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Everything posted by MasterPrudent

  1. Yup. If I gave her something faster than an arbalest I don't think the enemy would be able to get a hit in.
  2. @Benedictous I'm playing a (sub optimal) ranger in 434 and it's alright. I say suboptimal because she's built for interrupts but I'm using a slow weapon. Anyway she's doing the best damage in the party and the ability that improves accuracy when she's attacking the same target as her companion seems to be working well. Also I gave her wounding shot so I often hobble the enemy for my rogue to sneak attack; it's a good combo. The animal buddy needs to be managed well to keep him from dropping dead on me but he no longer shares a health pool with the ranger so that's neat.
  3. I guess this could be further evidence that the wrong build (434) got uploaded rather than a case of the fix not working. Edit: Which was the implication
  4. [Description of the issue] Golden Celery new ruined tower cannot be looted/interacted with. [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] Example: 1) Travel to Dyrford Crossing 2) Make your way to the ruined tower with the wolves hanging around and the burnt out campfire (see attached screenshot). 3) Note that there are two Golden Celery plants 4) The one inside the tower can be looted, the one near the wall cannot [Expect behaviour] I'd expect both of them to be lootable although I guess one could just be for decoration?
  5. They do play when recruiting adventurers though.
  6. It looks like all the armours have received touch-ups. Looking good
  7. Voice samples no longer play in chargen 1) Go through chargen process 2) When you get to the voice screen click and/or double click on the options. Observe that no sound is played. [Expected behaviour] Example: Voice samples should play. (btw I tried to add the character creation tag to this but it kept telling me that tags need to be between 2 and 30 characters.)
  8. Nice timing what with the Star Wars humble bundle being on sale atm!
  9. It's a known issue. Some people have had luck with this workaround: drag the application from the steam application support folder in the user library to the applications folder and run it from there. Otherwise a beta update is expected sometime in the next couple of weeks.
  10. Hi Matt! Sticking to safe ground here: What does a typical day in the QA department look like at this stage of the project? Bonus question: Back when the game was in its pre-production/ early production stage did QA have any input?
  11. It was garbled for me too but it sounded like a button on the companion portrait that allows you to say "not now" when companions want to talk to you.
  12. They do sway back and forth a little. You can see it in the stream Josh Sawyer did with Jesse Cox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfCMgVINSEI. (Minor spoilers of course. Swaying starts at about 4:06 and does not occur during the conversation cut scene. See your doctor if the desire for morbid details persists.)
  13. Do you mean prepping for PAX or is something else going on?
  14. There's always at least one broken quest in an rpg on release so if I'm buried in work or knee deep in another game I'll put it off. But if nothing else is going on then I'm not going to be able to stop myself from diving in. I won't regret it unless it's released with a real showstopper.
  15. I dunno. I think can make for an interesting choice. You have to decide whether you need the character to win the fight or to prevent damage to other characters or if you would prefer them to have more health for later fights. Also if they are in danger of losing all their health than there is a substantial penalty (death or being maimed). If they're not, well, they're getting closer to that point.
  16. Not really. However you can choose to have your characters die when their health runs out for the first time instead of the default option in which they become maimed the first time their health runs out and die the second time. Endurance is still a part of the game however and characters are only be knocked out when their endurance runs out. As you can imagine it would be very time consuming to balance the game around two entirely different health systems.
  17. what the hell? why iset that somthing that they whould be in the first build i mean that seems like standerd stuff??? There are sliders. It's just that people in this thread want finer control than just master/music/effects.
  18. I'd be surprised if it did. He appears to have only just started to hash it out and that picture was only put up a few hours ago.On the other hand it probably isn't going be a radical overhaul of the interface so maybe it can be done fairly quickly.
  19. I thought this might be interesting for those of you who don't follow/stalk the devs on twitter. Josh posted this pic of Kaz working on the solid GUI: http://instagram.com/p/x7u7Tdpx-t/ It's obviously very much a work in progress (the combat log seems to be sitting underneath it at the moment) but if nothing else it might be reassuring for the many people on here who are keen on having that solid bar ie feel.
  20. Hah! I think Ron Perlman might be a little too expensive for PoE!
  21. 3. For this one you should keep in mind that Josh was utlising the "fast" game speed to move his characters around (there is also a slow option - you can see him using it in some of the early dungeon fights). If that's not your bag you can pretend the option isn't there - or even disable it by simply unassigning the hotkeys associated with it if you want to be hardcore about it.
  22. I really liked the VA. In fact I'd say it, along with the background art, are perfect. In particular I really dug Sagani's voice which, iirc, was pretty much the only female voice in the stream! Mind you I do generally like lower key voice acting and I thought they did a great job of adding nuance without being hammy like the BG voices.
  23. There was but it was super quiet. As others have pointed out they're still in the middle of mixing the sound so I'm sure that'll be sorted for the release version.
  24. If you're talking about the lines that connect some letters like so: then they are typographic ligatures and they're there to make the writing look old tymey and cool. You can read more about them here: http://opentype.info/blog/2012/11/20/whats-a-ligature/ They can be turned off in the options menu if you'd rather play without them.
  25. Oh so it is. I wonder if it was a backer designed inn or if it's the devs themselves nodding towards their old project.
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