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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. well as long as its powered by actual nuclear power plant they are quite green. Its most green source of energy after all...
  2. i was playing with rougetech but since they added more lances game slowed down to crawl. Any better mods out there?
  3. And here I was, thinking you were true neutral...
  4. WTF? Is this Bruce 8 years ago alter ego? You sir is really great troll
  5. with US election, I feel like you guys start next campaign right after previous vote is done xD
  6. I know but I am sucker for DnD style RPGs...
  7. kick starter? they didnt made enough dough from first one?
  8. well, Trump made one assassination and started demonstrations against government which target of that assassination was part of. If this is not win win I don't know what https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/12/iran-riot-police-anti-government-backlash-ukraine I hope Kathphood is ok
  9. Japan have constitution that they cant attack anyone, south korea is scared of conventional bombardment as their capitol is too close to border, but biggest scarecrow in region is China. If NK was not supported by China there would be just a crater instead of NK...
  10. not sure, this is NK, this is almost neighbor of Israel we are talking about. I am sure when there is a chance they can fire nuke they get peppered so hard it would be second Australia in seconds. Not to mention Saudies...
  11. second there is confirmation they are at least close to nukes they are invaded in minutes, so i doubt it
  12. tried Xcom again. got kicked ass by some king viper - clearly my team was ready for it AT ALL. It bothers me that game does not show any sign of what to expect in some missions and if there is some time limit ot start them. That was my last iron man attempt. Its really unplayable it that way before previous playthrough...
  13. I think I have to kinda agree with Volo here. dwarfs are not dwarfs, black elfs are weird as hell. Masks are super low budget for humanoids, but monster CGI seems ok (Striga was really bad). Token black guy at court was super weird. Triss is awful. I kinda like Henry and Yen is decent and I liked Mouseack? and Jaskier. I also think Ciri is well casted. Big battle scenes were horrible. I think I am spoiled by GoT camera work and effects. I don't know why but a lot of shots in show feels extra cheap and some are pretty solid. It feels like its done 2 completely different directors/cameramans and one of them barely get out of school. Also that magic explanation is complete rubbish which they abandoned 5 seconds after that exposition. No idea whats that all about.... I want to like it and as I like Witcher in my mind its maybe even 7 but if I want to be objective its barely 5/10
  14. I honestly dont remember when my steam crashed...
  15. well most of his voter base don't want troops in there, throwing few missiles there on other hand...
  16. there were many reasons (none of it was lead poisoning tho) but funny part is that collapse of Roman empire ended up with creation of bunch of nation 'states' (kingdoms)
  17. So i picked Divinity 2 in sales and I must say ... that game is bullcrap. I am playing it on normal diff and I feel like i am using everything I can to just survive. Game constantly throw you out of party placement so every second combat my mage is placed in middle of crap.... I mean I like the challenge but sometimes it feels like devs just wanted to screw you over as much as possible...
  18. Do turning frogs gay and alien/demon/government conspiracies are now Most extreme conservative viewpoints? I would vote for him xD
  19. Where is my BG2 playthrough!!! Just do it!!
  20. trying bit of CS:GO but my boomer reactions are way off against those russians
  21. Turns out people in UK really want to leave that union, will commi.. I mean labor want 3rd referendum? xD
  22. I learned English playing Fallout 2 and holding vocabulary.
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