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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. No. Anyways.... https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ny-kansas-city-man-fought-ban-lgbtq-books-ryan-utterback-fun-home-20220201-vaa7lkyl3re2dmzy7fqywdoy2i-story.html Well that's something.
  2. How are the fines allocated? If it's on the teachers, then I think the legislators just don't care about them having to pay out.
  3. The most accurate thing is an American reporter not bothering to google something before writing about it.
  4. I have watched every episode and read the manga, and I have no idea how to describe it. Every arc somehow manages to be weirder and no one stops yelling. Truly an indescribable story that you start because of the memes and stay because it's actually good.
  5. Well it looks like there's another Arctic Blast headed towards me on Thursday and staying till Sunday. I hope the power grid doesn't fail again, but they still haven't fixed it since last time so uhhh yeah. **** is going to suck.
  6. I haven't seen that OVA, but Crybaby does follow the general outline of the manga. Anyways.....Aggretsuko s3. Wow, these 15 min episodes go by quick. So this season was about an underground idol group but instead of "cute" stuff it involved a creepy stalker and the group trying to leave their day jobs. Good, cute anthromorphic animal idols is decidedly not my jam. The microtransaction unicorn disappeared after a couple of episodes and there was some other stuff that is either spoiler or not very interesting. Fun show.
  7. Pointing out the logical flaws in the right-wing bible pounders arguments isn't going to work because they fundamentally do not care about being hypocrites. I live in a place these folks control and I can tell yall right now they will throw that sanctity of life stuff out the window the second it comes to empowering the state to execute people or holding business accountable for wrecking someone's life. They're a bunch of ghouls who should never be given the benefit of the doubt.
  8. Not realistically, but what I saw made very sure to squash the unrealistic chances.
  9. Well there is Disintegrate, though it only loses 75% of damage on a save. Ray of Exhaustion doesn't deal damage, but it also has a similar paradigm of requiring overcoming sr AND a hit AND a save to work. Not very good in a game where every mook seems to have big ac, saves, and sr. Though not as bad as the puzzles. If Cthullu rose, it probably wouldn't get past Act 4. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/great-old-ones/great-old-one-cthulhu/
  10. Have you felt the urge to swear fealty to Bill Gates?
  11. DIO's mullet is deadly. Flesh buds are no joke. I did. I will never watch that show. No! And here we just had the royal yell and Ymir.
  12. Are you implying that posing isn't part of style? NANI!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You just described DIO. Whose poses are iconic.
  13. Good to know. I'm probably going to wait for the DLC to drop and beat some robot up though.
  14. Back to Disco Elysium. I helped some kids start a club and discovered a sound so powerful it almost took down a building. Hardcore.
  15. You can, but right now TB hasn't been updated to be compatible with 1.2.
  16. Yeah, it's nice to do with leftover kimchi if you want something different.
  17. With that weak pose game? No. I'm only one episode in, but so far he's managed to drain the savings of a mid-20s office worker. When you factor in that it's on a mass scale, he has probably done more damage than Pegasus overall.
  18. Yeah, the real discussion is on who has the most style. Anyways Aggretsuko s3 ep1. There is now a unicorn. Instead of chasing underage girls, he promotes microtransactions in a dating videogame.
  19. Aggretsuko s2: AI and marriage. Nice and fun without being too heavy.
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