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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. As I already pointed out earlier, the way AD&D and most systems are structured, there are a lot more lower level spells available than higher levels ones, so there will certainly be enough to shut down the other guy(s) in any important battle, unless the NPCs are cheating. I only used the 1v1 scenario as an example, to keep it simple, but the principles that were illustrated work the same exact way in battles involving many participants on each side. For each caster with quick spells on my side, I can shut down one caster on the other side. Again you cant still dip into 1v1 fights. There is no ulimited number of low level spells and at time you can cast high level spells you should be able to have character prepared for such fight. You can change magic missile for archer shooting at you and you end up same failing checks and get interupted. You want to remove archers because of that? no you just have to play smart to minimalise interuptions by spess, equipment and or traits/feats whatever. I still think that casting times are ok in real time. What would be other aproach? spamming finger of death to kill whole screen in 5 seconds? still dont understand your problem with it
  2. I would not like to end up like simple hunter, I think that ranger should be proficient with mele weapon as well,he is protector of woodland but it doenst mean he fight onlz animals. he also fight with bandits and other armed humanoids and it mostly end up in close combat battles
  3. Well, the time stop argument doesn't really work, as it was (together with Improved Alacrity) an end-game "I win" button basically, There is nothing anyone can do against that, so strategy/tactics do not apply, and it is irrelevant to the argument at hand. But low level spells like Magic Missile would indeed out-perform stuff like horrid wilting and meteor swarm, because once we removed each other's spell shields, i could interrupt your casting of wilting/swarm with a faster MM. I haven't played SCSII or other mods like it, but if they address the problem I brought up about low level spell abuse, no one has mentioned how so far, in terms of actual mechanics. The problem seems to be that many people "feel" like casting time adds a layer of strategy to combat, but ignore the fact that it also leads to very cheesy exploit-type gameplay. Man but there will not be unlimited number of low level spells and no one force you to cast 8th level spells first, i dont see your point and you cant just set it as 1v1 mage fight, most battles are here agains numerous enemies. Jeez this is not PVP balanced e spor
  4. Hello, I would like to know your opinion about rangers in IE games. I totaly love concept of wilderness survival/beastmaster fighter type but in most IE games I just rather choose druid/fighter dual class. Thing is I am not huge fan of bows as primary weapon but its not that main issue. Problem is that ranger in most games was just inferior fighter. In BG1 and IWD1 and IWD2 there was absolutly nothing that fighter cant do and ranger can. He got lower BRB or fewer traits. In BG2 you can create at least subclass (and then only archer got some meaning, other subclasses were again weaker than any other fighter/whatever. Things I would like to see for ranger in terms of combat: More skills attuned to beastmastery - dual hit with pet, pet commands making them enlarged/frenzied etc.Tricky combat techniques using enviroment (probably hard to implement), maybe some stances and combat trick learned from animals. Eg. tiger stance for more crit/faster attacks, eagl stand for longer arrow flights etc. In terms of non combat skills: I remember that only once i really used ranger was in dark wood in IWD2 where i have to use tracking/wilderness survival to get out of it. I would like more of that interactions. Lets face it, fantasy worlds are mostly wilderness with few populated areas but somehow in these games we just dont have any use of such a skills, which is a shame for rangers. I think in Fallout it was great that if you have (cant remember now) survival skill and higher it was. you were traveling faster, can expect encounters. I would go down that road and add bonus encounters if you have ranger in group with high survival skill. Please share your opinions about rangers in your favorit games and how they were implemented or what do you would like to see in PE yeah and please forgive me my English, its not my native language. Feel free to point out typos Chilloutman offtopic: how can I add tags for thread?
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