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Azrael Ultima

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Everything posted by Azrael Ultima

  1. Bugs don't mysteriously disappear when noticed, contrary to popular opinion. And the goal should be to get the final game bug free, not individual beta builds.
  2. A realistic villain would only in very rare cases honestly consider himself evil, true. No you wouldn't. You'd come up with rationalisations why your behaviour is exactly how that "God" intended you to act. Just like people have been doing since the dawn of time and are still doing right now. This isn't some esoteric guessing game, we know exactly what happens. Seriously, we've got thousands of years of evidence for this.
  3. Ever read a history book? No, they wouldn't. Mostly they'd just rationalise it away as them not really being evil.
  4. I'm kinda wondering why people would need an attribute to tell them if their own character is strong. Because there are other ways to make your attacks hurt more. Might can represent physical strength, but it also represents everything else that makes you hit harder. A character's Might stat is the combined result of all of them, not any one of them individually.
  5. People have been completely convinced that an afterlife exists where "evil" people are punished for millenia in the real world. Never stopped them.
  6. Key word being "may". That's not a defining mark of nonlinear stories or gameplay.
  7. Except he didn't say it doesn't measure strength for Wizards. Also, your first "observation", while correct, is meaningless. Yes, it affects physical and magical damage. But nobody was debating that. You're being perfectly clear. You're also still strawmanning.
  8. I doubt Obsidian can fit that in their animation budget, but it would be cool if you could choose (visually) different combat styles for your monk. Wouldn't mind me some capoeira myself. European monks aren't really known for their martial arts, so any fighting monks are going to evoke a certain Shaolin feel. There's a whole bunch of Nihonto (japanese swords, literally), from the really big O-dachi with blades of 1 meter and more, down to the Wakizashi, which can be as short as 30 cm (1 shaku, similar to a foot). The Katana was really more of a ceremonial thing, mostly coming into use to late to be used for warfare. The Tanto is a knife, which, while looking similar, isn't really a sword.
  9. Nice strawman you've got there. Care to point out where anybody claimed that Wizards have no strength at all?
  10. Various means to counter that. Maybe you can only have active enchants on your on-hand(i.e. off-hand either can't be enchanted, or they simply don't have any effect), or 1h enchants are ~half as powerful as 2h enchants. It's something that needs to be kept in mind, but hardly impossible to deal with.
  11. And the vast majority of them are just simple +x of y type stuff. You say that like its a bad thing. They are fine for what they are, but they aren't particularly interesting or doing much for variety. You just choose what makes you better at what you were doing anyway.
  12. And the vast majority of them are just simple +x of y type stuff.
  13. Or, more realistically, you'd just get loads of bland and boring talents that do little for variety. The more talents you have, the less time and innovation can go into each and the harder it becomes to balance the whole thing, so the talents become more simple and uninteresting.
  14. Sure, but the game isn't being developed in chinese either, so it would have to be localised anyway. There aren't many words in german that would really capture that duality. And most other possible translations of rogue are even worse. "Spitzbube" certainly won't work. I just hope they don't skimp on the voice actors. There's a rather noticeable difference between the good and the bad in german.
  15. There needs to be a worst way. But that doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Just that it isn't as good as the best. The worst saint is still a saint.
  16. Well, if they exist in the world i don't see why there couldn't be a few around, maybe as "souvenirs" of the high and wealthy. Though there is little reason why anybody would know how to use them if they aren't associated with one of the cultures in the area the game takes place in. So could be a mid-high value "vendor" item, or a quest item, but probably not as a weapon.
  17. It's more of a 1.5 hand deal. There's even styles that require the use of a katana and a second weapon. Given that the blade is no longer than that of an arming sword, that shouldn't be to surprising. If you're looking for a purely 2-handed japanese bladed weapon, try (n)o-dachis.
  18. Uh, no, that's not what non-linear means. At all. Nonlinear is when the order of decisions and story elements isn't fixed. If you were to graphically display them, linear would simply be a long(or not so long) line with one quest and story portion neatly arranged after the other and no options on how to proceed(at most allowing you to skip some trivial steps, like not having to ask around when you already know who to deliver your 20 bear asses to). Novels are usually linear as well, telling a story from first to last page in order. Halflinear or branching storylines would at certain quests branch out and create additional, in itself still linear, storylines. Basically, you have multiple linear stories with a certain amount of common elements. Nonlinear can be anything where you have no fixed order. Sidequests are often non-linear. Usually this has a weak or nonexistent overarching storyline.
  19. I'd say Might is perfectly intuitive, but many people have been conditioned to expect certain stats... though cRPGs veer from that conditioning far more strongly than PnP systems in my experience. So the issue would less be any problem with the stats themselves, and more with tradition. Which on its own is only an excuse to not having to change ones thinking patterns.
  20. You don't have to believe they sucked to see improvements. Alignments are a D&D feature. My impression so far is that Obsidian isn't going to re-invent D&D. The ruleset they are developing for PoE is quite different so it's hardly a surprise some familiar mechanics from IE games are missing. I found the D&D alignment system to be rather limited and sometimes silly, anyway. Especially when people take it as absolute truth and then apply their own stereotypes to how every alignment has to behave. Besides, due to the limitations of cRPGs, behaving appropriate to the characters supposed alignment often isn't easy. Then there's the Paladins rummaging through peasant hats for stray gems and coins...
  21. I think part of this is a bit of a disagreement over what "superweapon" means. I'm all for unique endgame weapons with special powers, but i don't agree with anything that is completely off kilter balancewise, except as a limited use sword of plot advancement. That kind of thing should, if existing at all, be reserved for "end level" campaigns.
  22. A noble who regularly goes hunting with his trusted hunting hound. Doesn't sound particularly far-fetched to me.
  23. By using your imagination and playing your role? Your mage shouldn't be a blacksmith or constantly carry around 3 plate armor suits, for example. If you're faced with a might based option that clearly requires physical might rather than magical, you should choose another one. That's what roleplaying is.
  24. Hum, I disagree. I like extremely deadly enemies, things you have to take out really fast before they get to you, or find ways of defending specifically against their attacks. If they had additionally given them insane DT and/or crazy HP and immunities to many or most of your serious debuffs, then yeah, but it's not like we're lacking in ways to deal with them. If there's nothing there that can really, seriously kick you in the nuts then combat just becomes slow and grindy and always the same. Eh, it's fine if they exist, but you should generally be made aware of their presence and they shouldn't be commonplace beasts. If your only way of detecting them is saving before any new enemy to figure out what he does, somethings wrong.
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