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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The Deep House: A mediocre horror film that mostly takes place underwater, which makes it very hard to follow in places. It's nothing profound and the jump scares are telegraphed. Honestly I wouldn't recommend it unless you have time to spare. Antlers: A very good horror film. Early on it creates a dense foreboding atmosphere filled with trauma and this permeates the whole film. The monster only shows up for a fraction of the runtime and was extremely creepy, but the film manages to stay terrifying long before it shows up and stays terrifying afterwards. A solid recommendation for horror fans. Lamb: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What the **** did I just watch? I really enjoyed it, but it is a very slow burn that certainly goes places you might not expect by knowing the premise of the film. I'm not sure how to say more without spoilers, but it's a very beautiful and thought provoking film. Yuge recommendation to people with a high tolerance for weird ****.
  2. JoJo GioGio Golden Wind: Giorno encounters the mob and fights a shadow. This is probably my favorite part and oh it is ****ing weird.
  3. Nothing with my lungs, but my throat feels bad and I've been coughing. I think I'm through the worst but you can't be too careful.
  4. Not great, but nothing life threatening so far. Right now my body feels sore and I've been getting hit with waves of fatigue. I had a 102F fever but it broke. We'll have to see if there is any long covid stuff, I recently failed a vision exam to renew my DL because my left eye is blurry. Never had vision problems before so I'm wondering what the hell is going on there and if it may be covid related. I've been noticably sick since Monday and just got the test results today after testing on Tuesday. More than likely I got it from work or the grocery store. Luckily I was able to call off work and cancel appointments before testing.
  5. Not exactly, the anti-CRT folks are already opposed to the measures people might take to address any inequality. Welfare is Stalinism or something. The specific CRT panic that emerged in 2021 is a deeper reaction to efforts like the 1619 Project and events like the 2020 protests/uprisings/insurrections. It is beyond the opposition to the teaching of systemic equality and encompasses opposition to teaching that racism happened, interracial couples, and books by authors who aren't white. Basically it's a soft white nationalism with some deniability slapped on top to avoid scrutiny.
  6. Because the real villains in Sailor Moon are the men (and horse, for Pedosus) trapping Sailor Moons' into starting and staying in toxic relationships. Yes Tuxedo Mask is also a villain. And also, Kira is really creepy. DIO and Kars may be eccentric undead monsters, but they never do anything as creepy as Kira. It's funny that Diamond is Unbreakable was intended to be more lighthearted only to drop a character like him in. Given how disliked Pegasus is, I figured using him as a reference would drive home how unsettling Kira is.
  7. Diamond is Unbreakable: Bites the Dust and the end of 1999. Wow, what a ride. Kira is one of the most creepy anime villains without being an edgelord, off the top of my head he's only topped by Pedosus. Attack on Titan: The final half of the final season. There's a lot of screaming and warfare.
  8. I haven't read the books so I'm not familiar, but it is just really well done in almost all regards. In some ways I think WoT comparisons can take away from how great Witcher s2 was. Because better than TV WoT is not a high bar. If I know anything, it's that however bad you think it could be, it can be much worse. Maybe it never gets released and we're all spared the psychic damage.
  9. Apparently they start filming in March, so maybe mid to late 2023 if we're lucky. I liked s2 much better than s1, which felt almost CW tier at times. Yuge recommended.
  10. Diamond is Unbreakable: July 15th 1999. Super Fly, Cheap Trick, and Enigma try to harass the gang, but come up short. Kira takes a shower and his dad walks in.
  11. I have no idea, apparently the all-time favorites selection varies by region. As far as I know the Patty Melt and Honey Barbecue Chicken are the only constants. It's a real shame.
  12. Around here the MM got kicked off for a mushroom burger or something. It's a shame, because it was a lot different than the other stuff and I usually dislike mushrooms. Still the Patty Melt has endured and it's probably my favorite. But yeah, I don't eat it if I can't fit at least 1500 calories into the daily budget. I think I could cut out the fries and save 400, but that spicy ketchup is too good to pass up.
  13. Went to Whataburger as my normal hangover meal. They have a new spicy ketchup that is the best condiment fast food I've had. 20/10 would eat again.
  14. Shang-Chi. I expected martial arts and got cgi with discount Cthullu instead. I guess it's cool to see a Marvel movie that doesn't feature a swole white guy named Chris but there is still an overwhelming sameness to all of these movies. Don't Look Up. Took me several settings to finish this. It's not particularly funny and didn't really work. Like too many would be satires, it underestimates how bad and weird things really are.
  15. Diamond is Unbreakable: Aliens, Dice, hungry feet, and a plant who was once a cat. 1999 was very weird.
  16. None of that affects Deskari's 80+ AC though and even tossing out the buffs Staunton is around 10 attack lower than other melee fighters the Lich might have on hand. Did you have to use the teamwork feats to shore up Vital Strike enough to hit, or did you use other debuffs after enervation? Not that bad, just substantially worse than Seelah with a horse. If you go with Seelah's default build she goes full Paladin with Divine Weapon Bond, Heavy Armor Focus, Weapon Focus + Improved Critical, the Vital Strike line, Toughness, Great Fortitude, and Missile Shield. If this was pnp none of these would be that bad, but given WotR's bloat her AC is going to cap off much lower than the attack rolls I've seen enemies with in the game. You can always stack buffs on Seelah to boost AC, but almost all of that would apply to Iomeneigh as well who would be tankier and faster than Seelah on foot. Pally Seelah without a horse is just worse than Pally Seelah with a horse, and there's no real way to infer that from the information given to you in game. The animal companion spaces do not correlate with their statistical size, Dinosaurs are especially bad and take up the space of 3 to 5 humans. I will probably not use anything but a horse or wolf because of this. To boot, I have a suspicion that having multiple pets + aivu made the performance issues I had in certain areas worse.
  17. Comparatively to Kingmaker, I think the 6th level casters took a bit of a hit. Cavalier can be really good but it's most obvious tactic can be hard to pull off with the mapping.
  18. You are the first person I have heard of successfully using Staunton on unfair. Was it fun to drag him around on unfair? How did he do against Areelu and Deskari? Not every character needs to be optimized to the max like SwordSaint/Vivi/ScaledFist/Paladin to be able to clear unfair. But there are clearly trap and suboptimal options as well as (near) essential options. Neither the companion builds nor the recommend/ not recommend feats communicate this, the only way to know is to have system knowledge and metagame knowledge. The game assumes players will know how to game the system while providing information contrary to gaming it. That's just bad design. Since Seelah keeps being brought up let's use her as an example. Sure you can make her a Bard or Oracle and it's great, but make her go all in on Paladin and not pick up a mount? She will move like a snail and crumble against the bloated AB, despite having the appearance of a solid heavy armor sword n board build. Does the game attempt to explain any of this? No, it dumps Seelah on you with the an initial build appearing to be for tank that most unfamiliar with Owlcat's Pathfinder would assume is good enough.
  19. You asked to name a character and I did. Staunton just isn't very good and even intimidate build can't save him, especially because even with Lich undead minions you've got better options for intimidation with at least two of them. Regardless, yes the problem is more about the system as a whole than companions specifically. We agree completely on this front. The issue I have with companions is that Owlcat, designing the game assuming players would optimization over flavor, built companions more flavourful than optimal. It sends mixed messages to players and can be extremely frustrating if you aren't familiar with Owlcat's take on Pathfinder. It's on a similar level to the recommend feats, which do not recommend spell penetration or intimidation feats. Neither the recommended feats nor the unoptimized companion builds are a big deal if you know how the system works but it is confusing for those who aren't familiar, potentially in a way that makes the game unplayable.
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