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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. anyone tried Crossroads Inn, looks kinda like nice small sim but I would like some hands on reactions https://www.gog.com/game/crossroads_inn_artisan_edition
  2. misread that, but I don't agree that they look similar. D3 is cartoonish to me. D2 not at all, but I think we can agree we want D1 back
  3. i will stop there, we are beating a dead horse. I dont like how D3 looks and you clearly do. I hope D4 will look more to my liking. End of story
  4. If thats true why they are going to make D4 more dark? Does not compute. Thing is D3 was cartoony with strange color palette. You can disagree but it does not change that fact. But stating that D3 is darker than D2 is pure nonsense. Just from the fact that D2 still got light radius...
  5. It not about what is displayed but how its displayed
  6. Well horray they finally figured out what fans wanted from get go with D3. Now I will have hard time passing this one
  7. not surprised, but not forgot that not only idiots play games, sometimes they are just kids as well
  8. well that pretty stupid what you just stated...
  9. just found The Expanse, binge watched whole first series, I can't believe i didn't found it sooner, best sci-fy i have seen so far
  10. ok about animations and combat but characters were great, what are you talking about?
  11. I don't think they stated if its only timed exclusive or not, but I am done with other platforms, GoG or bust
  12. well still no GoG for outer worlds means no deal for me sadly
  13. some CK3 news that you might missed if you prefer video format instead of reading:
  14. not sure where to put this so here we go:
  15. I dunno, stealing tech, sabotages, kidnapping, infiltration, info gathering, assassinations, riots...
  16. jesus that was cringy how he expect applause after each sentence xD. I hope diplomacy will just not meed different federations but also different option how to deal with other spiecies other than feeding them cash. Also no espionage?
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