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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. You may drop my question about the green fireball: It was mostly tongue-in-cheek
  2. Hope Bobby still has eyes on this thread My .02 on PotD: One of its biggest flaws, in my opinion, was that it seemed to be balanced around "casual" playthroughs like the other difficulty settings—just with more monsters that had buffed stats. What I mean by this is that PotD did not take for granted I would make a completionist playthrough—thus leveling at the fastest pace the game allows—and I would optimize my every build in a full party of six. By "optimize" I mean carefully selecting gear and talents/abilities; not necessarily min/maxing attributes. Now, I do understand the need for the game's being generally balanced around casual gamers who won't do completionist runs or spend a lot of time learning the mechanics and optimizing their characters—that's what the majority do. However, PotD's being the hardest mode the game has to offer, I'd expect it to be geared toward non-casuals. Completionists deserve some love too. That said, of course, I agree better A.I. and tactically challenging encounter design should definitely be part of what makes PotD harder. I vastly prefer those to artificial stat boosts. On a personal note, I get the most enjoyment in a game when my character maxes out and has end-game gear; when it is totally badass and powerful and the best it can be. When that state is only achievable right before the game ends or, as is the case with Pillars 1, it's achievable early on but nothing's left to challenge you afterward, it's a bummer. I'd want encounters that can positively challenge me when my character's realized its fullest potential.
  3. Agreed. I'm not necessarily against this feature, but I can easily think of stretch goals that would add more value (eighth companion being at the top of my list, followed by the second level cap increase; and "there are others--I can show you!")
  4. It bears considering that there are people who can't back on Fig, and people who could but absolutely don't want to. Many of them will be backing via PayPal when it becomes available (should be this week according to Feargus.).
  5. Are we going to get a green fireball that does corrode damage?
  6. I trust Dimitri blindly when it comes to armor design. He made the Sanguine Plate and that's all I need to know :D
  7. Can you make characters turn to face you when you initiate dialog with them (and similarly, your characters turn to face NPCs who initiate dialog with them)?
  8. Do you plan on having a walk toggle so party members can walk instead of running while out of combat if we want them to?
  9. NG+ in PoE is optional and doesn't require you to finish the game. However, for build posting I would generally require that no bonuses from NG+ are included; builds should always be viable to everyone from their first playthrough.
  10. Mirroring weapons across weapon sets is a thing! W00t! https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/829049578133483521
  11. Now I really want a green fireball that does corrode damage.
  12. I think they just use "she" in this case only to use "he" next time, like they do with Kyros in Tyranny. Berath manifests themselves as both a male and a female persona, so their actual sex (if any) is unknown. Berath's Blessing is based on achievements so if you get any during a play through and decide to start from scratch without completing it, you still get points to spend for the achievements you unlocked.
  13. Agreed. It doesn't need to be, like, a thousand islands. The idea itself is pretty cool; anything above 5 islands is gravy as far as I'm concerned. Now give me the eighth companion already, goddammit! :D
  14. Because of the atrocious way inXile handled TTON in the past few months. I wanted TTON to be my first and last inXile crowdfunding.
  15. I agree, though I'll be honest—and I certainly appreciate being with the minority here—I would like it even better if the falcon companion was exclusive to this NPC. It would make her more special. That's not to say PC rangers can't have more animal companions that weren't in the original game. It's just that I feel NPCs with their own unique perk tend to be more interesting/attractive, and a ranger with a unique falcon companion would be very much so.
  16. You sure about the dual-pistol Grinch's being male? I've got the concept art set as my desktop wallpaper, and that's either a she or a male with gynecomastia.
  17. Nope. Only other games I've ever backed are the original Pillars and TTON, and I've almost repented the latter. My pledges for Bard's Tale VI and Wasteland 3 were refunded. EDIT: I'll stick to English since this is a public discussion on a forum where not everyone speaks Italian
  18. Full body, IIRC from the comment section on Fig. I would prefer to have both boxes be the same size, but I will live with a bigger box for Deadfire if it ends up being necessary to accommodate the statue.
  19. TBH my expectations for that game have gone downhill throughout this path month. I'll probably play it once to check out MCA's character and George Ziets' work on the Bloom, then I'll shelve it (metaphorically) and never look back.
  20. I want that second level cap increase though XD after an eighth companion, ofc.
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