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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. What an insufferable a-hole. It's basically him saying "I don't like what these people are doing, so let me sink down to their level and wallow around." I'm 100% positive that is a ridiculously dumb tactic and will only make things worse. Take the fricken' high road. You obviously didn't watch the video to completion, or what Whittle ultimately said is very lost on you. I watched it to completion. I didn't say I took offense to his convoluted message, I said it is a stupid way to make a point. Who does he think he will convince with such gibberish?
  2. What an insufferable a-hole. It's basically him saying "I don't like what these people are doing, so let me sink down to their level and wallow around." I'm 100% positive that is a ridiculously dumb tactic and will only make things worse. Take the fricken' high road.
  3. Well I certainly hope I'm in the boat with GD, and not Vals.
  4. So the Sharks are up 2-0, which of course is part of their plan to emotionally crush me.
  5. I agree with this quite a bit, although I don't think anyone here was really doing that. But the people that act like their pets are the same as children are annoying as hell.
  6. Well I'm already pretty deep in the red on my relationships with my kids and wife, so I'm hoping there is some sort of price cap.
  7. As a Giants fan, it's pretty crazy to watch. Sandoval was a favorite, but everyone in the organization knew he had serious nutrition issues. He's a big guy, always will be, but after a fantastic rookie year he ballooned and got sent to the bench for the 2010 playoff run. So the Giants worked with him, had him on a restricted diet, and he had a bunch of very good seasons and two great postseason runs. But he seemed disgruntled by it. He left for Boston, which I totally understand, I'd love to play at Fenway. He said the Giants disrespected him, which seemed a bit overdramatic. But now he's just out of control with his weight. The guy has so much talent, it is a shame that he can't see that the Giants were just trying to help him stay on the field by keeping him on a diet.
  8. You are not competing with other teams in the state. California is huge. It is really just about overcoming the apathy of the LA area.
  9. Not quite sure how you describe Hunger Games aa tame. They are pretty dang brutal when you think about what is happening in them. They lack the subtlety of something like The Giver.
  10. Yikes Tale! Last night Carrot Top rubbed my head and complimented my wife's boobs. Then he gave is a shot of crown royal. It was a good night.
  11. Speaking of paninis, we just ate at a place called Stripburger. I had a decent cheeseburger, but my wife had one of the better veggie burgers ever. It was quinoa with veggies and spices, and it clearly wasn't a frozen patty. We had them with adult milkshakes. I had peanut butter, chocolate, and vanilla vidka in mine. Excellent.
  12. I have concerns about where you guys are putting these paninis.
  13. Ate at Carbone last night, a classic italian place that originally started in New York, but they have one in Vegas now. I had spicy rigatoni and chicken scarp. It was an amazing meal.
  14. Had something called a Moscow Mule last night, served in a copper goblet. It was fantastic.
  15. Hitler and Stalin are modern figures. You can use a modern lense on them. Ghengis united his people and overthrew a civilization that had subjugated them for centuries. He was very much a product of his age, his conquests were undeniably brutal. But he also opened up the silk road, distracted different Muslim empires from their conquests of Europe, and created a legacy that is hard to even measure against anyone else.
  16. We always need to be cautious when looking at historical figures to not use a modern lense.
  17. Bunch of sour grapes in here. Feel free to realize you will not like this movie if you didn't like ep. 7 and find more productive things to do with your time. I will be busy enjoying the heck out of the new films.
  18. I'm pretty chafed by the lack of respect for Ghengis Khan in this thread, but I'm going to try and let it go.
  19. Just out of curiosity, who decides what is acceptable within a community forums. Do the rules come down from the main company or is it left to the community manager, I guess i'm trying to fish as to whom made the decision to ban "girl" images from the forum. I wouldn't want to put you in a compromising position and I will fully understand if you dodge that question but it still makes me curious as to who decides what culture a forum will have. Well, I reported the image, so if you need someone to blame. Do we really need 'girl' images in every thread? It is pretty clear that this particular thread is not about such things. The poster actually asked if he could post images of girls, a moderator then answered and said quite clearly no, and he then proceeded to post the image anyways. That's pretty obnoxious. I'd probably go further than removing the image, hence it being a good thing I am not a mod. I'd imagine Obsidian has the ultimate say in what the forum culture will be. It is a company website.
  20. That is a pretty narrow way to view Temujin though. Although I may be missing your point.
  21. I'm sure the writers have all of this stuff available to them, and if it makes sense with the script they may even work it in. However I wouldn't expect anything. Sure, they might make a nice Easter egg for a few thousand fans, but a huge percentage of their audience is not going to get any of this.
  22. Crazy Giants-Dodgers game last night. I feel bad for Dave Roberts. Bruce Bochy used to regularly make Don Mattingly look bad, and that trend seems to be continuing. Giants are no hit into the 8th, and then win 3-2 on two hits.
  23. Once you get to the main area, it gets quite a bit busier. But there are also a lot of dead bodies around. Enjoy exploring the hazmat areas.
  24. I think a mod should delete Hoonding's message and keep the theme of white background avatars going here. White avatar power!
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