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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Good job getting into the thread after 6 pages and ignoring them all. *Frankly, I don't worry about engagement mechanics either. I read about first 3 pages, where people complaining about how bad engagement mechanic is, but noone state why
  2. Can someone tell me what is so bad about engagement? Because for me its works as expected. Want to run away from melee enemy? well count with extra attack against you. Where is the problem?
  3. So an anonymous account makes a bad joke about the ferguson-riots and people doxx him/her and their mom in hope that someone will burn their house down. Sounds logical, normal and morally sound. Kinda like the same morals as of certain journalists. Well what do you expect from people supporting criminal who robbed shop and then threaten policeman?
  4. Here is the original edited post by a moderator. You will note that I used the alternate term on myself in the same sentence. I do not find those terms insulting or offensive, and I had not seen any evidence that using them on these boards is against the rules (although apparently they are now). If you want to be an SJW and take insult from those comments that's your choice, I couldn't care less. For every person who feels the need to call me out by name on the forums, there are as many, or more that agree with my statements. And most of you people have only done so because you disagree with me on the Engagement topic. If you feel that calling me out personally and insulting me adds something valuable to the discussion - keep it up, because most of the time it's you people that feel the need to get personal rather than arguing the topic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I reserve the right to reply to you and call you out for it. If you don't like what you're reading, use the ignore function. I dont want to derail this topic - so my last comment on it and i will move on. 1) pointing out that your comments sounds arrogant and disrespectful to others doesnt make me SJW and I am quite opposite in fact 2) I dont understand what do you mean but calling your name 3) I am suprised that you take what I write as insult while when you act similiary to others you dont see it as problem -BUT i am sure it doesnt add anything to discussion as its not related to PoE at all 4) I am speaking only for myself, please dont generalise this If you feel that my feeling about your posts is not correct feel free to correct me/PM me to not derail this discussion any futher Peace
  5. I have to say that I quite like engagement mechanic it just needs some polishing 1) remove interupt for attack of oportuniy (or whatever its called) so enemy can move aout after taking hit 2) improve AI so they dont try to move out of engagement without good reason (aka dont stand in aoe, opportunity to finish of other character etc) And one personal statement: Sensuki i think you are doing great work helping OE improve PoE. But oh god I cant stand your attitude - I AM ONLY ONE KNOWING TRUTH. And insulting all who dont agree with you left and right. Please stop being omnipotent **** (as you call someone storyfag)
  6. It doesn't bother me, but to be honest, the more armored one simply looked better... sometimes less revealing looks simply better. Boobs are just that... boobs... I've seen them more times than I can count.... Me too, but I still like to look at them
  7. Yes. Because guess what? They weren't, they were just products of their age, and most importantly: they were people like you and me. They had a reason why they thought the way they did. People think of them as irredeemable because of the holocaust, but they don't say the same **** of the communists who committed even worse atrocities (holodomor, Gulags) since Stalin was with the Allies. Hypocrisy at its finest. I say same **** about commies...
  8. I know I sounded obnoxious, but I just go blind with rage whenever I smell the good old bull**** "nazis are evul, the worst on the planet!" I don't claim to know anyone's grandfather better than them, but I'm just wary of any nazi bashing bs. I remember Rochus Misch's daughter in that documentary - I didn't know whether to rage or laugh. Basically she was saying how much of a sheep her father was, when she was basically saying the most cookie cutter generic "evul nazi" opinion. Are you saying that nazis were not evil?
  9. Did you consider that just maybe your grandfather actually believed that Hitler was right? That he had good reason to fight for him? I know that all the propaganda teaches us that nazis were less than human bullet sponges, basically evil incarnate, but look beyond that. Please don't derail this topic, this is question for different thread
  10. Cool, I am looking forward to laser weapons, they seemed more civilian friendly than missiles
  11. Sry mr.BAdler but this sounds like you are cooking crystal meth xD
  12. did restore version explain how bunch of guys who dont know each other end up on spaceship that they dont know where its heading or what is purpose of this mission?
  13. I kind of believe in conspiracy that so called 'Drug war' is actually well organized by some lobbist of mafia to keep prices high enough and some politicans must be part of their payroll. Hard to explain why spend billions of dolars to catch pot smokers
  14. Sure, I also can believe that he didn't mean he was going to actually rape the women. It was more about absolutely defeating her in the game But we need to draw an unequivocal line when it comes to acceptable comments. And even if this seem harsh this is more about the principle *cough* *cough* bullsh*t *cough*
  15. Well so these are volunteers supplied by weapons from Russsia Government? that sound like invasion to me
  16. Well if they are there, they definetelly dont want full scale war, because if they use paramilitary forces no-one can accuse them of being there - and by the way, even russia say there are there, but on vacancy Its no secret that volunteers have been streaming across the eastern border into Ukraine. Probably gear with them as well. But an organized army incursion simply did not happen or we would have seen a massive shift in the front. Well, define volunteer with gear . At least where i live you cant stumble across top notch military gear on the streets
  17. Well I think that many games can be considered 'art' in same way as movies can be considered 'art'. If they have some academic value or even if they will ever became 'classic' is other question
  18. Well if they are there, they definetelly dont want full scale war, because if they use paramilitary forces no-one can accuse them of being there - and by the way, even russia say there are there, but on vacancy
  19. You have to love C&C just for music
  20. Well at least you offended Bruce, but dont worry, there is enough of 'Gray Knights' who will support you against his rays of rainbow mind control
  21. priceless
  22. This is actually hilarious. :D He takes some of valid concerns, and twists them so bad, that it's hilarious. And what's with that drinking act in his video? :D Now, history likes to repeat itself and I have no idea, why so many people think we are immune now to the fallings of the past, especially the very young and naive Americans, who have very short history and suddenly they think they are the best thing the world has ever seen.... Read some about the actual empires that lasted for several centruries and how life was then. I can assure you that very little divides ancient romans and modern "western" society aside of tech and view on slavery, and we all know how Rome ended. Also some food for thought in this comic: http://www.highexistence.com/amusing-ourselves-to-death-huxley-vs-orwell/ I would say its mixture in these days
  23. not true, one who starting combat is one who is attacking. Manual combat was quite fun even tho i think there is place for improvements. Designing your own ships was my favourite part of the game
  24. I do, and feel bad I didn't back Kingdom Come because it looks really good. You still can
  25. Master of Orion 2 is hand down best 4X space strategy so far - hope it will someday have some decent successor
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