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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Kai Leng would fit snugly into everything. He's easily one of the top 10 characters in fiction, if not the best. Only Shadow the Hedgehog can compete. Kai Leng should show up in every videogame, movie, series, novel, tiktok, forum post, news story, and podcast where he deftly defeats the protagonist(s) and calls them a bitch. No need to make sense when you're a space ninja. Going Azata > Devil you leave your old life behind. I think the tweak mod separates spells from spell-like abilities, but it also removes the "Fire" descriptor from Hellfire Ray (this is pnp accurate), so no bloodline arcana stacking for anyone. I don't have to but...getting heads from Daeran sounds funny. Crazy Cammy is too edgelord for me. Wendaug is too loaded as ****ing the evil out of someone, and calling your videogame waifu a "silly little cat" is one of those things that only Owlcat could produce. I guess there's always becoming gym gods with Sosiel.
  2. You don't like Kai Leng? He's a space ninja man. They even show you how cool he is when he DESTROYS Shepard in a cut scene. How can you not love that? I can't remember what Aeon gets tbh. Mechanically Azata > Devil would have been powerful, but iirc Zippy Magic got fixed so the Devil unlimited HFRs wouldn't be doubled. Bad news for exploits, good news for Aivu. I didn't know there was a romance achievement. Guess that means rping as Tuxedo Kamen Mullet Trickster is next.
  3. Norsemen s1 and s2. Apparently they shot this in Norwegian and English by doing two different takes. It's pretty funny for a low stakes show to just relax with, shame it got canceled. What Did Jack Do? David Lynch interviews a monkey.
  4. I've thought about doing Devil, but Unlimited Hellfire Rays could be busted, but I think TTTs or the recent patch fixes slas to not be counted as spells.
  5. Picard setting phasers to Mother ****er and shooting Romans would be an improvement over Mass Effect 3 Redux.
  6. You know what they say about assumptions. I have not watched anime in a while. Not sure what I'd want to watch next. Maybe a feature instead of a series.
  7. Naw man, I just have an affinity for memorization of rpg systems since I've been playing them since I was a depressed pre-teen. If you're having a good time playing just keep on going even if the mechanics are confusing. Besides, Just Dance 2022 is the real hardcore gaming.
  8. In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.
  9. That sounds way better than whatever they actually did.
  10. There's some stuff in Deadfire that are trap choices, like Shattered Pillar or Conjurer. Most of the selected abilities are useful in some capacity at least. But yeah, there definitely isn't anything like the potential cluster****s you can end up with in WotR and you don't need a spreadsheet to play on normal. Given the political situation, there may not be another Owlcat Pathfinder. Even if there is, based on KM > WotR, they'll double down on the puzzles and management. Which sucks, because those puzzles are awful.
  11. Does it? In PoE at least I can't remember seeing too much on recovery time. I think Deadfire does a lot better, but can be hard to keep up with the various buffs and debuffs flying around. Anyways, look at this. Crazy stuff that is completely unintuitive and not explained anywhere in the game itself.
  12. Naughty ! It's only fascism if it's from Italy during the early to mid 20th century. Everything else is just sparkling right-wing authoritarianism. Real talk, there is always another mask. The thing about fascism sparkling right-wing authoritarianism in the present context is a veneer of deniability or respectability to mask it. While I can agree with the first statement, because repression is bad, I'm not sure about the second. Aside from Trump's persona, in terms of policy he did just pack in the old Bush (2) ghouls to run things for him while he did rallies and ****. And in terms of foreign policy, there isn't too much real difference between the two parties. So maybe he would try to invade Mexico or tries to stealth bomb while disguised as PRC planes, but most likely we'd be seeing the same thing as now but with some dumb tweets.
  13. Picard's dark secret should be that he doesn't actually like earl grey.
  14. Did you play Deadfire? Because I still can not get my head wrapped around double inversion other than knowing that -x% is usually more severe than it looks. Comparatively OwlcatFinder is easier to understand for me because it's all addition once you get past the weird stacking rules and the specific abilities not doing what they say. Of course there are far too many trap choices in OwlcatFinder and despite having an absurd amount of player choice, I wager that either PoE has a relatively larger number of possible builds that are effective and fun to play. Hell, I think of the thousand combined hours I have logged in Kingmaker and Wrath, I've spent more time testing builds to make sure they work or with the game running in the background while I do something else while I've spent all my PoE time playing PoE.
  15. Of course not, the demon took one look at the 2020s and asked to be put back in the rock.
  16. We have become the boomers who get their news from Facebook.
  17. Sarex already beat me with operation paperclip, but there's also everything from supporting dictators and coups like Pinochet to police being infiltrated by white supremacists to congressmen going to white nationalist conferences. One way or another, the US does kick a lot of money to reactionaries. nb4 these aren't real nazis but sparkling white supremacists
  18. That deserves it's own What the Hell. The way it just got worse as it went on is beautiful. I think you have to do stuff in act 3 to get them, so unless Aru locked herself in horny jail you won't be able to rp as Tuxedo Kamen. Maybe. Be warned tho
  19. Oby's replacement.
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