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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. haha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=312sbdaZVUo
  2. cmon, don't be mysterious and share the link, for research purposes ofc maybe it is using your cookies to tailor results to your... needs
  3. not that much political. but i got nice chuckle from it: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/07/entertainment/kevin-hart-oscars-step-down/index.html I am interested where those hypercorect people will find someone who has good cadre review
  4. well thats problem of most RPG/FPS attempts, either RPG does not have any effect on combat or combat is lackluster because why otherwise bother with RPG elements in it. Isometric for the win
  5. I should really lay off gaming if I am able to guess engine just from few seconds of ingame footage
  6. Huh, which games? And why would that engine cause you issues? It have problem with memory usage in pretty much any game I played
  7. what does it mean no DRM? Honestly until they somehow agree to carry over all my games from Steam I don't see myself moving, I understand devs dont want steam because they take large share of profits, but its really not my problem as consumer
  8. yeah its seems little bit too 'colorfull' but I was told that I am idiot if I like dark and gritty so I am not complaining anymore - I have mostly Futurama feel from it TBH
  9. So apperantelly my boy Neil DeGrasse Tyson tried to hit on some chick who he invited to his flat for cheese and wine, failed, let her leave and is now alleged for sexual misconduct? Yeah sure ladies, push harder, seduction is only successfull or its rape xD
  10. Could fit to description of many ladies I know rather than cats
  11. I thought I would not like that retro feel, but when Passanger start playing they sold it to me, i am effing weak weak man
  12. well you do you, i didn't ment to disrespect those hard working ladies on twitch. I am sure there is few who are attractive and actually entertaning and honestly like games. I just doubt it I probably prefer pornstarts, they are at least honest about it
  13. never got it, there is so much porn on internet to bother with thots on twitch
  14. The sad thing is that this extremely unacceptable bug really punish the die hard fans. Salt in the wounds. Bethesda - ''We got bugs even in our bug reporting systems, waiting for modders to fix them and then let you pay for it''
  15. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20181206T08&p0=70&msg=Stellaris+2.2&font=sanserif&csz=1
  16. These students represent a very irritating and misplaced small group that were part of the " Fees must Fall " movement that really disrupted life in Universities from 2015-2016, they dont represent most students and the entire movement was an epic fail that just added to our tax and egregious government debt. Of course some them have the audacity to think they made a real social stand against " evil ,colonial, Western, anti-poor, Capitalist , Neo-colonial ....etc. " Universities and the actual subjects taught at Universities. Most of them were utterly entitled, vacuous and attention seeking ...and yes these types of discussions were just embarrassing I don't want to argue over this, I think that state of your infrastructure speak for itself
  17. I'm not sure your point since there have been academic studies on magic, psychic powers and alchemy (to name a few) over the years. But (IMO) in a world that is becoming increasing anti-science, science needs to step up in demonstrating how science works and how it works objectively, not subjectively. And if that means having undergraduate students in Cape Town apply the scientific method to black magic...where exactly is the problem for the world if they can learn that science isn't something to be rejected because its from 'the west'? We debunked it hundreds of years ago, no point of beating a dead horse, world is not becoming increasingly anti-science, only for some reason dumb people starting to have more space in universities and/or public spaces.
  18. are we really have to debate if black magic needs to be debunked on universities in this time? Well maybe we deserve to extinct, no surprise that dams in SA falling apart, which was my original point
  19. well whole science is based on scepticism, I think that science have done tons of work already to prove that black magic does not work/exist?
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