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Everything posted by babaganoosh13

  1. "They should replace the stars on the Confederate flag, with the stars of the WB." Classic Chris Rock.
  2. Go into the Game directory. There is a txt file telling you how to do it, or just use Notepad to edit I_AM_A_HACKER.rpy, and change $ I_AM_A_HACKER = False to $ I_AM_A_HACKER = True Capitalization is important.
  3. But hey, look on the bright side: They could potentially have stopped a pirate somewhere, at least for a little bit, possibly.
  4. The Predator figurine is there too. You just can't see it.
  5. Someone named Eddie Vedder should make a video game as well. Then those two could collaborate and make a big open-world explorer like the Elder Scrolls. Just like TES, if you steal something, the text appears as red on the screen. You have to either use those yourself, or sell them at an appropriate fencer, because regular stores wont accept them. The exception is bread. The text for bread will always be white, no matter how it came to be in your possession. The game doesn't mind you stealing bread. It will also have a hardcore mode like New Vegas. If you haven't eaten in a while, your character will say in a deep voice "I'm going hungry!" When you are near death from starvation, your character will scream it instead. Keeping yourself hydrated is a bit trickier. You have to carry around a magical cup with you at all times, and if you overfill it, then it doesn't allow you to feed on the powerless. Okay, I'm done now with the Chris Cornell references. I'll save ya the search to get it out of your head.
  6. Tell me about it. Those ones are definitely box copy purchases for me. My fear is if I do buy one, it would immediately have a 12GB patch. Nearly got them on Steam during the winter sale when i noticed how big they were.
  7. So.... Fallout: Project Brazil is finally out, and Nexus is done with their maintenance!!!! http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45138/?
  8. It's also available in a couple of bundles right now Groupies Be mine 8 Indie Royale Hammerhead bundle
  9. I blame Windows 95. It threw everything off the file-size:goodness ratio.
  10. Nobody talks about how aerodynamic mullets are. If you're not careful and over-compensate, you too can jump over and through the middle rope. Maybe more hair grease would have helped.
  11. I wonder if one of the ways she dies is in a blood ritual? Does one of her deaths leave her in a Jesus Christ pose? Can she get sucked into a black hole sun? That one's super unknown. I bet she will choke on a spoon, man. Will she die when a bad motor cuts her finger? Probably. Will she die of gangrene from a rusty cage? Are some of her deaths more nefarious? Will someone hang her on a pretty noose? Will her body draw flies? I wouldn't take her to a casino royale. Outshined. Audioslave.
  12. - I have nearly every Sierra adventure game. The only one I'm missing that I know of, is EcoQuest 2 talkie. - Ditto for the Lucasfilm Games/Arts adventures. - All of the Tsunami adventure games until they went FMV. I only have Silent Steel of the FMV games. - The Les Manley/Altered Destiny Accolade adventure games. Those ones I haven't played forever though, but man, back in the day. - Numbered Fallout games, and NV - I've played Ultima 4 I don't know how many times. More than the others combined, I think. - The D&D Forgotten Realms games. Curse of the Azure Bonds leads that list. - Darksun SL & WotR - moreso than even Curse. - NCAA Football 10 - I can't get through a season of Madden anymore, but I've got more seasons logged on that game than any other. - BioWare games probably have the greatest percentage of any game company that I've beat many times over. Obsidian is now pretty close to that. Gotta go.
  13. That literally took that much time to load up the game and kill her. EDIT: Oh yeah, and reload up firefox and type this. EDIT: If Chris Cornell made it, where's the Soundgarden music? Died twice now. EDIT: And again. Let's face it, it's called natural selection. Game's back on.
  14. I remembered seeing the tab there yesterday on RPS. It seemed kinda funny, but I didn't know it was only about 5 mins.... and free. I'll try it now that it's the 1st int. Thanks!
  15. I see they're now over $2.25M with PayPal. Are they going to do the mod tool stretch goal, or has that time passed?
  16. What's up with that drom.ru girl? Is she some big time actress or something? Or just some stupidly famous reality tv star like what William Hung was.
  17. Hawks in 7. 5 1 goal games (not including empty-netters.) Pens in 6. Fleury is back in net by the end.
  18. If you don't have Blackwell, the bundle is available the Bundle in a Box pay what you want bundle with a few other games. http://bundle-in-a-box.com/
  19. It says DRM-free and on Steam: I assume that will mean they'll give you a Steam key along with your download.
  20. Well, I just cleared out my PayPal account for the TellTale one. Funny how those weren't the ones I owned of theirs. I gotta wait for cash to clear for the indie one.
  21. I think it's xii games first big game, and Wadjet Eye is more of a publisher; or perhaps it's their engine or something else support wise is why they also get a developers credit. I thought the same thing as well with Gemini Rue, and Blackwell.
  22. I know the St. Louis's are sad to see them go, because they're a big draw, but yeah, they should be able to cakewalk into the playoffs in the East.
  23. Baah! Stupid ref. Of course he blew the whistle. Had to call a double penalty to cover his butt.
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