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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. If you have the virus identified use symantec's virus library, there you will likely find that it needs several steps to be successfully removed, safe mode, reg editing, etc. Many anti virus programs only give you one go and do not suppply these in depth removal instructions, but even without owning a symantec program you can write down the steps needed to manually remove the virus. Go to viruses in the drop down menu and paste the virus name (the name needs to be an exact match.) http://www.symantec.com/enterprise/securit...rer/threats.jsp
  2. Full format seems a little drastic to me, but you do need to identify the virus, and you can't really do without a virus scanner. The web based ones are a fast way to solving the problem, but get a free/trial scanner as well. Some people chose to do a full reinstall and format every few months as a kind of software spring cleaning, it does help, but it seems like a lot of work to me considering things like service packs and programs you use a lot.
  3. I'm in there, how about that. This thread is like a highschool reunion.
  4. Whats the point ? Usually all you get for your trouble is spam and access to an FAQ database.
  5. I have dedided not to get neverwinter nights 2. My reasons after fidling around with it a bit on a friend's computer : 1. Plot revolving NPCs forced on you, this rubs me the wrong way. 2. No permadeath, this breeds indifference. 4. Bad selection and camera controls, the awkwardness never wore off. 3. Disapointing graphics. I need to be able to have my main character 'just so', 50 different choices of ugly isen't doing it for me.
  6. "And?" Nothing, I was just interested in non-potatoehead comics in the same style. I find most manga to look too, whats the word, overdone, for my taste. " Most people probably aren't responding to your hijack attempt, but to the topic itself. So don't be disappointed if none of the replies are according to your request." Calm down sport.
  7. "Everything Studio Ghibli has ever made." But thats like traditional animation, not potatoehead manga.
  8. I would be interested in non-potatoehead manga, or do they call that comic books ?, to improve my japanese. Something simple would be preferable.
  9. Whats a double lifetime warrenty. If you die and is reanimated by a Thahitian voodo priest and then your card fails they refund your money twice ?
  10. "They're almost universally poorly written, fumbling attempts at expressing intimacy from shallow characters in awkward and inappropriate situations to a character that attracts the NPC because GENDER=MALE" It would seem to me that it falls on people like you to make sure the characters aren't shallow and the situations not inappropriate. How about making one that turns from heated romance, to cheating and bitter jealousy, and then divorce and custody battle.
  11. Nice pixie porn. I played Guildwars quite a lot 8 months ago, then let it go completely because of time constraints and getting bored with the same old same old, a few days ago I picked up the new chapter and have played it way too much for my own good. I will probably get tired of it again in a months time. Why do we get tired, simple enough, any computer game however good gets less interesting with time. When there is nothing left to do and you get tired of looking at the same familiar graphics, you leave. All as it should be really.
  12. I just bought the new guildwars chapter, but I have to say I don't like it that much so far. In order to make money for the new gear you have to stand around and trade spam on every streetcorner for hours on end since there is no auction house and the difference between merchant prices and actual worth is often astronomical. The new chapter also introduced hero followers, which are followers you level up and customise yourself, and since then it's been impossible to find other players for instances because noone needs it anymore.
  13. What about the increase in pedo - porn and the like produced specifically for the internet.
  14. I will be getting NWN 2, but I think i'll play the new guildwars chapters for a while untill it goes down a notch in price, since it isen't a slam dunk, and I just happen to be very picky with some of the major complaints, character generation primarilly. Morrowind had truly horrible stock faces with only 3 or 4 acceptable enough to make a character, but the community fixed that. I hope the same will happen with NWN 2
  15. Always resist buying games on a prayer that it will be better than people say it is.
  16. Releasing quasi buggy titles has been the status quo for as long as I can remember. Once in a while you get a polished bug free product, once in a long while.
  17. " This is strange, Oblivion gets a 9 or a 10 with nil roleplaying options, avarage story, no partymembers to enhance the atmosphere and zero replayability but NWN2 which apparantly has a incredible story, interesting partymembers, multiplayer ability, great roleplaying and alot of replayability gets an 8?" My guess is that some basic things, like character generation struck the reviewers as poor and dragged it down. I have to say the screens from character generation I have seen have all been below par. While Oblivion is hardly a masterpiece it has nevertheless set a new standard for what is expected of the basic functions of a CRPG of this type.
  18. umm.. won't the games need all kinds of regestry stuff thats only available on C:\
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