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Found 2 results

  1. If you're tired of playing the same cookie cutter games that lack accomplishments, true friendships, epic battles, and a sense of free will: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/portalarium/shroud-of-the-avatar-forsaken-virtues-0 http://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/ More important than the name though, is the philosophy behind the design. The Portalarium team has set out to build a solid and robust incarnation of Ultima Online that embodies all the things we loved about the early UO, a virtual world more interactive than Ultima VII itself and an even more compelling story than IV-VII. Generally speaking, we might get an upgraded version of UO, with the possibility to play offline. If things go as smooth as they seem, there will be no reason to play or even release future MMORPGs. This title alone will suffice.
  2. Hello, First off i am indeed a backer of this very exciting project. Thank you all for giving us the players the opportunity to fund, play, and give idea's for such a wonderful undertaking. When i read about your addition of player housing as one of the stretch goals it brought back fond memories i had of the crafting system in Ultima Online. UO had one of the best crafting systems to date, that i believe not one game has even come close to in its depth. I believe UO's crafting style system would absolutely be an amazing addition to Eternity. Need arrows? Click your axe on a tree, you get some logs, now use your carpenter's tool on the wood logs, now you have boards. Use your dagger on the wood boards to carve out arrow's. Kill a bird for the feathers for your arrow, etc etc. I'd especially love to have the ability to not purchase your player house, but to BUILD your player house. It would make downtime between fighting so much more interesting. Especially if some of the more hard to find resources were in dangerious spots that you would have to fight your way into. Perhaps have different paths you could take to the same goal. Wood built houses, mud/adobe style, brick/castle style, etc. I really believe that this would make this game truly exceptional and give new players that have never experienced UO's crafting system a real shock to the system to see what a REAL crafting system is like. Beyond that, it would be wonderful to run your own home/castle, buy land. Work the land, Defend your land against enemies, conquer new land that you can build on or expand on as well. I'm greatly looking forward to Project Eternity. Again thank you for making such a wonderful (i hope) game! LiTh
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