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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. guy commenting on that blizzcon QnA was from Starcraft
  2. already seen all of them, waiting for next one
  3. well now I am confused, those issues sounds like problem of windows store or Epic store? What have Obs to do with any of it?
  4. now i need to know, cmon spill the beans, whats going on there? I ddin't knew TOW have always online..
  5. Considering you now don't have option to not play with others I guess it can be annoying but more importantly watch that interview I posted and pay attention when they were asked if MTX will be cosmetics only from what I catched they are going maybe for character slots, stash space etc. Whach how they specified that they will not sell "power" but making your life miserable with 10 items max stash is different story..
  6. Ok dumb question, power levels? I know empower is providing them but how else to get them, only through equipment?
  7. I am already down with trickster/soulblade soo no change there, ok I will give that sword a chance. One more question about psychovamp shield, you mentioned it's good spell but it seems it have very short duration, I guess I am suppose to spam it or is there some other trick to make it stick longer?
  8. Man do I missed something about that greatsword? It seems like it does half damage of same quality regular greatsword...
  9. this is suppose to be Babylone tho? xD
  10. So around 1 hour mark there is dev commentary and its soul crushing. Mandatory multiplayer overworld maps, no single player offline mode, micro transactions, simplified stats (again?). Rune worlds only consists of 2 runes. (one trigger second effect). Soo sad - game looks great but everything else sounds like big stinking pile of dung
  11. Look at him, he is there for few days and he already calls us 'characters'
  12. i bet most of them are trolls on it just for fun of it
  13. so most of things i hear about D4 sounds ok, except that shared MMO like world. Sounds fishy. Also release date 2021 ... Did they started on it after last blizzcon or what?
  14. sexual fluid is bad now? I thought its in this year
  15. D4 trailer looks a bit cringey but i liked that gameplay, characters still look a bit cartoony but overall i liked it more than D3
  16. whats the point of question if you answer it yourself?
  17. does it? Are not my tax money spend on someone else mass transit? Again don't take it as I am complaining about mass transit but I don't see reason why I could not expect tax money to be spend on infrastructure for cars same way its spend on mass transit. Its not like there is some kind of tax on gas for example...
  18. well thats the point, if there was proper infrastructure you would not be sitting in jams...
  19. mass transit is anti individual. I don't drive only because I need to, but because I want to. Don't get me wrong. If someone CHOOSE to drive by mass transit its fine with me and more power to them, just don't take away my choice not to
  20. Yes True, come to the dark side xD
  21. Ironically, 'green' solutions to traffic is making it harder for cars to get through high traffic areas and even harder to park. Which in turn get traffic even more static, and there is nothing worse than cars which have to stop ever 10 meters and start moving again, making pollution even worse. If there was put more money in better road infrastructure and underground parking spots it would make more good to air quality than all those restrictions put on cars so far together.
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