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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. The latest version of the IE mod lets you disable autosave entirely.
  2. Indeed. That's my favorite blade in the game, except "Speed" doesn't do anything and "Marking" is entirely useless. Alas
  3. Emphasis mine. I missed that question when I first replied to this topic. My answer is, "it depends." If you're using high-damage weapons (especially two-handers), 20% more damage per swing is often worthwhile. In most cases, I'll take 20% more damage guaranteed on every hit over 50% more damage if/when I crit. That said, a -5 accuracy penalty is something that can be made up for with relative ease—Disciplined Barrage being the most obvious way for a Fighter, alongside the Gauntlets of Accuracy (which are sadly part of the random loot table.) A Paladin's Zealous Focus is also a good way to overcome the accuracy penalty imposed by Savage Attack, since it gives you a +6 bonus (you'll need to keep your Fighter close to the Paladin for it to work, but I would rarely expect the two to be very far from each other anyway.) The good thing about Savage Attack is that it is a modal to boot, so if you're fighting foes with a particularly high Deflection you can just turn it off and get back your accuracy. So all in all, it is a talent worth getting if you're doing an offensive build.
  4. Disciplined Barrage and Bonus Knockdown are mandatory in my every Fighter build. I usually take a second Weapon Focus talent to have more versatility in my weapon choices. Alternatively, the talent that increases movement speed is also viable; or Quick Switch if you switch weapon sets often.
  5. What do you need to do to get that offer?
  6. Did you guys email Paradox about your physical copies? My backer portal also says "shipping soon" and I got my rewards over a month ago, so it doesn't really count.
  7. They do care (1.05 fixed a bunch of typos that were reported) but you should report it here for consistency/visibility (Eric has an eye on that thread, and Darren makes sure it stays that way )
  8. I thought it increased the accuracy of a single ally attacking the same target for as long as they both kept attacking the same target. That would be all right. As it is, it's very weak and overall useless.
  9. Just tried this on my rig (i7 4790k, 16Gb DDR3 2400Mhz CL10, GTX970) playing at 1080p windowed. Casting Chain Lightning I got 43 fps. Not a great deal many for my rig, I guess SAVED GAME: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game while running a software that shows frame rate (e.g. FRAPS.) Click on the Stronghold icon and observe that vicious mercenaries are about to attack. Click on Manual Resolve to enter the fight with the vicious mercenaries. As soon as combat starts, pause the game and select Aloth. Observe that Aloth has the Chain Lightning spell memorized. Cast Chain Lightning. Observe that when the spell is cast, frame rate drops significantly. NOTE: several effects in the game suffer from bad compression that makes them pixellated. I am not suggesting we further compress them. However, if my PC can run much heavier 3D games at 60 fps, there must be some GPU optimizations that can be done to achieve smoother frame rates when effects are in place.
  10. SAVED GAME: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Open your journal and observe that you are currently in chapter III and all chapter II quests have been completed. Observe in particular that Heritage Hill's quest has been completed. Talk to the justicar in front of Heritage Hill's entrance. Observe that his dialog is the same as what it was before the quest was completed and the area cleared; it doesn't take into account that Heritage Hill has been cleaned up. You may use the same saved game to travel to First Fires and go talk to Commander Clyver in Crucible Knight Keep.
  11. SAVED GAME: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Observe that the protagonist possesses the Savage Attack modal, which is currently not active. Activate Savage Attack; observe that an orange glow appears on the character's hands. Save the game and quit. Load the game. Select the protagonist and observe that Savage Attack is active, but no orange glow can be observed on the character's hands. De-activate Savage Attack, then re-activate it. Observe that when re-activating Savage Attack, no orange glow appears on the character's hands.
  12. Oh, yes. Bought Kerdhed Pames shortly after your message and it is indeed pretty nice: Scales of the Raven must be part of the random loot table as I'm near the end of the Act III and had to CLUA it in. Very good looking, imo (also, black armor—yay!) I'm not a fan of the random loot table, myself. If I like an item, I may base an entire character concept on it just to find out I won't get it for that play through. Azzuro should really start showing up earlier and more often. I could only buy two items from him; I had to CLUA in the others as I'm near the end of the game and couldn't be arsed to wait for him to come offer me what I wanted.
  13. Nexus0 - this game had a budget of 4 million that were collected via Kickstarter, plus an undisclosed amount Obsidian poured into it (Brandon confirmed this but I don't have a handy link to the post.) Based on Steamspy figures, it is legit to assume PoE earned Obsidian upward of 10 million in net profit.
  14. I've got a request Shields apply a recovery time penalty that is currently undocumented. How much is that? Does it vary depending on shield type?
  15. Wurmwull The chain mail Azzuro sells is shiny. Looks good on Edér too. Rebel's Call The leather armor Azzuro sells. Looks better on female character models 'cause it gets shiny parts. Very good for rogue-ish characters. Hiro's Mantle Looks great with the Sanguine Plate. Exceptional Mail Armor
  16. I changed Aloth's main blue color to red when I equipped him with the Leaden Key robes so his hood would match, but now that I switched to an Exceptional robe I would like to restore his original blue color. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be a color choice normally available to players, so I can't manually put it back via inventory. Does anybody know whether a console command exists for this?
  17. He Who Carries Many Scars Very good for tanks; look great with this shield. The Autumn Something Something scale male looks great with the shield Azzuro sells:
  18. My bad. I thought you'd make a separate link every time like I do but then I realized you have one repository where you keep adding screenshots. XD Some more typos for Eric's joy (hope he's still reading this and the fixes make it to 1.06!): "Fully grown" should never be hyphenated even when it is a composite adjective preceding the noun it refers to, as adjectives formed from adverbs don't get a hyphen: Screenshot Similarly, "strongly worded" shouldn't be hyphenated. Screenshot Guess "weapons rack" should be "weapon's rack". Screenshot "Me spiritshifing and mauling" should be "my spiritshifing and mauling". Screenshot Missing "s" in "thickest" (currently spelled "thicket"). Screenshot Missing space after the ellipsis. Screenshot Missing "i" in "minutiae" (currently spelled "minutae"). Screenshot The second verb here should be in the third person ("reads"; currently "read"). Screenshot Missing second "L" in "tranquillity" (currently spelled "tranquility"). Screenshot The VO for this sentence says "You have already done much..." but the word "already" is missing from the text. Screenshot This ellipsis is missing a dot. Screenshot
  19. I'd probably go 3 guys, 3 gals. In general I tend to prefer female characters because they look better in armor
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