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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. It would be nice, but I don't think it would be a democracy any longer? I would love to do a social experiment where the system is a meritocracy with a democratically elected oversight body. Edit: Since Warhammer 40K was brought up, I believe the EU would be the equivalent of the Adeptus Administratum Edit2: With the Germans being secret followers of the Omnissiah Are we in V4 ... heretics then?? Praise the Emberor! edit: nah it does not compute, EU love xenos xD
  2. but to get those you have to have ID xD
  3. yeah but 2.2 really sucks, performance wise, and AI wise its dissaster
  4. I am happy that 99% of AAA titles does not intereset me at all so I don't have to deal with this sh1t because franky, even if I care about some new title, there is no way I would get into this rabbit hole of 10+ editions until there is complete pack 50% off on steam if it ever happen (looking at you Mass Effect)
  5. once you get to stock market, you either go up, or you are dead. that is real problem with current AAA game industry - to go up, you need to have draconic monetisation model to feed all those investors which in the end (hopefully) make them left our industry alone
  6. agree about summary, at other hand, noone is forcing you to click on them... disallow means ban right? You just want to control other people, how... normal of you Darn, you foiled my attempts to disproportionately punish Sonic. and it again hurts me to stand by my principles
  7. agree about summary, at other hand, noone is forcing you to click on them... disallow means ban right? You just want to control other people, how... normal of you
  8. Why do you keep posting **** videos from this moron? He's almost on SM117 level everyone have his own tastes, I don't see anything wrong with this one tho, no Idea what SM117 is...
  9. If Deadfire didn't have so many shallow systems and insane bugs I'd agree with you. Imagine a game like Mass Effect 2 being released and the import completely not working and the final boss becoming invisible and unfightable. shalow systems and then compare it to ME 2 ... ok I guess renegade or saint response leading to same outcome are such a peak of compexness xD
  10. well the most sad thing aroud this that devs will be the ones punished by lowered sales and publisher will be blaming them for making bad game... Well should have thinked twice before making that deal with thme in first place
  11. Did they try to turn it off an on again?
  12. Nazis also wore uniforms - anyone wearing uniform is nazi, clearly
  13. well its normal no? I mean i don't buy 99% of games presented on any store or gaming site as well.
  14. well so i will not get Metro, not a big deal, i am sure it will show up on Steam or GoG sooner or later
  15. If its Hillary vs Trump again, I am willing to put my moth salary on Trump, that fake outrage probably pushed more people on his side than other way around
  16. that i know but is there a story? Are there some quests?
  17. my friend is currently playing Kenshi and loving it. his favorite game is Arcanum, though, so that's one of the reasons he likes Kenshi so much, but overall, he says, it's everything he ever wanted from an RPG. the only downside is, the game has lots and lots of bugs. But is it RPG? It seems to me there is no story or quests or?
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