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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! Worry not! I have it on good authority that they moved every single ant, queen, and eggs to a new part of the yard.
  2. I found a cool picture, but didnt want to spam this thread, but then I couldnt find the picture thread, so here we are: Liquid aluminum poured down an ant colony.
  3. My last cat, Bob, was just recently put down and he had the exact same symptoms. Massive water intake (followed by massive urinating everywhere except his litter box), an unusual gait and total lethargy (even more than normal cats). We took him to the vet and they diagnosed feline diabetes. Due to his advanced age, and the twice daily requirement for insulin, we euthanized him. This is the first time in over 20 years that there hasn't been a cat in my life.
  4. Ill bet that death threat guy is only that way because his pappy wasnt around and hes six steps behind you. Seriously though, stay safe Barti, kooks should be monitored closely! Sorry to hear about your cat, is it elderly?
  5. "Waa, the world isn't fair and everyone doesn't start in the same place!" Were doing an excellent job of creating built-in reasons for failure in our children. Every time something doesn't go right, its xyz fault, and every time something goes right for someone else, its because of privilege. How do some people even make it through the day.
  6. Didnt there used to be some attack called "Grimoire Slam" or something like that? Did it wind up on the cutting room floor?
  7. The Flash S4E1
  8. Hmm, I wonder if there is a stat counter in D3. Id like to see how many times Ive died while playing over the years.
  9. Huh, I didnt know "indian" was an offensive word now. Seriously, its my go-to word for describing that race of people. "Native American" is a bit unwieldy but I guess I better get with the times! Is "east indian" also now offensive to people from India? Honest question.
  10. Not all concussions are created equally: Concussion Recovery Is Slower in Girls, Mounting Evidence Suggests.
  11. In boot camp, they taught us the song and made us sing "Anchors Aweigh" while marching to and from various locations. But never in the real fleet did we sing. Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EhiLLOhVis
  13. Huh, glancing at our holiday schedule shows that we have Monday off in observance of Columbus Day. HUZZAH COLUMBUS!
  14. To those of you in such countries, how does the average streetbum go about using their UHC? Does one simply walk into any hospital and theyre good to go?
  15. That doesnt look like your PFID. The PFID number is a 16 digit alpha numeric code, which should be visible in your "Settings" menu.
  16. List your PFID# and hopefully someone will be able to reply soon. Probably wouldnt hurt to send an email to support@obsidian.net too.
  17. That Inquisitor looks fun!
  18. Its fascinating to me that Europe has bars older than the formation of the US. I don't know why...just makes us feel so young. Anyway, Ill do the bar crawl with you GD!
  19. With that high of a poison resistance, does poison damage actually "heal" the character?
  20. And then some! Ive also never seen: Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, Its a Wonderful Life, Citizen Cane, etc. *runs*
  21. So Im walking by my TV yesterday and I hear: *bang*bang*bang* "Leave the gun, take the cannoli." I gotta watch The Godfather one of these days.
  22. I dunno. Neither you nor Soros are "American" so I glazed over and kept scrolling. For the record, I do not have issues with wealth and would sell you all down the river for riches.
  23. Sometimes it becomes difficult to explain while delivering pithy zingers. Hell, I thought he was talking about you, TN.
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