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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It's simple, but kimchi coleslaw just slaps. I wouldn't mention that, yall don't want the firms yall work for to send out a hit squad on yall.
  2. Wow, I can say that isn't what I thought powdered buttermilk would be. I'm not sure if I can find that, so when I make this I'll probably just bite the bullet and do pre-made. Thanks, next time I do burgers I'll smash them and see how it does.
  3. Hmm, I think I'll try this the next time I make burgers. About how many patties per pound? How does that work out? The pre-made stuff as seasoning usually turns me off.
  4. Ribeye seared in cast iron with some roasted vegetables on the side. Nothing like a steak to end the week. (Nevermind that I have to work tomorrow) You know, I've never done smashed burgers. I don't mind thin patties but I was taught that smashing them took too much of the juices out. How does it compare to just doing regular patties?
  5. Huh, for some reason I thought he was adopted by aliens or something. I think the one after that mutated a couple of crewman into superbeings with silver eyes or something. TOS could be weird.
  6. I think there were two TOS episodes in a row that featured hu-mons gaining reality warping powers. That one is the one where it's a kid who they take in that starts harassing a yeoman right? Blame @Amentep. You will never be free from JOESTAR-SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN.
  7. Ok then I take that back, Tuxedo Kamen can hit me with his Tuxedo Bomber Laser.
  8. Well he is at least 18 and dating a 14 year old, so there may be something to that. Inb4 a libertarian finds this thread and does a 10 page rant on how hebephilia is not pedophilia.
  9. The rest is bad, but what is this? Were they aware of the horny horse back in the days of DEATH PHANTOM?
  10. Most of what I recommend to you wasn't received well, so I was joking about you eviscerating my taste lmao. I don't have a preference in regards to art style beyond CGI IS BAD (IT IS), but in terms of content I tend to gravitate towards some weird ****. Aggretsuko is sometimes light to enjoy but not get terribly invested in. That's not saying it's not good, more in that its strength is more in how low-stakes it is. Another one down, soon this whole thread will be JoJo fans. Because it sounds vaguely inappropriate or because someone else will watch JoJo. Both work tbh. Maybe it's because you watched it at 2x speed, but several characters in Devilman Crybaby were.
  11. I hate to ask what you think about my preferences lmao. Insomnia struck last night so I watched Aggretsuko s2. It's sort of slice of life with elements of Office Space that features anthromorphic animals and death metal karaoke.
  12. A couple of years before the 'rona, I saw Dave Chapelle and Jon Stewart. Dave was great, I think a lot of his material (like the Chuck Berry sextape) ended up in one of his Netflix specials (the last one that was funny). Jon Stewart was meh, it really felt like he was trying to bring back the Daily Show and fell flat tbh. They brought a couple of opening acts, Mo Amer was first and I found the dude to be hilarious (he's got a Netflix special that was his act then, I'd recommend it). And Pete Davidson was the other opener. He...did not do too well, when he got laughs it was more out of sympathy. I had no idea who Pete was at the time, so I ended up googling him after the show. This would be a mistake. See at the time Pete was dating a popstar, and the algorithms thought me wondering who the hell this guy was meant I was interested in his sex life. So whenever my news feed would update, I'd get spammed with at least a couple of articles about Pete and his gf. When I'd try to say I wasn't interested, it would give me the option of "not interested in comedy" which wasn't true, I just didn't care about this dude's sex life. Eventually I was able to get tell the algorithm I wasn't interested in Pete Davidson, but it took a lot of frustration to get there. So if you've enjoyed comedy articles in your feed without getting stories about Pete Davidson's romantic encounters, you can thank me for that.
  13. Bringing it close does help, but it's still harder than using my right eye. I'd say when using my left eye only reading is difficult at best. It's been frustrating for me because my vision itself is fine to the point I didn't notice there was an issue until I failed the test with my left eye. Especially because I need that ****ing license and Texas has made it's bureaucracy absolutely painful to deal with so those pesky minorities won't vote because of freedom.
  14. Looking at my paperwork, Sphere is +1.25 and Cylinder is -3.25. I'm still trying to make heads or tails of that, I know I have been diagnosed with astigmatism and hyperopia, but putting the numbers to it is another thing for me. All I know is that my left eye sees things blurry and struggles to read text even when it's close. You neglected to mention the other option I have, which is the monocle. [insert pompous aristocratic laugh]
  15. You. But I do have news about my eye, taking advantage of a negative rona test I got an appointment for an eye exam. Both eyes are healthy so yay there. My right eye sees fine, but it looks like the left has an astigmatism which needs correction (+1.25×-3.25 I think, idk much about glasses). The glasses are ordered and will be in about 2 weeks from now. I hope they work because I need to pass that damn vision test to renew my license, which I need for my current job and because Houston was bulldozed to make having a car essential.
  16. Oh yeah definitely, in a lot of ways it is like the new SW trilogy in that they probably didn't plan ahead and just winged it as they went along. Still, the Reapers stand out for me more for some reason, I guess because MechaCthullu would be cool. Not enough to watch a 40 minute video. Yes that's an orangutan, the emojis around here are weird. At least he isn't smoking or wearing a captain's hat.
  17. You know what, Mass Effect really blew it. The Reapers would have worked much better as something incomprehensible instead of a Rogue AI or whatever it was. They teased MechaCthullu and delivered mecha middle manager instead. Anyways, Archive 81. It was ok, it got less scary when the CGI demon took over and the conspiracy/cult stuff got less obvious.
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