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Everything posted by CENIC

  1. If you don't bring Tekehu with you to specific areas/quests, it's REALLY EASY to miss out on his character development. Not saying that will make him any more likeable, but I thought that was a risky move on behalf of the narrative team, because personally, my perception of him changed a lot when I actually brought him along and saw his unique reactions to, for example, the Gullet.
  2. I was going to finish that sentence with BIG HANDS.
  3. I wonder if the expansion will take place during the events of the main game, or afterwards? For example, there is a quest in the main game where you end up in Rymrgand's domain. Will that quest change depending on whether or not you have already completed the Beast of Winter expansion? I guess what I'm hoping for is cross-reactivity between the main game and the expansions.
  4. It might be the very last choice in your first conversation with the gods that decides it, because I got Mien when I picked the Diplomatic option and Wit when I picked the Shady option.
  5. Ironically, my Watcher would LOVE a bevy of kids. But I am perfectly okay with the designers telling me, "Nope, no happy family life for you."
  6. Because cops and soldiers usually have a non-cop/soldier spouse at home to do the child rearing.
  7. I get that everyone has their own interpretation of what a "hero" in a "fantasy" game should be, I really do. But do you REALLY think a hero who runs around getting into mortal danger on a regular basis to save the world can be a good mother? Yes, yes, we have Vela. But even kidnapping adopting her was NOT framed as the best decision. And look at what she's learning from Uncle Engrim!
  8. Thanks for your help. Just to confirm, the proper location of the file I'm editing should be: PillarsofEternityII_Data > exported > design > gamedata
  9. I copy and paste the jumble into this to make it easier to work with: http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/
  10. Here's what is in the items.gamedatabundle right now: { "$type": "Game.GameData.WeaponGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rapier_U_Squids_Grasp", "ID": "a479821c-6fcf-43aa-823c-bcb7aed52697", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.ItemComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 2519, "DescriptionText": 5087, "FilterType": "Weapons", "InventoryAudioEventListID": "88a07545-2f97-4451-a839-4fc61287ea65", "IsQuestItem": "false", "IsIngredient": "false", "IsCurrency": "false", "IsAdventuringItem": "false", "CanSellForFullValue": "false", "MaxStackSize": 1, "NeverDropAsLoot": "false", "CanBePickpocketed": "true", "IsUnique": "true", "Value": 35, "IconTextureSmall": "gui/icons/items/weapons/rapier/rapier_squids_grasp_s.png", "IconTextureLarge": "gui/icons/items/weapons/rapier/rapier_squids_grasp_l.png", "PencilSketchTexture": "", "InspectOnUseButton": [ ], "IsPlaceholder": "false" }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.EquippableComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "EquipmentType": "Rapier", "EquipmentSlot": "AnyWeapon", "AppearancePiece": { "ModelVisualDataPath": "prefabs/items/appearance/weapons/rapier/a_rapier04.asset" }, "ItemModsIDs": [ "460c7401-c1e5-40ca-b11a-1a4da4218378", "8b93c088-542b-46a8-a5a3-df0e74854157", "10cfc93a-a886-41fd-9e79-b891a7cbd40f", "e44c6684-44d3-4574-b9a1-881f0082be0b", "51e9359b-1056-4539-be54-d24c7a1d4c6c" ], "OnEquipVisualEffects": [ { "VisualEffect": "prefabs/effects/abilities/wizzard/fx_citzals_enchanted_armory_sword_wpn.prefab", "AttachPoint": "Fx_Bone_01", "EmissiveColor": { "A": 1, "R": 0.8313726, "G": 0.7764706, "B": 1 }, "EmissiveGlowScale": 1 } ]
  11. I've been playing around a bit with the codes you provided, but I still can't seem to get a glowy rapier. Perhaps the effect does not load retroactively?
  12. I did not upgrade to the latest patch, but it triggered alright for me before. Pallegina had -2 with Xoti, Xoti +1 with Gina, asked Gina what she thinks about Eothas, after her rant Xoti instantly initiated the scene. In other news, there is one thing Concelhaut loves. I swear I had some candied nuts in my inventory. Then I brought Concelhaut out, got this dialogue trigger, and the nuts were gone....
  13. You can open it with Notepad. It might not give you the "open with" option right away and you'll have to choose Notepad from a list of programs.
  14. I found it and replaced Rekke's default personality with it, but when I load an older save his idle has not changed. I have a new save and I'm going to recruit him ASAP to see if this edit is just not retroactive.
  15. I may have troubleshooted this myself. I had been playing around with gamedatabundles, making changes to items among other things. What I THINK happened is that I accidentally typed something in the items file that broke it, so the game couldn't read ANY item data. I validated the game files to reset everything to default, and made my edits more carefully this time and the game is working again.
  16. I tried adding this, but even in a new game it doesn't show on the weapon. Could I possibly have done something wrong?
  17. There needs to be a mod where you can have a hat floating on top of your horns.
  18. After applying Patch 1.1, I found I was unable to load any of my previous files, so I tried starting a new game. Immediately, I noticed that I only had 9 Berath's Blessings, despite having completed the game once already. Undeterred, I pressed on. I used the nifty new "Skip Intro" feature, but, what's this? Something is different... Okay... weird, but not a big deal. It's not like anyone is going to see you in the Beyond, right? Maybe gods just like to be comfortable at home like the rest of us. But then I finally get to the character creation screen: Huh, I remember my character having clothes on before. After that, it just descended even deeper into depravity. This is what was waiting for me when I made it back to my ship: Eder, you scamp! You won't romance me, but what exactly happened in that cabin while I was having an out-of-body experience, hmmm? "There should be some equipment in that wardrobe. Best make some use of it." Okay... Nope. Nothing in there. Okay, now this is just ridiculous. In short Obsidian, I think Mirke hijacked the patch and convinced everyone to be a nudist like herself.
  19. I want to give the new "Energetic" personality to Rekke, but I can't find it in characters.gamedatabundle to get the ID?
  20. I think it's supposed to nerf the dragon's stats, but I only have save files where I get Galawain's boon, so I can't tell for sure.
  21. Yep, I've suspected for a while he's supposed to be like that. Doesn't stop me sighing through my nose about it xD *CENIC gives you a pained look.
  22. HELP, how do I get Steam to update? I NEED HAIR.
  23. Annoyingly the dispositions that I briefly had from the mod are also now lacking after the patch Now Aloth hates EVERYTHING! Working as intended.
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