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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Mod community does more work on Battletech in a month than whole Harebrained was able to put out in a years. Pathetic... on other hand, still no new info about Stellaris next DLC?
  2. I was making fun of RPS, but Paradox reply was very.. tactical lets say
  3. lol n the years since CK2’s release, “Deus Vult” – an eleventh century crusader battlecry – has become a vile meme beloved of racists on the internet. I asked how Paradox’s community team felt about this, and was told emphatically that the words will not appear in Crusader Kings 3. That’s refreshing, but in a game set during a time of conflicts fetishised by modern fascists, it’s the tip of the iceberg. I’ll be writing more about how Paradox are handling the political sensitivities of making a game about the crusades, and how they’re handling the representation of non-European cultures, in the weeks to come. Update – Henrik Fåhraeus offered this comment: “I feel like this issue has been miscommunicated thus far. We have not specifically considered which terms are used in the game apart from making sense in the historical context. The team will decide how any text fits or does not fit into CK3 in a way that feels appropriate.” RPS butthurt about deus vult. Pathetic
  4. I guess its more about not feeding China government with money, maybe some morals - if you expect any from corporations...
  5. To be honest 2020 might be fun to watch, I dig Tulsi and Jessie would be great to watch. I hope we dont end up with some boring Hilary clone like a last ones.
  6. I really dig age of wonders mechanics but I really can't stand their art style...
  7. Ah, got my first new sidekick and I already don't like her. Why can't we get some sane priest companions from time to time xD
  8. you are the man, thanks that helps a lot so a lot of int and res, got it, should I go perception dex or str on it? I suppose dual wield is good way to pump out focus right?
  9. Hi gus, first off, I know there is already build section and I checked it but I feel like they are very outdated (one mention that DoT effects breaks stealth???) can someone suggest some decent build for Mindstalkers? I feel like I should focus on damage from thief class and utility from Cipher but I am not really sure. I for sure want to be melee oriented build and I kinda liked street fighter subclass but I feel like I will not have enough survivability to get benefit from outflanked and bloodied. So I guess I should go for assassin? what is good combination of these? Any help/hints would be welcomed. Thanks
  10. can but don't have pleasure of it, except Toreadors, IIRC
  11. so GoG have discount on Deadfire so I guess I am going to give it a shot. Any hints on what might be good RP class? I felt like first game was tuned for ciphers with all that soul stuff around. Considering its continuation of first game with 'same' character I will stick to cipher and that pirates are the thing of second game i will multiclass to thief? Good/bad? any thoughts?
  12. Stellaris mobile? :). Interesting, the game hardly runs on normal PC in late stages
  13. Ah cmon Paradox, they already have story packs and season pass in mind, I mean if they butcher strategy game I can deal with it as it have a lot of replay value, but RPG delivered in 15 pieces? I will have to wait for some complete edition https://www.gog.com/game/vampire_the_masquerade_bloodlines_2_blood_moon_edition
  14. Chuck was comedic relief but Fat Larry never seemed to me as caricature on purpose, to each his own I guess
  15. I would still waited for next update/DLC, there is still no diplomacy and the game desperately needs it, unless you want to paint whole map with your colors, in that case purging robots are easy to do so
  16. hah ironically I played CK2 yesterday for a while, got very strong character almost getting all counties to form Scandinavian empire while my 45 yo character without reason got infirm and my regent decided that going to war for last 3 counties is bad idea. Long story short, after 3 years of doing nothing character died and whole empire collapsed to petty kingdoms AGAIN. I effing hate this game xD
  17. Am I only one who remember that part about snuff?? films with monsters raping and killing women?
  18. I just came here to post that its free to grab as well, but I am not sure if I ever played it or not
  19. Nihilistic is a must and I vote for middle aged psychiatrist or philosopher and name him Nietzsche and be done with it
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