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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. Most likely you would have as I'll be 46 on Earth Day, April 22. I think that Nonek has me beat by a few years, but I'm definitely one of the senior cranks around here, regardless.
  2. I don't quite see it. To me she looks caucasian infused with the godlike characteristics of a brahma bull-like goddess such as Hathor from the Egyptian pantheon--fair skin, light hair, brahma horns and ears. If I had to make a call on class based upon that portrait (flowers in her hair, green leather armor with a tree motif), she's a ranger or druid. As an aside, her face reminds me of those drawn by Phil Foglio, the guy who draws Girl Genius, albeit much more nuanced.
  3. Rent yourself out as a Hippity Hop for bachelorette parties. It'll put that thing to good use and toughen up your abs like you wouldn't believe.
  4. Is she aumauan? Must've missed that tidbit of information. Regardless, Woldan, just grab those ears, bark "Giddy-up!", and hang on for a heck of a ride!
  5. Howard Shore (LotR) or Justin Powell (How to Train Your Dragon) would be splendid!
  6. Rights are rights no matter where you live. Besides, Michigan is in the top 10 states for acres of forest cover. The lower half of the Lower Peninsula is where most of the population resides and is city, suburb, and farm country. Get to the top half of the mitten or the Upper Peninsula and things are very different, indeed...thank God! He's young and I still have hopes for him. You, on the other hand, are most likely a lost cause as you're from California and a "moderate" out there is anyone slightly to the right of Barbara Boxer or Governor Moonbeam.
  7. I've never had any problems with figuring out the meaning of the more elaborate spell icons and prefer them over the simplified ones. Then again, I'm a strongly visual person.
  8. That is some profoundly ornate parade armor, Woldan--armor as high art! Stuff like that might be fine for "artifact level" equipment, but I wouldn't want to see it anywere but the highest levels of the game. If such craftsmanship was commonplace, it'd cheapen that which ought to be held dear.
  9. The 2ndAmd is about keeping and bearing arms. Hell, I wish Michigan was like Alaska where open and concealed carry are protected by law. Otherwise you end up with excrement-for-brains LEOs pulling crap like this. I'd fire both of these thugs in a heartbeat as a reminder to the rest of the police force that they're public servants, not our masters. In general, anything that forcibly reminds the cops that the USA is not a police state is a good thing.
  10. Is he a Bombay? Regardless, it sounds like you have some adorable felines.
  11. Just renewed my concealed carry license for a 5-year stint this morning. It really grinds my gears that a) a license is required at all; b) it costs $105 to exercise what I consider a God given, Constitutionally enumerated right. Granted, it's only the equivalent of $21/yr., but it's the principle of the matter that rankles. To me it's the equivalent of a poll tax. Grrrrrr! On the upside, there was a remarkably beautiful woman on a Buell motorcycle wearing biking boots, low cut jeans, a thong, a leather jacket, and a half helmet that showed off her long ponytail in front of me while driving back from the county building. Vavoom! Spring has arrived!
  12. You forgot about the mother and daughter from Bear Island who wore chain and were slain at the Red Wedding (can't remember their names offhand).
  13. The domestication process began roughly 100,000 years ago with dogs way back in our roaming hunter/gatherer stage. With cats it coincided with the development of agriculture and stationary living around 10-12,000 years ago. There's a reason some breeds of dogs are so screwed up: human foolishness. Dogs are decended from wolves and are inherently pack-oriented, whereas cats are decended from the African wildcat and are more inclined towards a solitary existance, though they do engage in some social activity. They key thing to remember in relation to your quotation above is that cats have virtually no prefrontal cortex (pfc). In humans the pfc makes up around 31% of our brain; in chimps ~ 11%; in dogs ~ 4%; in cats ~ < 1%. As the pfc is the part of the brain associated with social living, actions and consequences, and inter-relating with others, this indicates that you were surprisingly precient with your tongue-in-cheek "dimple" conjecture. I like cats, but definitely prefer well-trained dogs. When I shoot a ruffed grouse I want it brought back to me, not taken up a tree and stashed in a hollow.
  14. Too true, hence I feed the ferals rather than deal with actually owning (being owned by?) one.
  15. Evidently a Saudi national has been detained as a suspect at a local hospital (4:55pm update).
  16. Nothing wrong with having domestic cats as familiars and great cats as animal companions, but how would you get them to do your bidding? After all, they're cats !
  17. Recent video from Boston.
  18. Ball bearings have been reported as being part of the devices that blew up, so this was no accidental pair of explosions. So, care to speculate on the nature of the terrorist(s)? At least two are dead, a couple dozen injured.
  19. Verity, more like. Portugal, like every other nation in the world, should have an absolute right to control its borders and culture. Illegal aliens deserve no respect, period.
  20. Odds are that you simply should've taken a bigger deduction. A big refund means that you essentially gave the government an interest-free loan for a year.
  21. Well said. Obsidian needn't accommodate the desires of frustrated punching bags and misfits to lash out at random within this game. Making allowances for such puerile behavior will only happen at the expense of the verisimilitude of the P:E milieu. Why sacrifice anything for such nonsense? This isn't a sandbox-oriented game, so let dire consequences fall squarely upon those who openly behave like sociopaths. When they grow tired of their characters being consigned to oblivion, they'll pull their head out of their rump or quit the game. Either way, mission accomplished!
  22. Some do, but I'm not sure that they ship overseas. I'm sure that there has to be something similar in the Euro-zone.
  23. Brutal poleaxes, Woldan--serious can openers for use against plate.
  24. Nonek was a fuzzy wuzzy; he thought to conquer the world. A goblin drew an Epilady, And Nonek ran off screaming like a girl!
  25. Barding for war dogs and favored boar hunting hounds was available to the nobility of the Renaissance, so why not have some in P:E? I'm all for it. An inventory slot for a collar would be nice, too. It'd be easier to do than barding and would offer a lot of possibilities when it comes to enhancing/protecting a familiar or animal companion (FAC). Equip your FAC with a Collar of Protection +3; Regeneration +1; Elemental Resistance 5 and the survivability of your furry/scaly/feathered friend ought to be one less problem for you to worry about at higher levels.
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