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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. going to sit back and relax, this is going to be funny. GO ANTI-FEMINISTS. We are going to win league this time! PS: I would not argue if I was forced on some female
  2. Err..Did they? I didn't have such feeling although I watched the video several times...anyway,is that a weakness? Yes it is - it's not a game-breaking one, but it's distracting when I'm looking at more effect than combat. This is an IE-style game, not Street-Fighter Alpha A larger effect from spells is ok - having a rippling from a basic hit seems strange to me. I think its only on barbarian, because he got cleave talent
  3. 1 thing I dont like are bows - or more specificaly there is no arc on arrows - that was done almost perfectly in ToEE, anyway just a minor thing
  4. I avoided watching this video, it was hard as I started it and heard the initial 1 minute of conversation. But I avoided it, has anyone else made a conscious decision to try to not watch any gameplay videos so your first play through is a complete surprise on every level ? hey bruce, they already summoning you in giantbomb thread . Anyaway Its not spoilery too much if you dont want so feel free to look at it
  5. it was already known. There was discussion around some of barbarian traits that he take only 1/8 demega to health instead of common 1/4 as other classes. basicaly all damage damage your health
  6. Really? I thought the base is 2. Maybe the character raised the number with talents. When he equips the second axe on the Barbarian you can see sets III and IV below. Youre probably right about the talents adding more but Im still curious why you would ever need four. There are only three damage types, right? Or am I mistaken? ranged weapon? fire and cold weapon? life stealing weapon? Reach weapon? do you really belive that slashing/bludgeoning/piercing is only atribute of weapon?
  7. All looks cool, ToEE vibe for me as well (which is good as I consider it one of best looking RPGs so far), combat fells good, UI feels good, scripted interactions feel AWESOME, but god why the PURPLE! even guys in GB noticed it
  8. Being a Wizard fanatic in all Infinity games, I can only agree with you ! AT-will casting for 1st or 2nd level spell is really a good idea. Specially for Identify items ? But do not sub-estimate Chromatic Orb, I remember insta-kill a dragon in BGB two thanks to one of those ! Chromatic orb is my favourite lvl1 spell. Not so damaging as magic missile but paralysis on it was superb
  9. Cool? yeah more pink, we never have enough *sigh*
  10. Yeah I am still sad we will not have overland map and conversations same as in SoZ, those were truly best parts of that game
  11. Every Quicklook so far was gameplay. And not only bits but rather a whole scene or scenario without any cuts. Quicklooks are not getting cut. They are showing "live" reactions recorded on video. If this is not a real quicklook I will be mad to be honest. Well then, prepare for rage train from people demanding gamplay footage from E3 to be public now realising that they are going to be screwed again (kind of)
  12. this sounds racist! just kidding, cant even bother with you bester
  13. I doubt it will be really in-game gameplay footage, but maybe there could be some new tidbits
  14. hmm bad for separatists: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/23/us-ukraine-crisis-commander-exclusive-idUSKBN0FS1V920140723
  15. someone hacked your account Bruce?
  16. The world's universally renowned game, Cùjū (pronunciation: tsu-jee, neutral first syllable, high-rising tone on the second syllable,) of course. Also, have you ever heard of booze, gambling or prostitution? I do, these are one of my favourite spare time activities + computer games
  17. when you are poor, you mostly make babies - true story
  18. From time they invented biggest evil in gaming industry *cought* DLC *cought* I dont buy day one even if its golden brick for 1$
  19. Well if I recall correctly I mourned him when I learned that he can pimp my car
  20. Ehm, weapon groups were already in IWD2, doubt that we will miss them in PoE. Its standart these days
  21. Stray Root This 'creature' looks like ordinary stump of chopped down tree. However this 'thing' is far more horrifing than what it seems to be.This crature is part plant, part living thing. Its not much known how these roots exist and where they are from but most people belive that when old tree with soul connected to land is chopped down by greedy lumberjacks its roots fuel with sorrow, rage and vengance morph into octopus like creature. Stray roots are vile and deceptive creatures. They move during nights, placing themself into pathways and dirty roads in woods. Once 'settled' in place they look like ordinary stump of tree, strangly placed in middle of the road. When someone cross them (by foot or on cart) they release invisible toxin without smell. Affected pray didnt notice anything strange and continue to its destination. However its only illusion. Once toxin hits target victim start experiencing heavy hallucinations. Road starts curving, unknown crossroads start appearing in his way. In fact victim starts wandering deeper and deeper into forest often circling around Sray Root. After desoriented victim fall to lay down to catch breath Stray root dig out and using its tentacles like roots covered with thorns pull victing into its digged out hole in land. Stray root doesnt have any 'mouth'. Instead it burry victim underneath itself slowly decomposing its corpse. Its very painfull death as victim can be alive even few days burrowed and slowly digested by Stray Root. So watch out for what you are crossing on your adventures!
  22. you missed the point. actually, you didn't even read the post. seriously, wtf? did you not read the "a few points?" Oh I read it all. But in fact you are saying - I dont want to do it, but I want that knoweladge which someone who analyse will get
  23. hmm what to say? if you dont want to analyse, just dont do it, put you char axe in hand and experience how good it is against other targets, hack if you want to use axe just use it and dont min/max at all. Obs will never please everyone, but giving us more details and allow us to not use them is much better then 'dumb down' for all
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