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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. My sister just started studying psychology, i'm really worried what she might come up with when she starts analysing the family.
  2. Well, it's impossible to circumcise yourself, but I suppose if the women had any kind of choice in the matter the custum would eventually die out. The concept that bears comparison is that women who have been subjected to it themselves turn around and do it to the next generation, knowing full and well how painful and destructive it is. Wearing a veil is neither painful or destructive, but the pressure to conform means that we don't hear from those young muslim women who don't want to wear the weil but do it anyway. And yes, the practice is also a political manifiestation connected to Islamism. Which is fine if you are of that political persuation, but not if it means that it becomes defacto involountary.
  3. I wonder if we should be so eager to perpetuate a cultural practice which views women as less than men. The women might very well want to wear the viel, but what one should consider is what their daughters would really wan't if they didn't have peer pressure to conform to the custum. Although there is no real comparision, take female genital mutilation, the practice is typically performed by women who have been subjected to it themselves. Just goes to show just how powerful these pressures can be if a woman is prepared to do something so abhorable to her own daughter just in order to conform.
  4. "Yeah, but I won't shed a tear for its dismissal in the game for Deekin has made it in. And all is good in the world. " DUN DUN DUUUUN
  5. eating chocolate chip icecream and watching tv
  6. " Except Terry Jones might have contributed more to society than just raising a child to adulthood. wink.gif" My dad wrote over 60 books, historical dramas and social satire mostly, I like Monty Python but I would hesitate on calling any of their movies 'contributions to society'
  7. "So what's the point in having INT (for example) as a stat, if it has no bearing on the game?" It does, it determines max known spells, number of skills, modifies certain skills etc. In 2E there was no spell level requirements other than 12 in the required stat, but Clerics still got bonus spells, and mages more spells to chose from.
  8. "Yes, just like PC gamers get all pissed off when a 'PC game' is also for a console ala KOTOR. Or, just wait. If DA or NWN2 are *ever* ported to a comnsole; just wtach the whining on these boards to commence." No they are just pissed that it was produced with consoles in mind. Consoles are the dumb blonde of game platforms. The levels are smaller, the interface has to be navigatable with a gamepad, generally less complexity, and so on. Now this is fine for Tekken and Wipeout and whatnot, but not so for CRPGs
  9. So you are pissed off because people without an Xbox will be able to play this game...
  10. Voice acting and characterisation are decidedly sub standard in OC. Most of the NPCs are annoying as hell, and half the time you just press on blindly in the dialouges, not listening, not caring, and checking your quest log for the details instead.
  11. Because I dislike stat spread that the new point buy system generates for reasons I have already explained. The stats are supposed to reflect a character, not exclusively a character class.
  12. We gotta get cracking on colonising the galaxy before that happens.
  13. Actually my dad died of it. I can't muster the empathy to care about people I don't know in person who are going through what is after all a pretty everyday occurance.
  14. I don't understand how going online could be an escape from everyday problems. I wish it could be Maybe with something more immersive like an MMOG, but just surfing ? doesen't seem like a very satisfying drug to me.
  15. The current point buy system only allows for min-maxed characters. You need so many points in so many stats to be effective in your class. This means there are no smart or wize figthers and no hardy and strong mages. Instead of reflecting a fictional personality, the point buy system makes stats representative only of class demands. It's moronic. Every time I start a E3 point buy game the first thing I do is look for the stat cheats. I also disagree with the spell level stat requirements for the same reason. A mage with a 15 INT should be able to cast spells of any level.
  16. I'm a bit worried that with Lucas saying he is done with the francise the number crunchers will vote against KOTOR 3 and for yet another MMOG. But it's really a no brainer that they will extend the sales of both NWN 2 and it's adons but going in that direction. Unless they farm it out of course. What the hell is IP and PNJ.
  17. Ohh dear. Review sites are always too kind. If it's under 70% it's pure manure. Still, I need a new RGP and since the other offers are worse...
  18. A world populated entirely by mutant teenage supermodels. nopls.
  19. Revan. Revan can reload everytime he loses a battle. Handy that.
  20. Deus Ex had NPCs you remembered rather than always going 'who was that again and why do I care'. Good voice acting, an excellent plot. Too bad they screwed up the sequel.
  21. Final Fantasy is sillypuddy. I mean I like manga, just not the overly silly kind.
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