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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. not even daring ? You naughty majestic but their is fun in self-flagellation ?
  2. I think the Tabletop Tweaks mod removes the Geniekind exploit and a few other things I see in a lot of builds. Kind of funny when you think about it, WotR gets harder when rules are properly implemented. Regardless, yeah, a lot of the content feels designed around the assumption players are going to play specifically in regards to abusing the **** out of stacking rules and enough cheese to give everyone on Golarion cholesterol problems. It's not good design, yet here I am with one playthrough down and planning four more.
  3. I knew the "Tiddes! What Else?" man was coming back lmao. I would have to look it up to remember specific episodes and I'm not a fan of Top X lists. But, I dunno, the moments that stood out for me in Sailor Moon weren't Black Lady and throwaway Saturn/Uranus episodes.
  4. At first I didn't know why you posted the best line from the greatest Star Wars movie of all time. Then I noticed none of the top 10 were from Super S and scrolled down. Yeah, Super S manages to be both mediocre and vile, what a piece of trash.
  5. I've never had poutine, but fries with stuff on them are great. Freedom Fries but worse
  6. Man, I go to work and come back to biolabs. **** is crazy. Maybe during the next batch of uprisings.
  7. I checked it and I have Dark Souls (1). Man, I can't remember half the **** I've got in my library lmao.
  8. From what I've read, the most likely thing is it being sold at a discount from NATO/Germany to Ukraine. I doubt that NATO uses 15 year old laptops held together with duct tape, because an obscene amount of cash gets pumped into it.
  9. I had trouble with the second rock thing from BotW, so maybe I just suck. Or it's the switch controller. I'll go with that to feel better about myself. I've heard that the difficulty is misplaced, because dying is the method of learning in the Souls games. I don't know how true that is, but that's true for Hades which I'm having enough fun with despite having been killed a ton of times. I think I have DS 2 or 3 (from a sale), maybe I'll finally get around to my vidya backlog instead of doing irl (and now skype cuz the rona) pnp.
  10. There's more than one? OH NO! Somehow I have never played a DS or Bloodbourne game. Should I get into them?
  11. Highly recommended. While the subject matter is much more adult than most anime you've liked, there's not much cheesecake and it's very engaging. Spend 10000 years at the gym.
  12. It feels like the rona has been here forever, but Trump did order an Iranian general assassinated in early 2020. It's hard to say if he did it to dredge up popularity (as no war time president has ever lost an election) or if it was just another thing the Bush-era ghouls he packed his administration with wanted to cross off their bucket list. So maybe, in a world without the rona, the US starts a war with Iran in 2020. God knows how that would go. But assuming that other than the rona and Trump, nothing changed? I have no ****ing idea tbh. While Trump himself says monumentally dumb ****, his advisors would be firmly split between wanting to bomb Russia to oblivion and wanting to reach an accord with Russia, ostensibly to align against China. So we probably wouldn't see F-22s with PRC decals but we could see escalation or more conciliatory actions.
  13. Yes, the 8 hour workday only happened because the IWW obfuscated the truth about how work sets you free. If people were allowed to make up their own minds, we'd be working 996.
  14. Finished up with the rewatch of Cowboy Bebop. Top 10 series of all time. When I think about Watanabe's series, I think they all run 1 or 2 seasons with 26 episodes at most. To be honest, that seems to be a real sweet spot for the kind of storytelling they engage in. I wish more original content (anime and live action) was like this, more expansive than a movie but designed to end in one (or two) block(s) of episodes. See You Space Cowboy...
  15. I did my pre-DLC WotR playthrough already, I may come back to it for the DLC but for the most part I'm going to wait until all DLC drops and (community) patches make the game relatively stable. I've got three characters planned with mythics (Angel, Lich, and Demon) for when that happens. I'm torn between Azata (again) and Trickster for the main. Azata was strong mechanically but it felt that most of its content was in the form of Aivu interjections, while I saw a ton of Trickster options and being a reality bending **** sounds right up my alley. Decisions, decisions.
  16. Even if they're curtailed and Putin can dance with them, their displeasure is still more relevant than the UN declaration, which is pretty much inconsequential in real terms.
  17. Nothing, it's just theater. Else the Middle East would look much different than it does today. I'm not one for guessing about the mindset of people I've never met, so I don't want to conjecture on how Putin feels about this. But I do imagine that the UN vote probably stings less for the Russian Federation than billionaires (potentially) getting mad about their money being ****ed with.
  18. Hades. It's a lot of fun and I love the aesthetic. I think this is going to replace Grim Dawn as my go to hack n slash for when I'm in the mood for that sort of thing.
  19. Azov is especially bad, no question about that. Regardless, the existence of a Nazi battalion doesn't justify the invasion of Ukraine.
  20. I mostly stick to the shocked because it reminds me of the OH MY GOD! man while the others are self-explanatory. I think Twin Peaks did it good for the 90's and today, where Denise came in and said that she's a she now. Of course, there was much wilder **** going on in that show, but it was much better than the two gay men saying THEY and THEIR with hurricane force while appreciating algorithms. Hell, that scene would have been much better if just cut off at 1:02. I think this presumes that they would be listened to, because the folks in charge seem to love patting themselves on the back for awkward **** like that clip and calling it a day. Moreover, in addition to not being a monolith I imagine the nb folks in those situations would be desperate for work and telling someone who can make or break you career that they're a hack fraud is probably professional suicide.
  21. There's Nazis in every virtually every military. Or fascists, (ethno)nationalists, and other assorted reactionaries if you insist on reading Nazi as specific to Germany or wanna quibble on it. They go into the military for training and access to weapons, it's pretty damn scary when you think about it, and no country wants to do a damn thing about it. The existence of the Azov Battalion does not exuse the Russian invasion, denazification of Ukraine is as absurd as decommunization of Ukraine as a justification for the invasion.
  22. You got a thumbs up emoji because there's no middle finger reaction. Real talk, no memes. NuTrek ****ing sucks. The writers seemingly have no idea how people who ain't straight cis white dudes talks and it painfully shows. I mean come on, if yalls diversity ain't going to penetrate behind the camera the least you could do is 10 minutes of research to write a character who doesn't feel fake. This is only a small step above the live action Najimi in Komi. I feel sorry for the actors subjected to this. I need a thousand David Lynch saying what the hell clips combined with ten thousand DIO screaming WRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY! clips to illustrate my contempt. Anyways, here's something about anime: http://strangehorizons.com/non-fiction/jojos-bizarre-adventure-and-nonbinary-joy/ Tl:dr: JoJo does better than western media on queer representation because it's colorful and fun instead of dumb **** like the NuTrek clip. Now I will retreat back into my fantasy of NuTrek being a ficiton.
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