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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. Familiars and animal companions (FACs) have yet to be detailed by Obsidianites, so you might get your wish, after a fashion. They haven't mentioned a war dog as a companion, though, so you might want to temper your hopes a bit. I'd like to hear some official information on FACs (hint, hint!).
  2. Check out the armor thread. There are a number of photographs there of decidedly wasp-waisted plate. The chest was bowed outward to deflect blows and to take advantage of the natural strength of the arch and the breastplate tucks back in quite sharply at the waist. That ought to work just fine for large pectoral muscles and modest pectoral muscles with the boobage expansion pack.
  3. And in mine as well, but I've noticed a paucity of believers on this and the BioWare forums and I think that this lack of faith manifests itself in the cleric-as-medic syndrome you find in many games, both tabletop and cRPGs. I'm hoping the scenario proves different in P:E.
  4. Achievements? No, thanks. They're unnecessary and for the most part puerile. Any accolades for my character should be handled within the context of the game, not as a pop-up or some sort of bucket list used for bragging on the forums. It's a game, not an IRL achievement, kids.
  5. I always disabled knockdown completely in NWN2 as it was death on my d4 and d6 characters. Without the ability to designate protective formations to shepard the more vulnerable characters, it wasn't worth having in the game.
  6. This maintains the continuity with Planescape: Torment, albeit with many bodies developing new personalities instead of one body developing a series of different personalities. It's kind of a photographic negative of the original idea.
  7. One hopes that it doesn't leap-frog ahead. I'm content with the Renaissance-type technology Obsidian's spoken of to date. A Dark Age or Bronze Age game would've been great, but I can certainly enjoy what's currently in the offing so long as the series remains more or less where it is currently.
  8. I'm so very, very glad that I took a chance and backed this labor of love. Ladies and Gentlemen of Obsidian, keep up the fine work! And was that a Will-o-the-wisp?
  9. Your fears are a bit overblown. Firearms technology is in the matchlock stage (late 15th/early 16th Century). As such, the technological boom of the Industrial Revolution is quite a ways off. Longbows and lightning bolts will be the norm for this series with firearms being a new and fiddly technology still in its not-ready-for-prime-time stage.
  10. When you've neither skills nor education, you're screwed when forced to finally relinquish your death grip on the governmental and/or union teat. Those were the people left behind in the USA, too, when the union dominated, post-WWII economy began to slough off the old ways and accept that change (i.e. increasing computerization, robotics, and lean production methods) was the way of the future if we wanted to compete on the international scene. It'd been a long time coming and it still knocked them on their collective rump as they'd convinced themselves that the good times for grunts would never end. It was a painful lesson and their sort will never forgive either Reagan or Thatcher, God rest their souls.
  11. Yes, it is. Also, she stood up to the trade unions and generally advocated free markets and competition as opposed to socialist ossification. She was more concerned about enabling the creation of wealth than promoting its kleptocratic confiscation and distribution by the government. God speed, Iron Lady.
  12. Quite the excitable bunch, aren't they? The fellow around 4:20 in the first video had a scope on his AK, but he never used it. Like the Mali videos, these guys seem to rely upon volume of fire rather than precision. When this civil war is over, there's going to be a HUGE demand for construction crews. They've done a fine job of trashing their cities, haven't they?
  13. Tsuga C


    An interesting NPC or goddess for Project: Eternity?
  14. Hmm, you did take quite the gamble then, didn't you? I anticipate it being a variation on a theme, albeit a good one with its own flavor and features that enable it to stand apart from the original Torment as a worthwhile "spiritual successor".
  15. Sorry. All the horses on this continent died out at the end of the last Ice Age.
  16. No realistic way? I beg to differ.
  17. Thanks, you jerks--now I'm hungry for ice cream.
  18. Gameplay, plot, companions, and replay value top my list of important elements for any cRPG.
  19. Just backed it at the $65 level--I'm old school and I want physical media.
  20. Flight simulators were very big back in the '90s. When they come back into favor I'm sure that someone will pick up the XvT/Star Wars-type space flight torch again in some manner.
  21. How about if we just nibble your num-nums?
  22. When I was in college I was part of the ROTC Rangers. You didn't have to be in ROTC to join as it was a recruiting tool to get people into the military, so I stayed in for two years and then left when I grew tired of it. We were just kids and while on maneuvers we easily had 10x the discipline these clowns are showing. What I saw in that video was something more like stoned gang members blasting away at a rival gang in Detroit than proper combat. The people of Mali had best pray that the French don't get tired of the conflict because their own soldiers either never had basic training or managed to flunk out of it to a man. We'd have shredded these guys.
  23. Not much in the way of fire discipline, eh?
  24. X-Wing Alliance, along with the rest of the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter series, was actually done by Totally Games. And XWA was an incomplete game as you never were able to catch up to and deal with your backstabbing uncle. TG was told by LucasArts to either release what they had by a certain date or don't release it at all because of the Phantom Menace movie coming out in the not too distant future and LucasArts wanting to "clear the deck" of all of the Episode IV-VI material. LucasArts, I will not miss you at all.
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