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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. its fantasy, I think most of us fantasy about chainmail bikini chicks than coitus with brain eating squids xD
  2. I.. I actually agree, BDSM sessions with Viconia where the best
  3. I have to say, club music is really disappointing compared to old game
  4. not gonna lye, i clicked on that second recommanded xD
  5. Bloo and Minx are stalwarts of Forgotten realms!
  6. And I thought some D2 numbers were bonkers...
  7. Give us a signal if you are held prisoner Bruce
  8. Empire of Sin looks good, but I am out of Paradox hype, will wait for inevitable dlc 20
  9. I dunno, Deus Ex got decent animations IIRC, but I agree old Bloodlines were wonky as well
  10. So I must say that game does not look that great. Animations are quite meh and textures looks pretty dated. I don't really care that much as I expect other aspects to be what make a good game of vampire but still, seems little bit underwhelming.
  11. ok I was just thinking about it. And don't get me wrong I am all for single player focus and experience BUT I would really not mind if they add expansion for Cyberpunk later including multiplayer in vein of counter strike kind of MP arena/place a bomb/extract data thingy with roles like heavy, commando, sniper, hacker etc later. I can see it work pretty well considering they already going all out on FPS view.
  12. I honestly think its entirely possible. I mean gaming business is now larger than Hollywood. I can see them spare few bucks on another 2 celebs. I doubt they cost the same as for the movie and I really have feeling that Cyberpunk might be the biggest game ever made to this date. I think it can make more money than blockbuster movie. This might change everything. Or maybe its just my hype talking...
  13. same here, still waiting for the rig, my old one is almost dead but I don't want to rush it
  14. seems like he might play established figure in lore: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Johnny_Silverhand
  15. well i usually not start strucked but Keenu was in some movies which are really relevant to Cyberpunk, ofc not mentioning Matrix, but John Mnemonic was such a classic and it was one of the first real cyberpunk movies. So hurrah
  16. haha: https://www.superhappyfunamerica.com/
  17. I am astonished how NASA is able for years photoshop out all the demons on Mars
  18. Try Grim Dawn, you can have laser beam and as plus, you can choose 2 color variants!
  19. I would be worried about art style, I really really don't like their style at all. No more cartoons please
  20. nothing in my Inbox mate, I am getting all my Steam stuff on GoG if I can anyway
  21. Mafia 2 could been so much better, but 2K did not allowed it
  22. grabbed finally Tyrany, i was keeping eye on it of some time now
  23. so the last question I suppose is - do we will get Nosferatu? I think this was last clan reveal?
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