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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Didn't expected that, but just a side note, should there be no reflection in the mirror? I though its canon in white wolf?
  2. who me? I probably should not care less about others opinions, I am just happy GoG actually exists, thats all
  3. So one one hand you have option to completely own stuff without any strings attached and that seems scary to you, on other hand you have pretty much borrowed software depending on good will of publisher which makes you reassured. Got ya
  4. I am pretty sure it was a joke? No idea why would Saudis have any interest in his show
  5. don't get the logic here. If Valve goes under you sure lost all your games, with GoG you have option to save them as you wish, for all purposes put them on some cloud storage if you wish
  6. what I mean was if he was in combat situations. I am just asking. I could imagine it somehow change your view on things
  7. hmm sounds good, i might cave in and use it instead of steam where I currently have my friends list
  8. not that funny, why would there be so many people crossing border illegally if it would be that simple?
  9. well at least Bronn is the man now. I rooted for him from start so small victory for me
  10. Bloodlines are Epic only?
  11. I never got problems with Nashkel mines, I guess i got enough xp before them to roll through without a problem
  12. I think its completely stand alone expansion
  13. just cartoons, thats why 3 visuals tanked
  14. is it so? Why? I think it pretty much demonstrate someone who was choosing 'lesser evil' to get bitten in the ass by it. If he would stand by morals there would not be WW2
  15. well some people have pricimples and some don't. for example you are this guy Gromnir: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Chamberlain
  16. good try mate xD: More Funny than ever (funny stuff topic) Chilloutman replied to Amentep's topic in Way Off-Topic i likeblack humor, not too brutal for me NWN2: EE or Icewind Dale 2 Remake - a possibility? Chilloutman replied to Melusina's topic in Computer and Console isntwhite march for PoE generally considered IWD inspired and for NWN2 Pathfinder kingmaker? The Political Thread - Burlamaqui edition Chilloutman replied to Amentep's topic in Way Off-Topic are we really have to debate ifblack magic needs to be debunked on universities in this time? Well maybe we deserve to extinct, no surprise that dams in SA falling apart, which was my original point Politics Princess' Sweet Sixteen Chilloutman replied to TrueNeutral's topic in Way Off-Topic I just can't comperhand how you can live in suchblack andwhite political spectrum.
  17. Since he won the race he became a benchmark. Not like he was first doodle winning US elections, people somehow quickly forgot good O'Bill and Mr. Bush. Such epitomes of intellect. anyway, you trying to put skin color to any every political discussions is pretty boring
  18. yeah poor white males, probably consist of 51% of the US population it seems...
  19. I don't get that Aleppo drama, I have seen/heard much more ignorant comments from many other politicians. If thats the worst you can get on that guy than I see it as big success. I think half of the Twitter posts from Trump over shadow it any day.
  20. As much as I like Gangrel I dont think they will be in core game. Don't fit that much into city
  21. they were actually my favourite clan but that posh nature ruined that to me
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