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Everything posted by ryukenden

  1. I think the stream was great. I did keep in mind that the game is still in beta. It was funny to see twitch chat troll the hell out of those crickets. I think that viewers leave what they don't like. we had a good 2k still around the whole stream/
  2. May I present to you, Crickets of Eternity.
  3. Its slow enough for me. If you want it slower, just pause the game. There is no shame if you do.
  4. Is there going to be a UI update? That was one of the things that bothers me in the BB. I think that can be better before shipped.
  5. You got some nice points in that video. I agree that the combat log should be at the left side or the center. Its not a deal breaker or anything if its where it is now. Maybe its me but I think that the spell interface should be at the bottom center of the screen somehow. its just more natural cast spells. The spell icons are really tiny on my screen. I would prefer if its a tad bigger. They really need to do something about that center console. I know you can hide it and all but its really unattractive the way it is now. I think that should be change so it appears as a clock/compass with a little tab to reveal the buttons. move it to upper right corner. I also dislike the character creation screen. The character model should be smaller to fit better with the theme. I would change it so its more like the old IE games where the character portrait and class description overtake the 3d model. Small rant: I hope they change the spell selection screen (during character creation or level up). The Icons are once again TINY. I hope we get more ui updates soon.
  6. I can't express this enough. The first thing I did in the BB was to check on the pencil sketches. I hope they reconsider and put them in the game. I don't care if the game is delayed several months as a result. WE want Pencil sketches.
  7. I think they should make the spells/ability button bigger. The icons are way too small in both combat screen and leveling screen. would be ideal if that is move to the center bottom of the screen.
  8. I agree with the background/map visuals. Its needs more contrast to distinguish from the NPC and player characters. Another art pass to make the colors brighter/darker would really improve this. I also notice the character portaits lack the "glossy" ness from their previous IE games.
  9. I like to watch some stream but my connection is not good. Any streamer out there with "quality" option on so I can watch on lower setting?
  10. You guy with your fast internet. (2 hours for me) I want fast internet too. But since I don't pay for internet, I shouldn't be bitchin. And its 4 hours for me.
  11. We haven't heard about this endless mega dungeon in a while. The one that was introduce in the kickstarter stretch goals. So is there any update to this? Is it even in the game?
  12. Awesome. Can't wait to play it, Well, actually I have to wait to get my game setup.
  13. oh wow. I guess i'll watch the stream for a bit.
  14. good, time for me to get some lunch instead of spamming f5
  15. They live where I live. So its little as 6 hours from now.
  16. they are located in california, pretty much where i live. So convert the time zone and you got yourself a time. But you are going to have to wait for an update first.
  17. Guys keep in mind that we haven't got a update on how to access the beta. This means that once its release on the 18th, we still can't play without the steam key or whatever. Its awfully close to the 18th now and it looks like we have to wait for them to update it before we can play it.
  18. There is tons of news. POE was at gamescom. You should look for video. There are many post in the general discussion thread and link to video.
  19. Looks good. A nice touch of realism. I just notice that many of the projectile animation are the same. The wand and bolts projectile, the pivots of which it comes from are in the same position. The "attack from feet animation" noted in other thread. This confirms my theory that the projectile animation is a placeholder.
  20. I didn't see this until now. I was there at the twitch gamescom channel. http://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive/b/558125934
  21. Yes, Divinity: Original Sin's consisted of only the 900k they raised during their Kickstarter campaign. You know, the same Kickstarter campaign that showed off an already fully functioning game. Also D:OS was budget 4million dollar (of their own money and 900k of backer money) so yeah.....
  22. VO can be expensive but if they can squeeze as much as they can possible afford, it would be terrific. Those in-game cutscene in bg2 was epic.
  23. Would someone please explain to me how anyone would suffer from a perfectly non-intrusive feature, the use of which is completely, absolutely voluntary? Beats me, I can't justified it. I didn't find it intrusive. But someone here thinks its bad.
  24. I originally thought that a simply queue for spells but now everyone is thinking +5 or more actions. can't we compromise by: use the shift to queue, maximum 3 actions, on/off mode switch? That way people that want it can use it but those that don't won't suffer as a result.
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