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Everything posted by ryukenden

  1. Little obsess myself. Related: anyone know what time will embargo lift on the 23rd?
  2. Hey guys, I finally get off my lazy ass and start putting a bit of time into the 12 buttons. Keep in mind its a WORK IN PROGRESS. Right now, i have them in outline form because its easy to see what i'm missing when redrawning the buttons. The final version will look similar to the one in-game. Right now i'm debating whether to keep the original artwork or change them to my liking. These are vector elements and can be exported, to photoshop for fancier texture/shadow. I will try to complete it soon, when I got time (and not slacking off). Keep in mind the color in this screenshot is COMPLETE OFF. I use whatever color to help me drawn and they will be changed! changing color and whatever is easy. When its done, it will be colored correctly. The only one in this screenshot that remotely close to the final version is the "shield" icon", lol.
  3. I am not a BIG NAME twitcher, and I will be producing youtube content on the same day (from the press version). Correct me if i'm wrong here, but you are not part of the press right? also what did they say about the embargo? no content can be streamed or shown until the 23rd (and content is limited up to stronghold until 26th?)?
  4. I don't need it, but it nice that you are giving away.
  5. I find it unfortunate that you force all retail shoppers who want a physical edition to use Steam. That is paradox. but yeah, i can see why retail shoppers would be let down by this. Well, there is always GoG.
  6. There are troll thread. Ignore those and don't reply when question is answered.
  7. I guess the common stereotype is to assume all foreign language as Russian. Its actually Polish.
  8. Looks like someone got their hands on the package! It a physical standard edition. It seems to come with a 60-ish page game guide and manual. That is a lot better than the 3 page palette we been getting from most triple A titles. I still not sure what the collectors edition includes...
  9. Oh this is getting interest.
  10. I was personally very worried about allowing streaming before launch, but only because I didn't want the story to get spoiled for folks. The team has taken a lot of steps to reduce the number of spoilers that get out. But, times are a changin' and streaming before launch is where it's at now. We do have an embargo on streaming anything past getting your stronghold so that should preserve a good amount of the story. any idea on how far that is? like mid game or whatever. @morhilane, what monday? is that where you can start showing the game?
  11. I think the game might be too indy for mainstream gamers. Its probably sold a tiny bit better than wasteland 2. For some reason, it doesn't get any press. So far, D:OS tops the list for highest selling title that is funded by kickstarter. I would be surprise if it exceeds 500k or 200k within a month.
  12. Very useful. I had to cross reference with paradox to find out what I was getting before this list. Also can you put a link for the gog/steam/paradox sale page for lazy folks that don't wanna google (not me though).
  13. Any reference for comparison sake?
  14. That's the goal. I've already spoke to many of the principal folks around here. I'd love to get more 2D artists on the team full time. If the game does well it will almost assuredly be a high priority. Any chance that in the future, the team will revisit old areas to give it an updated art? Like items, area maps that did not get a paintover job due to time constraint, and other elements. Kinda like how League of Legend update their earlier art , giving them new textures and champion portraits.
  15. That explains a lot. I already start drawing out shapes for the new 12 buttons. It would be helpful if I know how the mod uses these elements so I can format them. I'm currently doing them in Illustrator, as the file are vector based, meaning I can resize and scale however I want.
  16. any1 know if the current IEmods (for v435) works with v480bb? I get a nigh-blackscren.
  17. Did you watch any of the videos? It's pretty obvious. The characters have no collision so they can stack on each other and or run through things. I seen several video the others have recently upload. I got confused when I the whole bar started to rush in and attack the party. There was some weird skills that was used in that video seem off. One of the characters was using somekind of whirlwind skill (diablo and path of exile like abilities) that the npc rush into melee range and got one-shotted. However, the video didn't show it being casted.
  18. You guys lost me there with dat "clipping". Can I get some context? what is this clipping everyone is talking about?
  19. Somehow I complete missed that the ui layout can be "modded" with a photoshop. This sure opens up opportunities. I need to dig deeper into this thread. I have some design experience (like Illustrator), so if he need me to create something let me know as well.
  20. Please, please, please, please leave this in. This is the most amazing thing ever. I want to fight all my fights like this: Gee, I'm not sure what i'm looking at. Someone make another video of cool new features!
  21. OMG the first thing that annoys me in the beta is the the voice coming from left ear. I want my other ear to be used too! Edit: it doesn't do that all the time. must be a bug.
  22. Looking good. Now, I was wondering how to handle post-render. Obsidian said that some maps are painted after its rendered. How can that be done without blurring the image. Also the obsidian forums doesn't allow edits post after a certain amount of time.
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