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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Wow, can you read my hand too? Actually I've studied history. Any code I've written and write isn't compiled, so I've never gotten an idea of how much it usually takes to compile something of the size of PoE. Still a full day seems like too long - how would they quickly test small changes? Yes it seems quite long, I belive its because of encryptions - you see that normaly you compile code and then can run it but when you are going to sell your product you want your code encrypted as well so no-one crack it day one - that is probably taking so long time
  2. The EU thought Turkey was too far away, although they probably meant culturally. Anyway doesn't Georgia hate Russia already and have been begging for NATO inclusion like forever. I am not sure about Georgia and Russia relationship but I also noticed that its really far from nearest EU country. And you are completely right about Turkey. And Endrogan doesnt helping it. Turkey is really dangerous player in Europe
  3. Obviously you are not much of a coder - it doesnt matter how much content you have in BB as its not part of the code (game engine). Pretty much BB is whole game but without some assets as other maps and some scripts for them but code for game is whole.
  4. I like this as well, if you've played Fallout New Vegas it basically had weapons that were rapid fire and did less damage per hit but more per second, and weapons that did lots of damage but had a slow rate of fire. You could change your weapons accordingly to fit the enemies. Pretty simple to understand and I could see it applying to the 1h 2h weapons here. I haven't played the beta though, but I feel like the mix of % and integer reduction would be confusing without going to excel sheets, which I'm not really a fan of. Not true, because if you got flat reduction even faster weapon doesnt help you overcome what you loose on damage (to point where some weapons may not do any damage)
  5. Apperently, Georgia wants to be part of EU - Putim must be going crazy now xD
  6. I agree with you. If you're doing flat reduction (which is easy to understand and easy to tweak), you have to be really careful that the damage with all the extras applied doesn't make those DT values meaningless. If I can reliably crit every 3-4 attacks for 100 dmg against a DT of 15, damage types, armor types etc. are rendered meaningless. Thats exact reason why there was percentage reduction as well - and I dont see reason to remove it
  7. Yep, not happy with it as well, I kind of liked percentage reduction more than simple damage reduction. I was recently been watching LP Gothic and it is so obviouse why its bad move. You have sword with 10 dmg and doing 0 damage to almost all enemies, then you got sword with 20 dmg and magicaly you now 1-2 shot basic enemies.
  8. Labels, Labels - in todays 'politicaly correct' cutlure in Europe one can be easily labeled as whatever you want. Dont want islamic imigrants? - Nazi. Dont want state expensess supporting minorities? - neo-nazi. Dont support socialistic substitutions? - nazi and it can go on and on... Simply put anyone from Texas would be considered nazi in europe
  9. I just regain my trust in humanity
  10. yeah never happend in USSR (acctualy you won on death count) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag Well you can lie to yourself - truth is your manufacturers are almost non-existing except for few military ones - whole econmy is based on natural resources so go figure And this is just simply sic as we know what was death count of russians in WW2 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties#USSR
  11. Funny enough I played Mafia 2 and I really enjoyed it, I liked there interpretation of the game world and the fact it was an open world Ah sorry, I forget about your double standards
  12. Hey Bruce, never play mafia man. it can kill you
  13. No, he is just so high on his horse that he cant afford to look on it to see its actually not horse but undead donkey. He dont see that by promoting his high moral standarts (in his own eyes ofc) he is actually much worse than those he sees as 'evil'. While he promotes 'nice' things like equality and LGTB while he trample down basics of western civilisation we were fighting so many wars over centuries for eg. freedom or he is just troll
  14. LOL it was Russia in first place who occupied Czechoslovakia - there was no need for any foreign interference to force people to hate them - it was pretty natural
  15. Well to be honest, I am not sure which sanctions are hurting people in russia more - those from EU which is blocking big oligarchs and banking/military sector or those put by Putin blocking import of food :/
  16. Bruce is eather very proffesional troll or rainbow nazi
  17. I always jiggle when Volo mention you as nazi Bruce, but you really have some problem you cant grasp...
  18. Seems like Russian economy is going down pretty fast.. http://fortune.com/2014/12/15/the-rubles-collapse-is-disastrous-for-putin-and-bad-for-you-too/ On one hand I am sad for people living there - on other hand - well majority of them are blind supporters of Putins aggresive policy and they will gladly have another argument about 'evil west'
  19. I see where you are heading and I kinda agree with you, but it doesnt have to be any higher authority to do so. However I see it little differently. If someone asking developer to change something because its not working, is poor quality or hindering way to use product its completly fine, however asking to change something based on morality or ideology is called censorship (especialy when media are now starting to be involved). It may result of self-censorship of author. Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions. Governments, private organizations and individuals may engage in censorship. When an individual such as an author or other creator engages in censorship of their own works or speech, it is called self-censorship. Censorship may be direct or it may be indirect, in which case it is called soft censorship. It occurs in a variety of different media, including speech, books, music, films, and other arts, the press, radio, television, and the Internet for a variety of claimed reasons including national security, to control obscenity, child pornography, and hate speech, to protect children or other vulnerable groups, to promote or restrict political or religious views, and to prevent slander and libel.
  20. Who's being censored, and by whom? Noone yet - but that guy wanted Rockstar to change their product because of his opinion/political agenda - it is censorship if it goes through and Bruce promoting censoring game content on moraly questionable actions
  21. Well I believe that censorship actualy is pretty amoral and unethical - so it probably fit well in that quote
  22. Guys dont get sidetracked - this is not problem of hookers, male or female, killing of people, oppresing people, purple people. Does Not Matter. Problem is censorship and where cencorship leads...
  23. No, Freedom is freedom - there are no need for point of symbolism - because its freedom. If freedom have limits its no longer freedom. (ofc in our world perfect freedom doesnt exist because we are interacting with other people so out freedom is limited to freedom of others. killing hookers in virtual word doesnt interact any way with freedom of others) Edit. Ninjed by TrueNeutra
  24. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Please, Bruce tell me, who will decide what is ok and what is not for game? PLEASE Its not my suggestion, I am merely supporting article that Malc posted But if you are supporting it, you must consider consequences, don't you think? It's like - I supporting Hitler because he will make Germany strong - well but you should consider that by that you will have WW2 and millions of jew killed. Consequences
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