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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. The post you linked is still accurate, give or take a few frames (IME, average/slow weapons have 30-frame attack, 50-frame recovery rather than 30/54; not sure about fast weapons and dual-wielding as I've never done much frame counting for those.) When your character is naked and has 10 DEX, you'll attack with those timings which are your 100%. You need to stack -100% recovery to bring it down to 0 from there. If you add penalties to the mix, you'll need to stack bonuses up to 100% + whatever penalty you have. So yes, if you're wearing plate you'll need -150% to go down to 0, and so on and so forth. Keep in mind that even with your recovery down to 0, there will always be a 4-frame delay in between attacks. This can't be eliminated and was likely introduced by the devs to prevent animations from getting messy when stacking bonuses like we're doing here. Some math from page 1 of this thread.
  2. I'm fairly confident the issue with Zahua's and DoC's attribute scores not adding up to 78 has already been reported and acknowledged by QA.
  3. SAVED GAME: link OUTPUT LOG: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Select FighterDude and go to his character record; observe he has a 10 DEX score and the Cautious Attack modal active, bestowing a 20% penalty on his recovery. Go to his inventory and observe he's wearing a chain mail armor that has a recovery penalty of 45%. Select FighterDudette and observe she has the same armor and DEX score of FighterDude, but no Cautious Attack ability. Back in game, enter combat mode and have both FighterDude and FighterDudette sip a potion of Deleterious Alacrity of Motion. Pause the game and order both to attack Zahua, then unpause. Observe that their attacks are perfectly synchronized. What I'd expect instead: FighterDude: -45% (armor) -20% (cautious attack) +50% (potion) = -15% recovery FighterDudette: -45% (armor) +50% (potion) = +5% recovery (FighterDudette should be 20% faster.) Select FighterDude and go to his character record. Observe the 20% speed penalty from Cautious Attack is suppressed. I guess this is one for a designer, as for all I know it might as well be intended. However, it is inconsistent with the normal behavior of speed penalties and bonuses.
  4. I'm sorry to rain on your proverbial parade, but DEX applies multiplicatively after everything else, which means you can't really count on it if your objective is to achieve 0 recovery. Still plenty useful for speeding up everything else and/or bring your recovery down to very low numbers, but since you said attribute points are premium for what you have in mind, I suppose we're not going down that route. The math in your example would be as follows: 155% recovery (100% + 35% durgan-refined plate + 20% vulnerable attack) -131% recovery penalty (1.33 frenzy x 1.15 durgan x 1.2 speed x 1.15 durgan + 1.2 two weapon fighting) which would give you 24% recovery time before dexterity (in the case of dual-wielding, we're looking at about 6 frames of recovery + the 4-frame delay.) If you also wear the Gauntlets of Swift Action: -162% (1.33 frenzy x 1.15 durgan x 1.2 speed x 1.15 durgan x1.15 gauntlets + 1.2 two weapon fighting) then you'd have 0 recovery before dexterity
  5. ^ my money's on your actual blood to be provided in copious amounts through a USB syringe (sold separately.)
  6. We need one that says "Keep calm and be as quiet as a calm sea--which is not very quiet." XD
  7. My Lady of Pain Fighter build. If you pick the Blade of the Endless Paths variant and swap the Gauntlets of Accuracy for the Gauntlets of Swift Action, you can forgo Armored Grace and still attack with no recovery (you'll still need to sip a potion of Deleterious Alacrity of Motion for it, but I sorta take it for granted as that's my standard opening move when I play the LoP and I mentioned it in the build thread.) When TWM pt. II comes out, the enchantment limit will be increased and you'll likely be able to stack a lash on the estoc to boot for extra fun (hint: The freezing lash looks very good on it.) I will update the build with these and other details when the expansion's released.
  8. Hi Bob, the base the game has 8 companions, each belonging to one of the following classes: Fighter (Edér) Wizard (Aloth) Priest (Durance) Chanter (Kana) Ranger (Sagani) Paladin (Pallegina) Druid (Hiravias) Cipher (Grieving Mother) The White March pt. I adds two companions to the mix: Monk (Zahua) Rogue (Devil of Caroc) These cover all classes available at character creation except the Barbarian, which will be covered by Menhea in The White March pt. II. Hence, you can have any combination of classes in your party, as all of them are represented within the pool of story companions (with the exception of the Barbarian which, as mentioned, will become available next month.) Depending on those you plan on recruiting, you can tailor your main—and even then, nothing says you can't have a main of the same class as one of the companions you hire.
  9. Kaylon—if it stacks additively, wouldn't it result in 138+15=153% rather than 158%? As for Cautious Attack ... I don't know, do we want to report it?
  10. We have indeed; my handle's @AristotlOmissis over there. And I'm merely being objective: No Italian had ever sent me to dictionary.com with their English writing, but you did with your piece—more than once I wish my Italian prose was as good as your English.
