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Everything posted by Vaesark

  1. Tolerate? yes, why not? I'm always ok with more variety and options, that said, I don't think that the devs are planning on adding any more playable races. About the humans... I don't think that it is arrogant at all, I think that it just makes it easier to fantasize about worlds that have something that we are familiar with (ourselves), That said... I wouldn't have any problem if there weren't humans at all, but that won't be the case for PE so I don't really care too much.
  2. Everyone in here is checking their privileges, realizing how wrong they were in their perceptions. By the way, I think that is time to realize how transsexual, obese, black, lesbian, short, woman are underrepresented in RPGs, this should change too!
  3. Yet the votes (at the moment) seem to indicate an acceptance of the subject. Perhaps people don't openly comment on it because of the insults and shaming that will be directed at them?
  4. Nope, no D&D knowledge is needed, it will not be used. The entire world will be original (with some usual fantasy elements), as well as the rules.
  5. I had absolutely no idea o_O *google search* aaaahh cool, I'll get into this in detail... I have to say in my defense that I was referring to the kobolds used in D&D, if the physical description and lore is too similar lawyers can do jugglery with the copyright laws to put a lawsuit, copyright wars were declared for much less... some are really bloody and can last for months or even years...
  6. I'm not 100% sure but I think that Obsidian doesn't have the license for a new D&D game and thats why they are creating a completely new world, so no kobolds, drows or anything that could get them a lawsuit.
  7. Hopefully, there will be a balance between magical items and personal skills/abilities/spells to decide how powerful a character is.
  8. I would like a nymphomaniac succubus, in a uber-sexy skimpy outfit. ...what? it's not PC?
  9. We are all waiting, the survey will come on the next weeks, check the news/updates subforum :3
  10. I agree, in that context it would be ok but, unless magic is involved I don't think that a blade should make bodies explode.
  11. If they go for realism I hope to see something like one of my currently games: Chivalry there are no fountains of blood and the dismemberments/decapitations are very well done, it's brutally realistic, as cruel as it would be in real life.
  12. Could have a city, tribe, village or w/e with that concept, I like that, that would be peculiar in my opinion and something new to face in a rpg(And no snoo snoo by death jokes you bloody bastards). I approve this idea And no snoo snoo by death jokes you bloody bastards And why not? patriarchal societies are always (like 100% of the time) portrayed as evil and oppressive, Why would have to be a matriarchy different? unless you want to imply men=bad woman=good I'm not sure you are the most qualified person to make that distinction... 2 things, 1- I'm sure that links to pornography are against the forum rules and 2, what is your point exactly? I make 3D porn and therefore I'm not qualified to make arguments? o_O Anyway, delete the link ASAP
  13. And you can bet that he will beat the crap out of a soldier with full plate armor lol *realism*
  14. Could have a city, tribe, village or w/e with that concept, I like that, that would be peculiar in my opinion and something new to face in a rpg(And no snoo snoo by death jokes you bloody bastards). I approve this idea And no snoo snoo by death jokes you bloody bastards And why not? patriarchal societies are always (like 100% of the time) portrayed as evil and oppressive, Why would have to be a matriarchy different? unless you want to imply men=bad woman=good
  15. 5 characters revealed so far and the one that shows more skin is... Forton! But seriously, do you think that there is even the tiniest possibility that obsidian will make something like a chainmail bikini? after they changed the infamous "boobplate"? It seems to me that it is extremely, extremely unlikely.
  16. Sir, I salute you and praise your honesty , not many people here would dare to freely express a preference such as yours, personally I don't think that it is misogynistic to prefer one type of female body, and I don't think that you should apologize for that.
  17. I remember a comment from a random female NPC in Skyrim (paraphrasing): "It's so hard being a woman in Skyrim" and I was like "lolwut" pretty much everything, for gender roles to hierarchy are almost completely identical and distributed by 50% o_O I think that PE will go the same route 50%-50% and still portray women as if they were on some epic struggle against "teh evil patriarchy". That said, I don't really care that much. I've long stopped giving f*cks about stuff like this
  18. "Yo-ge, kuso-ge" I highly doubt they would even attempt such a radical change just for the Japanese market, which is know for being very hostile to anything non-Japanese. Anyway, I added my vote to Italian. I was quite surprised that it was not included along with the French, German and Spanish languages on the stretch goal.
  19. It varies a lot from one game to another depending on the dubbing company, I agree that NW2 dubbing was quite bad, an example of good dubbing (IMO) is the Baldur's Gate saga, it was really well interpreted by good professionals. Spanish from the Americas would not sell well on Spain (except for "soap operas" that ladies 50+ seem to love) And vice versa, Spanish dubbing from Spain would not sell well on America. I think that it is a mere matter of revenue, it is simply not as profitable. The causes may vary but I guess that piracy level could be the main issue why publishers are reticent to try central/south American markets. In any case Obsidian has the data from kickstarter/paypal, they should have it easy to see where most of the funding comes from.
  20. As far as I know no one received it yet. I assume that they are waiting for the kickstarter to end and send all the notifications at once.
  21. true, not to mention the recycled areas and the meaningless battles with waves of thugs.
  22. That's an interesting concept, I remember that most Antivans (like Zevran) on "Dragon Age" speak with a strong Spanish accent, and even use some Spanish words.
  23. Ò_Ó A stretch goal... to remove something that it's already in the game? no one forces you to participate on it, you can usually decline romance interests in one single conversation with the companion/NPC
  24. If it's about the money, then these videogame would take the risk of dubbing in Mexico and South American market. The Mexico videogame market has been making billions of dollars every year from what I know as a video game developer, and it's still growing. Even Brazil (a country that speaks Portuguese) has one of the fastest growing videogame markets in the world, especially in Online gaming (League of Legends had to create a Brazil server because there were so many Brazilians on the North American server). I don't know, it doesn't seem plausible that, if they would make more money in that market, they would willingly ignore it. There should be another reason then? Any theories on why most game developers/publishers give priority to the Spanish market in detriment of the Latin American?
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