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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. wow, didn't expected those, i thought it will be ventrue
  2. glorified anomalies. They should start working on proper diplomacy and espionage instead of this. Also better trading would be nice as well, not to mention combat system
  3. yeah i noticed it seems there is drop in quality in Paradox DLCs and games, thats why i am little nervous for Vampire game.
  4. She was not planning to get full mad king for sure, but she lost Ser Friendzone and Lady Google translate. She now SUFFER! again, once they tun out of the books, they were unable to keep it interesting with character arcs, it goes full holywood.
  5. and of course it have to be Kanadian
  6. yeah she was stupid from day one and never actually done anything, she always stumble upton people who done **** for her. On other hand that 180 switch from breaker of chains to butcher of innocent because someone touched here lesbian lover while millions are dying around her was tad too much. I mean I would be all for her to go mad, but it needed like 3 more series to get to that point
  7. if your kid steals money from you it still sounds like bad parenting to me
  8. what a coincidence, I watched thatGeek n Sundry few weeks ago
  9. So Sharp one send me an DM. I don't see anything wrong with content of it so I will fulfill his last wish: Message: Greetings to all forum members. I would like to take this opportunity thanks to a fellow forum member to inform about the reasons for my absence and most probably say a final goodbye to all of you with whom I spend so much time engaging in great debates and meaningful exchange of views and opinions. Thanks to the moderators I’ve been banned on New Year’s Eve for reasons that have never been revealed to me despite nearly 4 months that passed by. I’ve exchanged numerous private messages with the moderators and asked for clarification why the decision have been made. Unfortunately I’ve never received straightforward answer and explanation of the reasons behind this decision. I can only assume that my firm stand on the values of free speech and freedom of expression have struck a nerve with the political agenda some of the members of moderators group developed in recent times. Let this be a warning, as no one can know which long time member of this community will be victim of silencing inconvenient voices next. I won’t be pointing fingers on specific persons who contributed to silencing me, because it will serve no purpose. Besides, anyone who doesn’t fear to express his or her views here probably immediately knows of which people I’m talking about. Instead I would like to thank you all for a lovely time that allowed me to expand my views and learn so much about you guys, your life in various countries around the world, your views and life experience. It was a fun ride while it lasted. If this is my last opportunity I would like to say to you this. Always follow your dreams and goals whatever they might be and I hope your perseverance and good hearts will make your life worthwhile. Don’t let anyone or anything hold you down and may our paths cross again in our future endeavors. Thank you guys and take care. Sincerely, Sharp_one Happy to take warning hit for our ex-member. I believe anyone deserves to say good bye. I will miss you loonie. Trump or bust! xD
  10. Doubt Tzimisce, too hard to do, they can basically do whatever they want with flesh, also too close to Tremere already
  11. so now I am getting enraged, 3 times I wanted to refund that Uplay nonsense on Steam and 3 times I got robotic reply that I already played more than 2 hours of it and I can't request refund. How can I contact some human being there??!
  12. same, but its just part of JRE podcast, there is no commentary to it (I think, I watched whole podcast but jsut wanted to put it this segment)
  13. so I got quite fun with Stick of the Truth so I bought on Steam Fractured but Whole, but when I want to play it it downloaded Uplay and require me to install it and create account in it??? What is the point on having it on Steam than? I am going to refund it if its the case. I don't want that crap on my PC. I am very disappointed.
  14. I think they will not invlude Malks at start, its too much work especially if they include nosies from start. And I think Nosferatu are granted, i think from that trailer the protagonist was chasing someone who looked kinda like Nosferatu
  15. Since someone mentioned that South Park is on sale I was playing it all day. Got some good chuckles out of it so far. They are not holding back on some of the stuff I must say
  16. playing Stellaris as Imperium of Men. Since there is still no diplomacy worth mentioning in game i figured that purging alien scum was best approach to finally win the damn game. I have last aliance standing against me on medium sized map. Those damn Tau dont want to go quiet into the night. I will eventually eradicate them but I dont know if I will make it in time limit. Fingers crossed that i will have enough influence to claim all their worlds before en of game
  17. GoT spoiler And don't get me started on wasting manpower on that whole siege tactics. I mean they really needed Blackfish there to tell them how things works
  18. Playing dota mostly really, got burned out on Pathfinder and I am unnable to force myself to buy something else, i juse fired up Civ5 because i still miss some achievements and I am downloading something so I can't play online, my PC is getting old so anything really new is out of the question anyway until i force myself to get new rig
  19. At least mobile version is working for me, strange, I am at work so I can't access Imgur, refresh does not helped, strange
  20. I mean broken broken, I have extra hard time to even post anything, all background is white, i can see all emotes under each post, everything is in plain text, there are no styles at all. Its basically white page with black text and links broken into total mess, I would put in screenshot but I can't because i dont see any editing tools for my posts
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