Lego games. The building and sandbox mode was overwhelming for him though, and there is a lack of any real cohesive story mode. I suppose it is a bit petty that I don't want to have to explain to my 5 year old every time we pass through the aisle that we do not need more characters (which are also not as well made as the Skylanders or Legos, making them less useful as toys) because he doesn't really play the game. But I do see Infinity as an inferior product, so it is hard for me to drum up much sympathy.
  16. We will be in Yosemite during Memorial Day weekend. I'm not quite looking forward to it, given the likelihood of crowds, but I have a buddy that wanted us to go and he doesn't have the breaks that us teachers get. It will still be a nice warm up trip to make sure everything is in order.
  17. I've got my summer trip planned out and booked. We are starting in Yellowstone, then spending a couple days in Deadwood around the 4th of July. We've got a bus tour scheduled for Mount Rushmore, then we head down to Denver. I bought tickets for the Rockies and booked a tour for New Belgium Brewing. It should be a good one.
  18. That's good news, Disney Infinity was rubbish compared to Skylanders and Lego Dimensions.
  19. I enjoy a good historical discussion as much as the next guy, but I'm still not quite sure where KP is going with this. Is this related to a previous discussion? I went back a few pages and can't seem to find anything. Something to do with Chomsky? In regards to tying voting rights to industry, I'd caution us not to forget that while industry may be the leverage, there still needs to be people who march and protest and use that leverage to gain rights.
  20. I would think most people would say it was surprising it took that long for women to receive the right. Land of the free, home of the brave and all that.
  21. Why? Because a century is a relatively short amount of time in the grand scheme of things? Indeed. Just imagine if Victoria Woodhull had won the presidency in 1872. Or in 1884 or 1892. Depending on how this whole FBI case goes, maybe Clinton will be in a prison cell on election day as well.
  22. Why? Because a century is a relatively short amount of time in the grand scheme of things?
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