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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Am I only one who got forum completely broken in all browsers?
  2. no point of playing this without rougetech, too bad my PC is almost dead when i mod BT, those unity games have really horrible optimalisation
  3. yes you can, aligment have effect on kingdom, as opposed to class
  4. one thing that rubs me wrong way about kingmaker is about classes versus this whole kingdom stuff. I like that management game but on other hand I really liked BG2 approach where it was more tailored to your character even if it was very limited. I mean why would druid became a king? Why can't I make this whole region some kind of magical forest or something. I really would like to try druid character but it just feels so out of place :/
  5. I didnt have any problems in my last playhalf, so go for it, (but it still have memory leak)
  6. aaand my kindom died when i was on quest, and I dont have saves . Effing hell, going to try again in a half year or so xD
  7. Ok so another question, when I can select DD wings feat? Do I have to be lvl 15 DD to select them or just lvl 15 character with at least 1 lvl in DD?
  8. Thank you, I guess I will keep going with DD if it will be only one level difference between 1S/7DD or 3S/4DD. I think that BAB is worth more now, I will not have high lvl spells anyway as I have 1 thug and 3 paladin lvls anyway
  9. Pretty sure it gets 7/10 casting. Caster level goes up at 2/3/4/6/7/8/10. no idea what does it means but i got lvl 1 sorc and 3 lvls in DD and I still am able to cast only 1st level spells. Kinda bad if you ask me Sorcerers don't get 2nd level spells until 4th level caster, whereas with 1 sorc/3 DD you're only a 3rd level (1 sorc + 2 DD) caster. At 4 DD (or 2 Sorc) you'd get 2nd level spells. For example, my 2 Paladin/1 Sacred Fist/3 Sorc/4 DD/10 EK casts as a 15th level sorcerer (so only 7th level and lower spells.) so when i will get 3rd level spells if I have 1 lvl sorcs and X lvl of DD?
  10. Pretty sure it gets 7/10 casting. Caster level goes up at 2/3/4/6/7/8/10. no idea what does it means but i got lvl 1 sorc and 3 lvls in DD and I still am able to cast only 1st level spells. Kinda bad if you ask me
  11. does dragon disciple actually get higher level spells when he level up? Does he have any spell progression or only get extra spells per day for already known levels? Its extremely confusing to search for some reason.
  12. i was stupit when i was younger as well, I have T-Shirt with Che Guevara
  13. all 40K? I would not mind some RPG in WH universe, if in 40K something like KOTOr can actually work great in that universe
  14. 1. Prism is just used by government to spy on its own citizens 2. Ecuador dropped Assange because wiki leaks spilled the beans on new president doing shady business with offshore companies. If anything Assange have balls of steel to bite the hand which feeds him. He stands by his principles in face of life in jail and Bruce have guts to shame him is next level of ignorance
  15. pfff, all same story, why can't you send handsome girls with dog? I would have place for them :/
  16. Unlike Joplin, this new version of the fourth Dragon Age is planned with a live service component, built for long-term gameplay and revenue. dead
  17. at this point its more like
  18. I jsut noticed that Dekard Cain in D1 sounds like Sean Connery, am I only one?
  19. That Predator reference is awesome!
  20. no interest in Borderlands for me anyway
  21. There's some evidence that homo sapiens evolved to be more gregarious and have more complex social structures than neanderthals, which may be why we are around today but they aren't. Philosophical foundations like Rousseau's Social Contract came after humans organized themselves in societies across the world, rather than acting as a catalyst for their formation. I remain somewhat skeptical that bureaucratic monstrosities like the EU are in any way an inevitable result of natural forces beyond our control like evolution or electronegativity. I may be a bit on the "extreme existential nihilist" side, though. There are plenty of arguments against gargantuan bureaucracies like the EU, but Brexit isn't one of them. More like the other way around, probably, although Brexit is mainly an argument for throwing the British political class from very high into a fiery lake of lava lamps. Brexit is not argument against EU, its results of it
  22. No, Afghanistan got only tons of poppy
  23. its out of date mate, or you are terrible in geography (I don't blame you, Europe is soo big)
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