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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Are you even a Swede or in Sweden? Or are you another American who yell "America Numba One!" and put down other countries he has no idea about?
  2. what? Most interesting ones were males IIRC, Beckett, Smiling Jack, Taxi driver...
  3. HL3 will never exist, GabeN doesn't know word '3'
  4. yeah, why not? what do you think is european country with most sexual assaults, Belgium? edit, well now I am thinking about I guess UK trumped you lately with those grooming gangs uncovered I actually investigated the topic before moving to Sweden, out of necessity. If I recall correctly, the reasons Swedish rape statistics are higher in Sweden are mainly two: first, sexual assault within a relationship is filed by the justice system/police as multiple individual instances (back in 2016 I believe this was unique to Sweden), instead of just one that encompasses all the individual events; secondly, and more importantly, rape is massively under-reported all over the world. Generally, more rape reports is a sign of more victims reporting rapes, not of there being necessarily more rapes. If I had to wager, I'd say Saudi Arabia is the rape capital of the world, although statistics certainly don't show that. I wrone of Europe, but i guess SA might as well soon be part of EU
  5. yeah, why not? what do you think is european country with most sexual assaults, Belgium? edit, well now I am thinking about I guess UK trumped you lately with those grooming gangs uncovered
  6. ...and the rape capitol of Europe but mostly food
  7. I know about few reasons why to get out of Sweden...
  8. you are all heroes i guess, I jsut got cold and have to work overtimes, I just want to lay down end sleep
  9. Their stance is that corporate money fits really snugly in their pocket. like on other side of spectrum is it any different Tell me about that immense amount of lobbying money that goes towards pushing climate change action. Well i dont know how its in US but in our small country there was hughe lobby for solar plants, we are still paying for them by tax payer money 10 years after. It was awesome business as politicians guaranteed price for buying out that energy. Of course half of those were build from EU funds so it was big win/win for anyone who was involved except people who actually have to pay for it. And don't let me start on how 'ecological' is manufacturing and then 'recycling' of those panels...
  10. Their stance is that corporate money fits really snugly in their pocket. like on other side of spectrum is it any different
  11. also some rumors that this is getting woke, I really hope its just bullcrap
  12. maybe their stance is that its fine like its now so there is no need for change? Just speculating
  13. Left side top and bottom, so I can chew on other side. Popping pills like candy too
  14. got 2 of my 4 wisdom teeth extracted today. Now I know the meaning of painfully stupid.
  15. now i am really have to laught. Check both videos to get reference. In this order
  16. source? https://twitter.com/VtM_Bloodlines/status/1108948381127204865 well that effing stupid, there was ton of melee combat, I can't imagine good melee in FP. WTF?
  17. i can see only 3 edit: never mind, found that 4th one
  18. Plus that cult game had 15 years gather fans. it would be interesting to know how many people now actually own that game, i know it was debacle on release
  19. the one in trailer looked a bit like nosferatu
  20. Spring sale, witcher 3 -75%, ELEX -60% ok I might bite
  21. i was not planning to play it day one anyway (if at all)
  22. daily reminder that Sseth is love, Sseth is life:
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