  11. When you dual-wield, your recovery time becomes should become equal to your attack animation, so you're faster even without the Two Weapon Fighting talent. However, I've come to consider that more of a bonus you get when you dual-wield, rather than the norm to which a penalty is applied when you don't. If there's a speed penalty for not dual-wielding, I'm not sure how to make the math work. * Just run a test with a 10 DEX character dual-wielding sabres and got 30 frames for the attack animation, 26 frames for recovery (22 + 4-frame delay.) No idea why recovery is faster than 30 frames.
  12. I commend your English skills, my fellow countrywoman
  13. So, I've just run a test. Two characters with the same DEX score, both wearing clothes and wielding non-durgan-enhanced weaponry. Both had the same shield, except one of them was durgan-reinforced and the other wasn't. I placed them at both sides of a third character, paused the game, and ordered both to attack. While the first attack was simultaneous, the character with the durgan-reinforced shield gradually gained a time advantage over the other. This suggests that even in absence of any actual recovery penalty, durgan-reinforced shields still speed up your attack even though their description clearly states "-15% single-weapon Speed penalty."
  14. Gotta agree with this. Besides, the ability to level them up manually is an option—which is great, 'cause people who want to disable it and get the "characters with independent lives" vibe can do it—so I don't see how changing their 1st-level ability falls out of its scope. I'm neutral toward changing their attribute scores as they won't make a night-and-day difference. If I'm changing their every talent and ability, I might as well change their attributes. Or I could disable the option and change absolutely nothing.
  15. At the end of it, they said next week Josh will be streaming some TWM pt. II (not necessarily on Friday)
  16. It's hard to say. Most fixes and features tend to be retroactive, but not all of them—and it's unlikely that the patch notes will be complete at all, let alone that they mention whether fixes are retroactive. Waiting until TWM pt. II comes out is the safest bet to experience all the changes and features; however, YOLO and if you want to play the game now, you should. Even if you missed out on a couple fixes/features for this play through, you'd still get the bulk of it and you could always play the game again at any time in the future
  17. In order to get that option on level 13 of the Endless Paths, your character must have learned (or better, recalled) to speak Engwithan. You learn it during the Heritage Hill quest in Act II. Once you've learned Engwithan, you must talk to the spirits on level 13 of the Endless Paths; they will reveal what you need to say for the door to open. At that point, the right option will appear and you'll be able to select it.
  18. Trying to reconcile your math with my earlier test (from the link above): Plate Armor (+50%) Vulnerable Attack (+20%) Armored Grace (-15% penalty*) Durgan Steel armor (-15% penalty) *this was before 2.03. These should be additive, which means (50+20-15-15)=40% recovery penalty. Then we have: Durgan Steel weapon (+15% attack speed) Speed weapon (+20% attack speed) Deleterious Alacrity of Motion (+50% attack speed) These should be multiplicative, which means 1.15x1.20x1.5=2.07 or 107% recovery reduction. So, 140% - 107% = 33% recovery before DEX. 50 * 33% = 16.5 frames. 25 DEX (+45% action speed; applies to both attack and recovery) Then we apply dexterity: (16.5 / 1.45) = 11.37 Et voilà: 11-frame recovery + 4-frame delay (which apparently can't be eliminated and doesn't factor in any calculation.) This is a major breakthrough—Kaylon, you are a genius! Now my LoP is not only the ultimate single-target melee DPS machine, but even has the flexibility to forgo Armored Grace and take a different ability (which is great, seeing as TWM pt. II is going to add new mid-level abilities for all classes.) I'm going to enjoy my next play through quite a lot, bwahahah!
  19. Well, technically three...
  20. I would add to the list of things she'd want to cover her will to sacrifice her faithful to pursue her egoistic goals. The Godhammer was not designed to destroy only the flesh, but also the soul—and she was willing to destroy twelve of her faithful, body and soul, to broaden her influence in the Dyrwood and kill off a rival deity (according to the lore book, Eothas and Magran never really saw things eye to eye anyway.) A deity that acts like that wouldn't inspire much faith and loyalty, I guess—and I doubt she'd have gotten half as much devotion in the Dyrwood if her scheme had been revealed. Moreover, if Eothas had indeed taken possession of Waidwen's mortal body in order to march on the Dyrwood and put an end to Woedica's plan and the workings of the Leaden Key—and if the other gods were still oblivious as to both ("both" being Woedica's plan and the fact that Eothas was actively opposing it through his otherwise inexplicable actions)—by killing him off Magran did Woedica a great service. She made it possible for her to blame Eothas for the Hollowborn and would vicariously be responsible for the phenomenon, as well as for killing off a benevolent god on a rightful crusade (blaming him for the terrifying crisis thereafter to boot, which in turn caused the Purges and resulted in the death of several of Eothas's devotees), and favoring the return to power of the tyrant goddess. Add the wanton sacrifice of her faithful to the mix and you'll get a drink I suspect Magran wasn't eager to sip. However, my understanding from Durance's dialog was the Magran could not recognize him, rather than was unwilling to. When the Godhammer went off, the detonation took away a portion of Durance's soul, which is why he appears blurred in your visions, and severed the connection he had with Magran. Had that not been the case, Magran would have been able to locate him and finish him off. Instead, she had no idea he survived and could not recognize him at Teir Evron (and of course Durance would say nothing, knowing she'd want him dead.)
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