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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Agreed. I haven't watched but a few parts of his streams, but boy is the game good. It looks amazing, the soundtrack's great and VA is top tier—to say nothing of the writing.
  2. No, I think it just means she must be of the Conjurer subclass regardless of the combination (or lack thereof) you choose. I expect her to behave like any other joinable NPC, whereby you need to choose whether to single- or multi-class them when you meet them. If you multi her, it'll be Conjurer + the other class (no option for pure Wizard or a different Wizard subclass.)
  3. I'm not big on Tekehu's Chanter subclass, if nothing else because it brings no unique spells to the table (and let's face it—summons may not be for everyone, but they are one of the main selling points of the Chanter.) The Druid subclass, on the other hand, looks very promising—with the caveat that I believe he can't use Aspect of Galawain, the one 9th-level Druid spell I'm looking forward to the most.
  4. Tekehu's Chanter subclass: https://imgur.com/pAC9V3O Serafen's Cipher subclass: https://imgur.com/tHhmhgS
  5. Anybody caught a glimpse of the Marine Godlike’s racial?
  6. ...and immunity to DEX afflictions in Shark form! But no access to Creature spells I assume pertains to summons? That would remove access to the one 9th-level spell I’m looking forward to the most. Xoti’s Monk subclass isn’t bad IMO. +3 Wounds per kill on a DPS-oriented Monk could work pretty well.
  7. I think they said that during the Fig campaign (enough high-level content to enjoy high-level abilities) and during one of the QA streams (if you do everything, you max out before the end.) Just going by memory.
  8. They said during the Fig campaign that the game would have enough high-level content to enjoy the endgame abilities. Additionally, IIRC Josh mentioned either on Tumblr or in one of the QA streams that if you do a completionist run, you max out earlier than the end of the game. Not sure how quickly, but I'm sure there won't be any shortage of content to use those abilities.
  9. Welcome to my world, at long last...
  10. I don't want to turn this thread is another combat speed debate, so we may want to take it to a new thread from here if we feel we have more to say. Using the combat speed slider is not quite the same thing as reducing recovery. The slider makes *everything* faster, which soon starts looking like the Deadfire version of the Benny Hill show while recovery still lasts too long relative to everything else. It looks and feels awkward, makes it harder to make strategic decisions because everything is too fast, and doesn't quite solve the issue. I believe weapon recovery times need to go back to 3s as there's no need for the 4s nonsense. It doesn't help that the way the math works in this game, a penalty weighs more than a bonus—which is why I'm against reducing bonuses. I'd rather speed up recovery on the other styles to make them on par, or increase their damage. OR lower the damage output of DW. Anything but making recovery longer works for me. With that said, thankfully weapon recovery time is easily moddable so once the game is out, I can cut it down to suit my taste.
  11. Let's be honest here, there were countless threads on dual wielding being too powerfull. It probably still is compared to the other styles. As I mentioned in those threads, I would prefer any other solution to that problem. The one thing I take issue with is slower recovery because it's boring. I don't like staring at my men doing nothing, and with average recovery times at 4s (!!) dual-wielding was pretty much the only style I could consider to avoid falling asleep between weapon swings.
  12. Yup. It's pretty good too, imo. I wonder whether the expansion packs will add more levels? I wouldn't mind enough extra levels to unlock one new PL (and give multi-classed characters access to PL 8.)
  13. Fighters are absolutely ideal for multi-classing, as imo most of the good stuff is lower level. Casters are bit light on high-level passives. High-level Wizard spells are fairly inviting; Cipher powers less so; Druid and Priest spells aren't particularly appealing. I have mixed feelings about the Wildstrike Frenzy attacks—they are good but I don't like that they are on-kill effects on a pure Druid. Love the passive that reduces that casting time on summoned weapons, though Barbarian and Monk look pretty solid for single-class options, though the twins at PL 7 are a godsend for multi-classed Monks. Love the upgrade to The Long Pain that lets you throw weapons. The upgrades to Duality are also great but I don't like that the extra bonuses are tied to choosing between INT and CON (I would have wanted the extra damage with the CON bonus.) Cipher's got some good passives that will work great in multi-classed combinations. Lots to look forward to. I'll probably play most companions as single classes, except perhaps Pallegina (high-level Paladin abilities aren't as appealing as making her a Crusader.)
  14. Two Weapon Style nerfed to 15% because why not? We all love to stare at our characters do their idle thing in-between attacks, right?
  15. I’m not that kind of person though Just can’t watch from work. I’ll catch up later. How do the Fighter’s high-level abilities look? Do multi-classed Monks get the twins?
  16. Eh? Not even QA Andy beats the game in 27 minutes in Story Mode...
  17. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/992262516217540608?s=21
  18. Yes, Fighter’s still my favorite. Whether I’ll multi or not depends on how good the high-level abilities are.
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