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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. please share how i can remove all that telemetry and malware from W10, i am struggling with it for 2 weeks already. I got more feking messeges from my OS than from facebook...
  2. so I just watched someone play that new Mechwarrior 5 and... Is it me or did those graphics really not look like 2020 (almost) game? I don't know maybe its because of my new rig I got higher expectations? Not impressed at all TBH
  3. yeah, on one side kingdom management was badly implemented especially on release date. On another hand... I kinda like this type of stuff. What bothered me was that.. well you were not able to make it more unique or different on different characters. For example I was not happy to play druid because of it. If we were able on other hand to change that piece of overgrown land into some kind of holy forest for druids that would be awesome. Or as rouge make it more like merchant Mekka. Or some kind of magic conduit for mages. Anything other than paladin/warrior felt out of place being king
  4. i have itch to play Stellaris but i really want new diplomacy in before I start and there is still not release date
  5. subtle ecological programs from greens, good one
  6. Finished Witcher 3. Overall really good game, I have found DLCs to be better than the main game story wise. I would take 50 less go kill quests for 5 more indepth story quests as they were in DLCs
  7. Finished Witcher 3 base game, as I was arguing that combat at start was hard it was really easy at the end. (except for enemies with shields). To expansion I guess
  8. morituri te salutant

  9. First hearth attack patient to show up to the emergency room by city bus xD
  10. Ok thanks will keep that in mind. Another pet peeve I got is that damn compass, whoever thought that compass should not point to north was sadistic bastard...
  11. so I finally got my new PC up and running.. So I decided to finally play Witcher 3 and since I thought it would be fun I run on second highest difficulty and oh boi I am not enjoying it at all. I was prepared for tough fights but there is so much filler enemies I think I will have to lower it down. Really not fun of that combat system. replaying fights with bunch of wolfs for 2-3 times everywhere is really not my cup of tea. After playing Kingdom Come I really can't take so much enemies everywhere. I can't believe there is any village alive in this world... I also want to finish my run of PoE2 but I am at boss fight in Eye of Wael and I am getting my ass kicked extra hard. I should have probably prepared more before I get into that location I didn't realised it will be that tough. I can barely get it down to half hp before I get rekt. There is so much enemies and AoE spam and at same time getting mind controlled or petrified... seriously no idea how to deal with it
  12. Any suggestion for good monitoring software who does it all? I want to see CPU temp, GPU temp, fan speed all in one ideally?
  13. funny, I have 0 memory for numbers but I remember my ICQ number for like effing 15 years while I didnt used it for like 10
  14. in other news, Epstein guards being arrested...
  15. thats some dodgy link if I ever seen one
  16. Subnautica is awesome, and take it from someone who does not like survival games as you mentioned. Also its pure single player (IIRC)
  17. even console peasants are above apple users imho
  18. hard true is that not everyone can be CEO, who would do the mining than? Yes sometimes some people get into their position not by their skills and hard work but by luck. But you still have chance to get there with bit of luck and hard working. Yes most of us will not be lucky as Bezos to find such a huge hole in the marked and be so skilled and driven to expose it. But most of us can start small company and be mildly successful. There will always be some kind of hierarchy until we reach post scarcity society (and maybe even after). As much I don't like greed driven economy its also only model that forced humanity to move forward (so far, i can also see how it can slow down progress on purpose). But Socialist model will always leads to corruption and positions being allocated not on merit but on arbitrary traits like political leaning. Thats why CCCP was unable to compete with west. Thats why South American countries are failing. Socialism can work for robots, not for humans - because ironically we are strongly motivated by 'greed' and lazyness. I am for some form of 'free' health care and education but there always have to be 'better' option without state control. But this is always creating elitism. So pick your poison and again. biggest issue are tax heavens. If those filthy rich people are able to evade paying taxes the majority of 'poor' people gets screwed. I am surprised that there is no push from all contries around globe to just forbid it. It would make such big positive impact on lives of people all around the globe... maybe conspiracy theory?
  19. So considering my rig just died I am in this for real now.. any update on suggestions? nah. fek it:
  20. Sailing through act 2 of pillars 2 ... having quite a good time .. wanted to start a game today and my computer after 8 or so years of duty finally gave up... seems like all those viruses from porn pages rotted it away as windows are unable to find winload.exe and dont start. I was hoping it would hop until cyberpunk.. I am very sad
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